GOP Should Listen To Steve Schmidt!!


GOP insanity is hilarious - but dangerous for the country.
They are not going to listen until the historic 2014 bloodbath they will suffer, maybe then some of them might reconsider that their role in politics is not to pay lip service to the hardcore Christians, kiss rich man ass and scapegoat the rest.
He was the senior campaign strategist and advisor to the 2008 presidential campaign of John McCain. He is currently a political strategist on MSNBC.

Oh, and you think he knows his shit about how to win campaigns?


Crazy McCain and Daisy Mae Moooseburger? Steve didn't have much to work with...

I'll type slowly for you. The dude lost....has a losing record. And, the OP, in all her idiocy, recommends that he knows his shit and the GOP should listen to him.

Now, you're pretty moronic, but you look rather bright next to Rinata.
Conservatives should just abandon the Republican party and start something new and clean. The Republican party is dying a slow death due to incompetence, ignorance and just flat out evilness.

Haven't they already done that with the tea party?

The tea party was never clean. It was lobbyist funded crap and had only one objective, elect new republicans. Lord what a retarded bunch they got, most of them will be gone in two years having accomplished nothing at all for their states and not even making Obama a one term president.
Conservatives should just abandon the Republican party and start something new and clean. The Republican party is dying a slow death due to incompetence, ignorance and just flat out evilness.

Haven't they already done that with the tea party?

The tea party was never clean. It was lobbyist funded crap and had only one objective, elect new republicans. Lord what a retarded bunch they got, most of them will be gone in two years having accomplished nothing at all for their states and not even making Obama a one term president.

Funny and true! :lol:
When the Republican Party started creating policies that only benefited those with concentrated wealth, they set themselves up for a very challenging political game. The game was this: they had to get average Americans to vote for policies that did not benefit them. They thought they were voting on issues like abortion, but it turned out that they were voting to help a small group of investors access cheap overseas labor. In order to be so divorced from reality, the Republican Party needed to build its base out of mentally unstable people. They needed functionally illiterate people - people who don't know the difference between Bin Laden and Hussein. They needed people who don't know the difference between moderate Muslims and radical jihadists. They needed people who were under educated and easily fooled.

Unfortunately these well-meaning people are incapable of electing a candidate who has the sane centrism to appeal to the broad swath of Americans.

The GOP is like a man who goes to bed with a plumper, but doesn't know how to get her to leave in the morning. Meaning: the tea party is great for shutting down health care debate, but not so great when you need to elect a rational human being.
Who is Steve Schmidt?

He was the senior campaign strategist and advisor to the 2008 presidential campaign of John McCain. He is currently a political strategist on MSNBC.

Oh, OK.

So McCain was too Conservative? Was that the problem?

Steve Schmidt was involved in picking Sarah Palin and said he later regretted it. She would not have been qualified to run the country if something happened to McCain. But he thinks McCain lost because Obama ran a better campaign.
Conservatives should just abandon the Republican party and start something new and clean. The Republican party is dying a slow death due to incompetence, ignorance and just flat out evilness.

Spoken like a true Liberal scumbag who always knows what's best for everybody else.
Oh, and you think he knows his shit about how to win campaigns?


Crazy McCain and Daisy Mae Moooseburger? Steve didn't have much to work with...

I'll type slowly for you. The dude lost....has a losing record. And, the OP, in all her idiocy, recommends that he knows his shit and the GOP should listen to him.

Now, you're pretty moronic, but you look rather bright next to Rinata.

Must you always have to have a picture drawn for you?? Sometimes people make mistakes in their profession.

I "get" Steve Schmidt and you don't??? Miss Die Hard Conservative!! You should know all about him but apparently you don't. Big surprise.
He was the senior campaign strategist and advisor to the 2008 presidential campaign of John McCain. He is currently a political strategist on MSNBC.

Oh, OK.

So McCain was too Conservative? Was that the problem?

Steve Schmidt was involved in picking Sarah Palin and said he later regretted it. She would not have been qualified to run the country if something happened to McCain. But he thinks McCain lost because Obama ran a better campaign.

McCain lost because McCain is ideologically far more a Democrat than he'll ever be a Republican, plus he isn't a feel good black guy like Obama was, and is. It's amazing people elected someone based solely on the words "hope and change"... Twice. As if Obama had the qualifications to be POTUS more than Palin did... Ridiculous. No matter who you voted for in 2008 a liberal was going to be President. Sarah Palin was far more in tune with true conservatives than McCain will ever be... They picked her as VP only to reel in more right leaning votes for the RINO. It was her honest conservatism that led to the Media's all out assault on her with barely any regard for the Liberal John McCain. I hope Sarah Palin runs in 2016, if just for the fact that she infuriates the loons, and that pleases me.
Who is Steve Schmidt?

He was the senior campaign strategist and advisor to the 2008 presidential campaign of John McCain. He is currently a political strategist on MSNBC.

Oh, and you think he knows his shit about how to win campaigns?


ok i'll bite, No he doesn't but that doesn't mean he is wrong. You have had two elections now where you have lost the white house twice based on the same platforms. Well three if you include Kerry/Bush.

You have the basic platform of anyone but X, which as we can see failed in 04 and 12.

Anyways the right has run on this platform shaped by the rushes, Hannity's and fox news. Why? Because they command a vast audience. Thats power and a lot of money. We have watched the right swing to the right more and more each year leading up to this recent election. So what we saw was Romney play to the right come primaries, We have Rove using Perry and Santurom, using them to keep newt down, while Romney hung around just waiting to take it.

Anyways Romney is playing to the right come the primaries, totally 180ing a lot of positions from the past. That's ok because come the general as the Romney team stated, they could revamp because more people started paying attention then. It worked for the time being, but not to people who did politics daily. We noted the slight move towards the center then and the slow 180 on other positions. Then came the debates and again Romney knew he could rewrite himself again just enough to gain more voters because more people start paying attention then as well.

So then Romney starts moving towards the center. Obama already close enough to the center doesn't have as many "walkbacks" as Romney does. Lets admit Romney held a certain position based on who he was in front of that day. That's just the truth and we have video to prove it. Sure All politicians pander. It comes with the job, but Romney took it to a new level and that hurt him. People expect to be bullshitted during these things, but not like that. This hurt him a lot i think.

Also as its been noted his ground game sucked, Obama's didn't. Obama never left Ohio according to Obama's team. That says something regardless of where you sit.

Then we have the run on women's vagina's from the Akins and such. That really hurt Romney period.

Social conservatism hasn't worked for you. They have alienated a lot of people with their words. Latinos with the handling of immigration. Cons took this hard,nasty line about having them deported. blacks and how they just voted for Obama because he is black....yeah smart move if you are out to lose.Women and old people. See healthcare and womens rights.

so you take all these things and you can see why romney lost. Sadly we can see some people are choosing to double down on these policies of division.
You will always have these people, and while they will kick and scream. They in the end will have to be left behind as america moves on.
Oh, OK.

So McCain was too Conservative? Was that the problem?

Steve Schmidt was involved in picking Sarah Palin and said he later regretted it. She would not have been qualified to run the country if something happened to McCain. But he thinks McCain lost because Obama ran a better campaign.

McCain lost because McCain is ideologically far more a Democrat than he'll ever be a Republican, plus he isn't a feel good black guy like Obama was, and is. It's amazing people elected someone based solely on the words "hope and change"... Twice. As if Obama had the qualifications to be POTUS more than Palin did... Ridiculous. No matter who you voted for in 2008 a liberal was going to be President. Sarah Palin was far more in tune with true conservatives than McCain will ever be... They picked her as VP only to reel in more right leaning votes for the RINO. It was her honest conservatism that led to the Media's all out assault on her with barely any regard for the Liberal John McCain. I hope Sarah Palin runs in 2016, if just for the fact that she infuriates the loons, and that pleases me.

they picked her to court the women vote. thats it

case in point, the black guy.keep that thinking up if you want to lose.

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