gop senator aid tells cancer victim to figure it out

granted it was an aid on the phone but it reflects the gop ...where is that new health plan trump was going to reveal?
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,thats a state issue,,,
Is that why Trump keeps saying he is about to release his new healthcare plan in 2 weeks??

Even tho he has been saying this for the past 2 or 3 years....
The original Obamacare has not been completely eradicated. If we go to National Health Insurance, we all better realize the potential negative parts to it.

Having access to health care is a negative thing? Is that not the least that a "Christian" nation should provide?
everyone in this country has access to healthcare,,to say otherwise is a lie,,,
they also have access to purchasing mansions
gotta love a free country,,,
If this was a "free country" -- why did the Fed pump trillions of dollars into the economy in order to save the wealthiest corporations??

If this was a free country, they should have been free to fail.....

You Trumpers don't mind that kind of socialism due to your juvenile need to worship the wealth class....
because they are progressives intent on destroying freedom,,,

sorry jr I'm not a trumper,,

why arent you fighting for freedom instead of promoting its destruction???
Let me know when you can address the points I made....

There is a reason why you morons can't ever talk policies -- because you can't

This is why you dumb asses always resort to culture war bullshit -- because all of your policies suck......
what policy
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,

seems now the gop is willing to only give health services to those able to pay...

the old curse....may you live to be a rich man but unable to afford your medical bills? anyone dealing with cancer knows it will suck the savings right out of you
You’re free to pay the person’s medical bills.

seems now the gop is willing to only give health services to those able to pay...

the old curse....may you live to be a rich man but unable to afford your medical bills? anyone dealing with cancer knows it will suck the savings right out of you

Sorry kid, it's Obambi's ACA

An ACA which Republicans and conservatives have spent a decade trying to undermine and dismantle...all without ever offering a plan of their own.
Republicans own the healthcare mess. Period.

Time to put your big boy pants on, nothing has changed coverage wise son.

For some yes, for others no. Access to plans and cost are really the points here. Time for Republicans and conservatives to step up to the plate and offer plans of their own.
Otherwise, they own the mess....son. :)
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,
Tell that to Trump voters who are too dumb to know that they are supposed to hate Medicare
View attachment 386842
you really need to seek help for your TDS,,its getting worse by the day,,
They were holding these signs up before Trump was thought about

You faux conservatives have always loved socialism when it benefited the few and powerful and hated it when it benefited the many and powerless...

View attachment 386845

I'm not a conservative,,,fake or real,,,

seems now the gop is willing to only give health services to those able to pay...

the old curse....may you live to be a rich man but unable to afford your medical bills? anyone dealing with cancer knows it will suck the savings right out of you

Sorry kid, it's Obambi's ACA

An ACA which Republicans and conservatives have spent a decade trying to undermine and dismantle...all without ever offering a plan of their own.
Republicans own the healthcare mess. Period.

Time to put your big boy pants on, nothing has changed coverage wise son.

For some yes, for others no. Access to plans and cost are really the points here. Time for Republicans and conservatives to step up to the plate and offer plans of their own.
Otherwise, they own the mess....son. :)
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,
Tell that to Trump voters who are too dumb to know that they are supposed to hate Medicare
View attachment 386842
you really need to seek help for your TDS,,its getting worse by the day,,
They were holding these signs up before Trump was thought about

You faux conservatives have always loved socialism when it benefited the few and powerful and hated it when it benefited the many and powerless...

View attachment 386845

I'm not a conservative,,,fake or real,,,
That is usually what folks say when I ask them to talk about policies....

Easier to not have to be accountable for any particular policy position when you can say just "im not a conservative" --- while day after day gargling the balls of's cowardly, but whatever helps you thru the day...

seems now the gop is willing to only give health services to those able to pay...

the old curse....may you live to be a rich man but unable to afford your medical bills? anyone dealing with cancer knows it will suck the savings right out of you

Sorry kid, it's Obambi's ACA

An ACA which Republicans and conservatives have spent a decade trying to undermine and dismantle...all without ever offering a plan of their own.
Republicans own the healthcare mess. Period.

Time to put your big boy pants on, nothing has changed coverage wise son.

For some yes, for others no. Access to plans and cost are really the points here. Time for Republicans and conservatives to step up to the plate and offer plans of their own.
Otherwise, they own the mess....son. :)
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,
Tell that to Trump voters who are too dumb to know that they are supposed to hate Medicare
View attachment 386842
you really need to seek help for your TDS,,its getting worse by the day,,
They were holding these signs up before Trump was thought about

You faux conservatives have always loved socialism when it benefited the few and powerful and hated it when it benefited the many and powerless...

View attachment 386845

I'm not a conservative,,,fake or real,,,
That is usually what folks say when I ask them to talk about policies....

Easier to not have to be accountable for any particular policy position when you can say just "im not a conservative" --- while day after day gargling the balls of's cowardly, but whatever helps you thru the day...
so you want me to lie to you???

sorry wont do that,,,
granted it was an aid on the phone but it reflects the gop ...where is that new health plan trump was going to reveal?
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,thats a state issue,,,
Is that why Trump keeps saying he is about to release his new healthcare plan in 2 weeks??

Even tho he has been saying this for the past 2 or 3 years....
The original Obamacare has not been completely eradicated. If we go to National Health Insurance, we all better realize the potential negative parts to it.

Having access to health care is a negative thing? Is that not the least that a "Christian" nation should provide?
everyone in this country has access to healthcare,,to say otherwise is a lie,,,
they also have access to purchasing mansions
gotta love a free country,,,
If this was a "free country" -- why did the Fed pump trillions of dollars into the economy in order to save the wealthiest corporations??

If this was a free country, they should have been free to fail.....

You Trumpers don't mind that kind of socialism due to your juvenile need to worship the wealth class....
because they are progressives intent on destroying freedom,,,

sorry jr I'm not a trumper,,

why arent you fighting for freedom instead of promoting its destruction???
Let me know when you can address the points I made....

There is a reason why you morons can't ever talk policies -- because you can't

This is why you dumb asses always resort to culture war bullshit -- because all of your policies suck......

Stuff it kid, you have ONE policy idea, the Gov should give them everythng. That's it, THAT is the totality of Prog initiatives.

seems now the gop is willing to only give health services to those able to pay...

the old curse....may you live to be a rich man but unable to afford your medical bills? anyone dealing with cancer knows it will suck the savings right out of you

The staffer is being disciplined, the senators office stated the the staffers response was completely inappropriate and yet you don’t mention any of that. I guess you are trying the emotional knee jerk response. Nice cheap shot.

seems now the gop is willing to only give health services to those able to pay...

the old curse....may you live to be a rich man but unable to afford your medical bills? anyone dealing with cancer knows it will suck the savings right out of you

A person's good health should not be subjected to the ability to pay, making health a Commodity is basically evil, those who are sick should get the BEST TREATMENT regardless of their ability or not to pay. Health Care SHOULD be one of the most basic of Human Rights. It is completely IMMORAL to suggest that A can have the BEST Health Care possible because they can afford it but that D cannot have the BEST Health Care possible because they have a lower paying job or whatever.

In America for example slash the MASSIVELY BLOATED Military spending, cut it down to the most basic minimum you NEED to DEFEND America on her Homeland ie. End Being The World's Policeman and use those TRILLIONS you will save on giving the most cost effective affordable TOP QUALITY Health Care to every man, woman and child.

I know my fellow Rightists will think this is me going all Socialist or whatever but it's NOT, it's me going all Compassionate for those who NEED QUALITY Health Care but are not in a position to afford it. Health Care and the RIGHT to Health Care should be considered Apolitical.
We have seen this before.

"Let them eat cake". People really need to consider the solutions of the people back then.

An aid speaking out of turn and not representing a politician’s correct view, I agree we see this often.

seems now the gop is willing to only give health services to those able to pay...

the old curse....may you live to be a rich man but unable to afford your medical bills? anyone dealing with cancer knows it will suck the savings right out of you

Pretty immoral and disgusting that those with cancer literally have to be financially wiped out to pay for Health Care, it's NOT as if they have CHOSEN to get cancer and should be treated as if they are going on a Shopping Spree at Gucci or whatever and then are sent their Credit Card Bill to pay for Maxing the thing out.
granted it was an aid on the phone but it reflects the gop ...where is that new health plan trump was going to reveal?
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,thats a state issue,,,
Is that why Trump keeps saying he is about to release his new healthcare plan in 2 weeks??

Even tho he has been saying this for the past 2 or 3 years....
The original Obamacare has not been completely eradicated. If we go to National Health Insurance, we all better realize the potential negative parts to it.

Having access to health care is a negative thing? Is that not the least that a "Christian" nation should provide?
everyone in this country has access to healthcare,,to say otherwise is a lie,,,
they also have access to purchasing mansions
gotta love a free country,,,
If this was a "free country" -- why did the Fed pump trillions of dollars into the economy in order to save the wealthiest corporations??

If this was a free country, they should have been free to fail.....

You Trumpers don't mind that kind of socialism due to your juvenile need to worship the wealth class....
because they are progressives intent on destroying freedom,,,

sorry jr I'm not a trumper,,

why arent you fighting for freedom instead of promoting its destruction???
Let me know when you can address the points I made....

There is a reason why you morons can't ever talk policies -- because you can't

This is why you dumb asses always resort to culture war bullshit -- because all of your policies suck......

Stuff it kid, you have ONE policy idea, the Gov should give them everythng. That's it, THAT is the totality of Prog initiatives.

Nobody has ever claimed any of this would be "free". Though the wars are so I don't understand why health care can't be.
granted it was an aid on the phone but it reflects the gop ...where is that new health plan trump was going to reveal?
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,thats a state issue,,,
Is that why Trump keeps saying he is about to release his new healthcare plan in 2 weeks??

Even tho he has been saying this for the past 2 or 3 years....
The original Obamacare has not been completely eradicated. If we go to National Health Insurance, we all better realize the potential negative parts to it.

Having access to health care is a negative thing? Is that not the least that a "Christian" nation should provide?
everyone in this country has access to healthcare,,to say otherwise is a lie,,,
they also have access to purchasing mansions
gotta love a free country,,,
If this was a "free country" -- why did the Fed pump trillions of dollars into the economy in order to save the wealthiest corporations??

If this was a free country, they should have been free to fail.....

You Trumpers don't mind that kind of socialism due to your juvenile need to worship the wealth class....
because they are progressives intent on destroying freedom,,,

sorry jr I'm not a trumper,,

why arent you fighting for freedom instead of promoting its destruction???
Let me know when you can address the points I made....

There is a reason why you morons can't ever talk policies -- because you can't

This is why you dumb asses always resort to culture war bullshit -- because all of your policies suck......

Stuff it kid, you have ONE policy idea, the Gov should give them everythng. That's it, THAT is the totality of Prog initiatives.

Nobody has ever claimed any of this would be "free". Though the wars are so I don't understand why health care can't be.
because healthcare isnt a fed issue and wars are,,what do you think about trump getting us out of the wars and not starting new ones???
OK, so why haven't Republicans offered a plan of their own to get us out of this mess? They had a decade to do so.

What plan is needed? If you want to fix the cost of health care in this country it's a very simple solution. Stop passing off the bulk of the cost to third parties.

BTW, Medicare and Medicaid are by in large successful programs.

In public opinion, yes, in reality, not so much. There has been a rising number of doctors who won't take anymore Medicare patients.
granted it was an aid on the phone but it reflects the gop ...where is that new health plan trump was going to reveal?
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,thats a state issue,,,
Is that why Trump keeps saying he is about to release his new healthcare plan in 2 weeks??

Even tho he has been saying this for the past 2 or 3 years....
The original Obamacare has not been completely eradicated. If we go to National Health Insurance, we all better realize the potential negative parts to it.

Having access to health care is a negative thing? Is that not the least that a "Christian" nation should provide?
everyone in this country has access to healthcare,,to say otherwise is a lie,,,
they also have access to purchasing mansions
gotta love a free country,,,
If this was a "free country" -- why did the Fed pump trillions of dollars into the economy in order to save the wealthiest corporations??

If this was a free country, they should have been free to fail.....

You Trumpers don't mind that kind of socialism due to your juvenile need to worship the wealth class....
because they are progressives intent on destroying freedom,,,

sorry jr I'm not a trumper,,

why arent you fighting for freedom instead of promoting its destruction???
Let me know when you can address the points I made....

There is a reason why you morons can't ever talk policies -- because you can't

This is why you dumb asses always resort to culture war bullshit -- because all of your policies suck......

Stuff it kid, you have ONE policy idea, the Gov should give them everythng. That's it, THAT is the totality of Prog initiatives.

Nobody has ever claimed any of this would be "free". Though the wars are so I don't understand why health care can't be.
because healthcare isnt a fed issue and wars are,,what do you think about trump getting us out of the wars and not starting new ones???

Why is it that you think you don't have to pay for the wars?
granted it was an aid on the phone but it reflects the gop ...where is that new health plan trump was going to reveal?
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,thats a state issue,,,
Is that why Trump keeps saying he is about to release his new healthcare plan in 2 weeks??

Even tho he has been saying this for the past 2 or 3 years....
The original Obamacare has not been completely eradicated. If we go to National Health Insurance, we all better realize the potential negative parts to it.

Having access to health care is a negative thing? Is that not the least that a "Christian" nation should provide?
everyone in this country has access to healthcare,,to say otherwise is a lie,,,
they also have access to purchasing mansions
gotta love a free country,,,
If this was a "free country" -- why did the Fed pump trillions of dollars into the economy in order to save the wealthiest corporations??

If this was a free country, they should have been free to fail.....

You Trumpers don't mind that kind of socialism due to your juvenile need to worship the wealth class....
because they are progressives intent on destroying freedom,,,

sorry jr I'm not a trumper,,

why arent you fighting for freedom instead of promoting its destruction???
Let me know when you can address the points I made....

There is a reason why you morons can't ever talk policies -- because you can't

This is why you dumb asses always resort to culture war bullshit -- because all of your policies suck......

Stuff it kid, you have ONE policy idea, the Gov should give them everythng. That's it, THAT is the totality of Prog initiatives.

Nobody has ever claimed any of this would be "free". Though the wars are so I don't understand why health care can't be.
because healthcare isnt a fed issue and wars are,,what do you think about trump getting us out of the wars and not starting new ones???
I was against invading the middle east back when so-called conservatives were calling me a terrorist and anti-American because of position on that doesn't change just because Trump is president.....can you say the same?? Doubt it....

The reason you folks have had this new found desire to disengage from endless wars is because the history is so clear on how much of a fuck up neocon policies have been, that you pretend to have been against it all along...

I am glad Trump didn't start any new wars -- and any sign of bringing troops home is a good thing to me......but increasing the drone strike program isn't something to celebrate --- sending troops back to Saudi Arabia to protect their oil isn't something to celebrate.....
granted it was an aid on the phone but it reflects the gop ...where is that new health plan trump was going to reveal?
the feds have no business in healthcare,,,thats a state issue,,,
Is that why Trump keeps saying he is about to release his new healthcare plan in 2 weeks??

Even tho he has been saying this for the past 2 or 3 years....
The original Obamacare has not been completely eradicated. If we go to National Health Insurance, we all better realize the potential negative parts to it.

Having access to health care is a negative thing? Is that not the least that a "Christian" nation should provide?
everyone in this country has access to healthcare,,to say otherwise is a lie,,,
they also have access to purchasing mansions
gotta love a free country,,,
If this was a "free country" -- why did the Fed pump trillions of dollars into the economy in order to save the wealthiest corporations??

If this was a free country, they should have been free to fail.....

You Trumpers don't mind that kind of socialism due to your juvenile need to worship the wealth class....
because they are progressives intent on destroying freedom,,,

sorry jr I'm not a trumper,,

why arent you fighting for freedom instead of promoting its destruction???
Let me know when you can address the points I made....

There is a reason why you morons can't ever talk policies -- because you can't

This is why you dumb asses always resort to culture war bullshit -- because all of your policies suck......

Stuff it kid, you have ONE policy idea, the Gov should give them everythng. That's it, THAT is the totality of Prog initiatives.

Nobody has ever claimed any of this would be "free". Though the wars are so I don't understand why health care can't be.
because healthcare isnt a fed issue and wars are,,what do you think about trump getting us out of the wars and not starting new ones???
I was against invading the middle east back when so-called conservatives were calling me a terrorist and anti-American because of position on that doesn't change just because Trump is president.....can you say the same?? Doubt it....

The reason you folks have had this new found desire to disengage from endless wars is because the history is so clear on how much of a fuck up neocon policies have been, that you pretend to have been against it all along...

I am glad Trump didn't start any new wars -- and any sign of bringing troops home is a good thing to me......but increasing the drone strike program isn't something to celebrate --- sending troops back to Saudi Arabia to protect their oil isn't something to celebrate.....
obama is the one that increased the drone program,,trump reduced it,,,

your TDS is stopping you from seeing the facts,,,

and sorry I was never in favor of the wars,,just kill the bad guys and come home,,,

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