GOP has only five states left...

The GOP should better not elect Palin as a candidate or they re dead next time. Republicans were already running away from the GOP now, when she was only VP pick.

"We" were "running from" mclame, not Palin.

Sorry to bust you liberals bubble and piss on your parade, but conservatism is alive and well. All it's going to take is for a good conservative leader to come on the scene and you'll see a landslide vote kicking liberal butt like you've never seen.

Mark my words.

That's because conservatives don't like McCain and stayed home. It wasn't because of Gov. Palin. Nice try though...not

Heh, it seems to me then that republicans were running from both Mccain and Palin. Conservatives were running away from Mccain and moderates were running from palin.

I think there were many moderate republicans that didn't vote republican because of her. If you only look at how many republicans spoke bad about her in public you can surely acknowledge this, even FOX news slammed her. Also some very important republicans endorsed Obama probably also because of her.
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They intend to run on "are you better off today than four years ago" in 2012, and chances are the country will be, no matter what they do.

but much longer than that and they will definitely have corruption scandals out the wazoo. the republican party will have a new face by then.

If they believed their spending would save the economy they wouldn't have tried to time two infusions of "infrastructure spending" just before the 2010 and 2012 elections in their "emergency" stimulus bill.

The direct reality is, they believe that we will indeed still be hurting during both election times and thought that some infusions at just the "right" moments could help them retain power. They also thought many people would look the other way during this "honeymoon" period and that they could get away with calling this a "stimulus" package when it really is quite a sardonic look at reality and their hope for re-election.

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