GOP rep to CNN: You are getting played!

GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.

You're "right".....Your ilk helped to elect a Comedian-in-Chief.....
GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.

It's great entertainment.
How is watching our ultra sensitive egotistical president act like a spoiled brat on twitter helping our country? Sure it entertains the 30% that love him no matter what, but it is just an embarrassment for the rest of the country
All democrats and many republicans were appalled over the whiny little bitch's cheap tweets against Mika and Morning Joe and called him out on it.
But the republican whores won't actually start doing something about this madman president until their seats in Congress become threatened.
And that's when they start talking out of both sides of their mouths
GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.

You're "right".....Your ilk helped to elect a Comedian-in-Chief.....
Based on his latest infamous tweet, very much in the slapstick genre.

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