GOP Mike Lee says intel hearing is worst he has heard in 9 years as a senator


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
The next time Big Fat Donnie asks for retaliatory options against an enemy don't include the batshyte crazy ones. Cuz clearly you can no longer assume the Orange Buffoon won't chose one. Especially with nitwits like Pompeo and Pence egging the Golfer-in-Chief on in assassinating Soleimani without a damn clue about what would happen next.

We were an errant, or more effective, ballistic missile away a dangerous, further escalation after Iran bombed those bases. Had American soldiers been killed there would be no talk of a fragile stand down.

BTW, reporting following the congressional briefing to explain the rationale for the assassination indicates what many expected is true. There was no credible rationale. Importantly, even if there was, unless Soleimani was going to carry out the "imminent threat" himself killing him in no way does anything to diminish the threat. He was replaced within hours of his death.

What did we get out of it? A united Iran, Shia militias in Iraq united, rising demands that US troops leave Iraq (a win for Iran), and an Iran more determined to ramp up their efforts to develop nuclear bomb technology.
Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He |
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.
Rand needs to quit sucking up to Trump, too. I get that he isn't running again but that's beside the point. There's no loyalty with these batshit crazy, anti-constitution neocons. There's nothing to be had by placating them.

Mike's correct, of course.

He's not, of course.

The Founders disagree with you. Ever hear of a thing called the Constitution? Article 1 section 8 is a great place to start familliarizing yourself with it.
Rand needs to quit sucking up to Trump, too. I get that he isn't running again but that's beside the point.

Mike's correct, of course.

He's not, of course.

The Founders disagree with you. Ever hear of a thing called the Constitution? Article 1 section 8 is a great place to start familliarizing yourself with it.

You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard. You didn't so that ship has sailed.
By 2016, Americans were so sick of pointless Middle Eastern wars that even Trump’s ham-handed attacks on President Bush, saying he had “lied” about weapons of mass destruction, led to Trump’s landslide victory in the most hawkish state of the union: South Carolina.

But today, Americans are sitting at home being scared out of their wits by news reports of the “threat” Iran poses to their children, their homes, their commute to work, their very lives.

They can rest easy. It’s more likely that Mars will attack, and we didn’t just kill a Martian general.
Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He |
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.
Lee had his feathers ruffled and his ego was hurt

senators are the biggest blowhards in washington
Rand needs to quit sucking up to Trump, too. I get that he isn't running again but that's beside the point.

Mike's correct, of course.

He's not, of course.

The Founders disagree with you. Ever hear of a thing called the Constitution? Article 1 section 8 is a great place to start familliarizing yourself with it.

When did Trump declare war?

The CIC does not require Congress' permission for limited engagements, under the Constitution or anywhere else.
I'm sure the Pentagon is in desperate need of your military expertise.

You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard. You didn't so that ship has sailed.

Listen, Guy. If you wanna argue over who has what letter in front of their name or what color helmet they wear, whether it's blue or red, you're arguing with the wrong person. That premise is about as deep as a mud puddle. And I like adult discussion. If you wanna play Romper Room, or political football, play it with someone else. K? Thanks!
Just in terms of American Lives Snuffed Out, the greatest threat to our country, hands down, comes from Mexico. Doesn’t “national security” have something to do with keeping Americans alive?

Mexican heroin killed at least 14,000 Americans last year. Mexican fentanyl and methamphetamine killed about 10,000 to 14,000. Hispanic drunk drivers -- Mexicans or other Hispanics given safe passage to the US through Mexico -- kill about 3,000 Americans every year.

Number of Americans killed in their own country every year by Iranians: 0 that I know of.

Number of Americans killed in their own country every year by Mexicans: 30,000, by conservative estimate.
The next time Big Fat Donnie asks for retaliatory options against an enemy don't include the batshyte crazy ones. Cuz clearly you can no longer assume the Orange Buffoon won't chose one. Especially with nitwits like Pompeo and Pence egging the Golfer-in-Chief on in assassinating Soleimani without a damn clue about what would happen next.

We were an errant, or more effective, ballistic missile away a dangerous, further escalation after Iran bombed those bases. Had American soldiers been killed there would be no talk of a fragile stand down.

BTW, reporting following the congressional briefing to explain the rationale for the assassination indicates what many expected is true. There was no credible rationale. Importantly, even if there was, unless Soleimani was going to carry out the "imminent threat" himself killing him in no way does anything to diminish the threat. He was replaced within hours of his death.

What did we get out of it? A united Iran, Shia militias in Iraq united, rising demands that US troops leave Iraq (a win for Iran), and an Iran more determined to ramp up their efforts to develop nuclear bomb technology.
"Orange Buffoon", you crack me up
The ONLY thing that applies to the drone attack may be the war powers act which has never faced a court challenge BUT Trump MET the requirements of that act. NOTHING he did is illegal, unconstitutional or wrong.
Cable news networks lure liberals and conservatives into taking opposing sides of conflicts that have less bearing on our lives than one day of illegal immigration.

If Fox News and CNN had been broadcasting from Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, this is how I imagine they’d alert the public to the rising danger of Adolf Hitler:

-- January 1933: Hitler appointed chancellor; the Reichstag begins process of transforming Weimar Republic into Nazi Germany.



-- 1933-1939: Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland in violation of the Versailles Treaty, unifies with Austria and annexes parts of Czechoslovakia.



-- 1939: Hitler invades Poland.



After 9/11, we went to war with two countries on the other side of the globe, spending trillions of dollars and sacrificing thousands of our greatest Americans because (mostly Saudi) immigrants killed 3,000 Americans. U.S. servicemen and women are still dying to avenge this single mass murder from two decades ago.

Mexico kills at least 10 times that many Americans every year.

Why on Earth are our media –- and our president –- consumed with “Whither Iran?” when hundreds of Americans are dying every day at the hands of the country sitting right next door?
Mike's correct, of course.
Lee should be prepared to be thrown under the bus by the Trump cult and by Trump TV, known as Faux News.

Yup. I can see the veins in Trump's big orange face pulsing now. He'll rip into Mike Lee on Twitter.

In the meantime, the whole world is once again reminded that Trump is nothing but a tin pot dictator who is full of gas.
He has drawn the line TWICE now and failed to follow up.
First North Korea.
Now Iran.
Trump is a "...fake. A phony" Mitt Romney, 2016
Mike's correct, of course.
Lee should be prepared to be thrown under the bus by the Trump cult and by Trump TV, known as Faux News.
Your whole party is controlled by Progs. Until the last election when the Commies started to push you even further left. Non Progs have different opinions on different issues. And it can hurt sometimes. You do not even have to tell a Prog what to do from another Prog once the order goes out. For you are the Nazis. You are the fascists. You are the communists. You are the forced socialists. You will open gulags and concentration camps. This why you blame the Non Progs. And then the greatest 180 in human history will you. for to many of you are bums or not worthless as compared to non progs.
Mike's correct, of course.
Lee should be prepared to be thrown under the bus by the Trump cult and by Trump TV, known as Faux News.

Yup. I can see the veins in Trump's big orange face pulsing now. He'll rip into Mike Lee on Twitter.

In the meantime, the whole world is once again reminded that Trump is nothing but a tin pot dictator who is full of gas.
He has drawn the line TWICE now and failed to follow up.
First North Korea.
Now Iran.
Trump is a "...fake. A phony" Mitt Romney, 2016
But Mitt threw a presidential election.

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