GOP's helping hand for Hillary Clinton


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
The Gop's unintended consequences. It has backfired royally.

"For Hillary Clinton, Republicans have become the gift that keeps on giving. Mrs. Clinton owes much of her extraordinary comeback to her own abilities, but surely she must be grateful to the GOP as well. Never in modern times has a political party done so much to rehabilitate the leading presidential candidate in the other party."

"The gifts have come in rapid succession:

-- The way Republicans have converted Donald Trump into GOP front-runner. For all for their misgivings about Clinton, Trump scares the bejesus out of millions of Americans. How long before we see sprouting of groups like "Republican Women for Hillary"?

Shooting themselves in the foot

"In this coming political year, the country needs a robust debate about our direction and plans for going forward. We are at a critical inflection point on many fronts. And we would be best-served if we could decide between two strong candidates representing two strong parties. But judging from recent events, we may not get there -- the Republicans could give it away long before the vote".

Benghazi: GOP's helping hand for Hillary Clinton -
they really think everyone is a Hillary lover . if I recall they (her base) kicked her to the curb the last she ran for that thug of MAN. now all of a sudden they be back in love with the old lady. just twisting the wind like usual. no wonder they (the DNC) won't give them anyone else to choose from. they KNOW they will vote for whoever they stick up there
The 11 hour Benghazi political commercial for Hillary boosted a sagging campaign

Can't wait for them to revive the Lewinsky investigation......What did Sidney Bloomenthal know...when did he know it?
The Gop's unintended consequences. It has backfired royally.

"For Hillary Clinton, Republicans have become the gift that keeps on giving. Mrs. Clinton owes much of her extraordinary comeback to her own abilities, but surely she must be grateful to the GOP as well. Never in modern times has a political party done so much to rehabilitate the leading presidential candidate in the other party."

"The gifts have come in rapid succession:

-- The way Republicans have converted Donald Trump into GOP front-runner. For all for their misgivings about Clinton, Trump scares the bejesus out of millions of Americans. How long before we see sprouting of groups like "Republican Women for Hillary"?

Shooting themselves in the foot

"In this coming political year, the country needs a robust debate about our direction and plans for going forward. We are at a critical inflection point on many fronts. And we would be best-served if we could decide between two strong candidates representing two strong parties. But judging from recent events, we may not get there -- the Republicans could give it away long before the vote".

Benghazi: GOP's helping hand for Hillary Clinton -

Let me just take a wild guess here: You've made no effort to research the important and damning facts that the Benghazi Committee has uncovered and that Hillary Clinton was forced to confront at the hearing. Just three examples:

* Do you know that the committee discovered two of Hillary's e-mails, sent less than 24 hours after the shooting, in which she made it crystal clear that she absolutely knew this was no spontaneous protest over a video but a pre-planned AQ terrorist attack? Did you see her confused, flushed attempt to explain those e-mails when she was pressed about them at the hearing? How in the world could she stand in front of the families and the caskets three days after the attack and blame the deaths on a video when she had told the Egyptian prime minister--the committee confronted her with the phone call transcript--less than 24 hours after the attack, that she "knew" the attack had "nothing" to do with the video and that it was a terrorist attack? I can only imagine how the left would still be screaming if Reagan had tried to blame the Beirut terrorist attack on an anti-PLO video.

* Do you know that the committee proved that a number of the improvements that Hillary claimed were made to the Benghazi compound were NOT in fact done by the State Department but were paid for and done by the contracted security officers on the site because they were tired of waiting for the State Department to do them? Did you see in the hearing when Hillary was confronted with this fact and when one of the Democrats even acknowledged that that's what the evidence shows? Did you miss that? By the way, what did Hillary say in response when confronted with that fact? NOTHING. Go watch the hearing.

* Did you see when Hillary was forced to change her long-standing story that all of Sid Blumenthal's Libya e-mails that she passed along were "unsolicited." When faced with evidence from her own e-mails that she repeatedly solicited the drivel from Blumenthal that she kept sending forward, she suddenly changed her tale to "well, at first those e-mails were unsolicited." So instead of ALL of those Blumenthal e-mails being unsolicited, now we're told that only at first were they unsolicited. There's a huge difference between saying "I never solicited those e-mails" and "at first I didn't solicit those e-mails." The committee produced evidence that she repeatedly, nearly a dozen times, solicited e-mails on Libya from Blumenthal. Then and only then did she change her story. Go watch the hearing, or read the transcript.

And on and on we could go.
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"As Clinton pointed out in her opening statement, there have been numerous instances in recent years in which terrorists broke through our defenses and murdered Americans. Investigations always followed but never the kind of disrespectful treatment against a secretary of state as the nation saw this week. And never the impugning of the integrity of distinguished public servants like Ambassador Tom Pickering and Adm. Michael Mullen as we witnessed.

Do you think the Benghazi committee would have conducted itself this way if the star witness had not been Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee? The question answers itself."

It does indeed.

And yet another republican confirms the fact that the 'hearings' were purely partisan, having little to do with 'facts' or 'the truth.'
"As Clinton pointed out in her opening statement, there have been numerous instances in recent years in which terrorists broke through our defenses and murdered Americans. Investigations always followed but never the kind of disrespectful treatment against a secretary of state as the nation saw this week. And never the impugning of the integrity of distinguished public servants like Ambassador Tom Pickering and Adm. Michael Mullen as we witnessed.

Do you think the Benghazi committee would have conducted itself this way if the star witness had not been Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee? The question answers itself."

It does indeed.

And yet another republican confirms the fact that the 'hearings' were purely partisan, having little to do with 'facts' or 'the truth.'

I'm guessing you didn't actually watch the hearing nor read the transcript. The committee uncovered a number of damning facts about Hillary's conduct in relation to Benghazi. See my previous reply for three of them.

And the Democrats on the committee were a lot more brazenly partisan. It is an incredible scene when every opposition party member on a committee attacks the very existence and purpose of the committee. When's the last time that happened? Hey?

And isn't it odd that the Democrats on the committee oppose releasing the interviews and e-mails of 52 of the 54 witnesses interviewed or investigated by the committee? Elijah Cummings, in a shameful bit of dishonest posturing, demanded that the Blumenthal interview transcript be released. Yeah, and when the chairman noted that the Democrats on the committee were opposing releasing the documents relating to all but two of the witnesses, Cummings said nothing but kept repeating his phony posturing about "the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Why do you suppose the Democrats on the committee don't want to release the interview transcripts and e-mails of the security specialists who were involved with Benghazi? Isn't that very odd?
Actually, the numbers point to the democrats in real trouble. She loses head to head against trump. Thats......pretty bad.
The Gop's unintended consequences. It has backfired royally.

"For Hillary Clinton, Republicans have become the gift that keeps on giving. Mrs. Clinton owes much of her extraordinary comeback to her own abilities, but surely she must be grateful to the GOP as well. Never in modern times has a political party done so much to rehabilitate the leading presidential candidate in the other party."

"The gifts have come in rapid succession:

-- The way Republicans have converted Donald Trump into GOP front-runner. For all for their misgivings about Clinton, Trump scares the bejesus out of millions of Americans. How long before we see sprouting of groups like "Republican Women for Hillary"?

Shooting themselves in the foot

"In this coming political year, the country needs a robust debate about our direction and plans for going forward. We are at a critical inflection point on many fronts. And we would be best-served if we could decide between two strong candidates representing two strong parties. But judging from recent events, we may not get there -- the Republicans could give it away long before the vote".

Benghazi: GOP's helping hand for Hillary Clinton -

Let me just take a wild guess here: You've made no effort to research the important and damning facts that the Benghazi Committee has uncovered and that Hillary Clinton was forced to confront at the hearing. Just three examples:

* Do you know that the committee discovered two of Hillary's e-mails, sent less than 24 hours after the shooting, in which she made it crystal clear that she absolutely knew this was no spontaneous protest over a video but a pre-planned AQ terrorist attack? Did you see her confused, flushed attempt to explain those e-mails when she was pressed about them at the hearing? How in the world could she stand in front of the families and the caskets three days after the attack and blame the deaths on a video when she had told the Egyptian prime minister--the committee confronted her with the phone call transcript--less than 24 hours after the attack, that she "knew" the attack had "nothing" to do with the video and that it was a terrorist attack? I can only imagine how the left would still be screaming if Reagan had tried to blame the Beirut terrorist attack on an anti-PLO video.

* Do you know that the committee proved that a number of the improvements that Hillary claimed were made to the Benghazi compound were NOT in fact done by the State Department but were paid for and done by the contracted security officers on the site because they were tired of waiting for the State Department to do them? Did you see in the hearing when Hillary was confronted with this fact and when one of the Democrats even acknowledged that that's what the evidence shows? Did you miss that? By the way, what did Hillary say in response when confronted with that fact? NOTHING. Go watch the hearing.

* Did you see when Hillary was forced to change her long-standing story that all of Sid Blumenthal's Libya e-mails that she passed along were "unsolicited." When faced with evidence from her own e-mails that she repeatedly solicited the drivel from Blumenthal that she kept sending forward, she suddenly changed her tale to "well, at first those e-mails were unsolicited." So instead of ALL of those Blumenthal e-mails being unsolicited, now we're told that only at first were they unsolicited. There's a huge difference between saying "I never solicited those e-mails" and "at first I didn't solicit those e-mails." The committee produced evidence that she repeatedly, nearly a dozen times, solicited e-mails on Libya from Blumenthal. Then and only then did she change her story. Go watch the hearing, or read the transcript.

And on and on we could go.
Who gives a fuck about Sidney Bloomenthal outside of rightwing conspiracy land?

CONFIRMED: Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Lied Under Oath During Benghazi Committee Hearing (Video)
FOX News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge points out two major lies in Hillary Clinton’s testimony under oath before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

** If there was accountability in Washington DC Hillary would be prosecuted.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama immediately understood the assault on the Benghazi Consulate was a terrorist attack and was not connected to any YouTube video or a protest.

They then went out and repeatedly lied to the American public about the attack.

On Thursday, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) revealed emails and transcripts that proved Clinton knew the attacks were driven by terrorists, even while she continued to tell the American people it was a spontaneous, video-driven assault.

all of it here:
CONFIRMED: Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Lied Under Oath During Benghazi Committee Hearing (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
It was amazing how Hillary repeatedly answered the bizarre conspiracy theories coming from the Republican tag team

Her endurance and coolness under pressure showed she is more than suited to be president
The Gop's unintended consequences. It has backfired royally.

"For Hillary Clinton, Republicans have become the gift that keeps on giving. Mrs. Clinton owes much of her extraordinary comeback to her own abilities, but surely she must be grateful to the GOP as well. Never in modern times has a political party done so much to rehabilitate the leading presidential candidate in the other party."

"The gifts have come in rapid succession:

-- The way Republicans have converted Donald Trump into GOP front-runner. For all for their misgivings about Clinton, Trump scares the bejesus out of millions of Americans. How long before we see sprouting of groups like "Republican Women for Hillary"?

Shooting themselves in the foot

"In this coming political year, the country needs a robust debate about our direction and plans for going forward. We are at a critical inflection point on many fronts. And we would be best-served if we could decide between two strong candidates representing two strong parties. But judging from recent events, we may not get there -- the Republicans could give it away long before the vote".

Benghazi: GOP's helping hand for Hillary Clinton -
I noticed that Hillary rag time cheerleaders are trying desperately to say "don't look behind the curtain nothing to see." But those with brains see it all too clearly. She is an incompetent liar and always will be.
It was amazing how Hillary repeatedly answered the bizarre conspiracy theories coming from the Republican tag team

Her endurance and coolness under pressure showed she is more than suited to be president
She did stay calm while admitting her lies. True sociopathic behavior.
It was amazing how Hillary repeatedly answered the bizarre conspiracy theories coming from the Republican tag team

Her endurance and coolness under pressure showed she is more than suited to be president
She did stay calm while admitting her lies. True sociopathic behavior.

Just like Obama when he won Lie of the year. or Bill Clinton when he looked in the camera and claimed he didn't have sex with that woman, what's her name.
that is what these people/voters for the democrats are protecting. it's shameful
that is why we are doomed as a country when they won't hold their Politicians to any blame and that's why they have become a tyrant Government. they know the citizens wont do anything about it.
It was amazing how Hillary repeatedly answered the bizarre conspiracy theories coming from the Republican tag team

Her endurance and coolness under pressure showed she is more than suited to be president
She did stay calm while admitting her lies. True sociopathic behavior.

Just like Obama when he won Lie of the year. or Bill Clinton when he looked in the camera and claimed he didn't have sex with that woman, what's her name.
that is what these people/voters for the democrats are protecting. it's shameful
that is why we are doomed as a country when they won't hold their Politicians to any blame and that's why they have become a tyrant Government. they know the citizens wont do anything about it.

Makes me laugh , you made sure not to include the biggest liar of our lifetime...Let's see he was president between Clinton and Obama.
It was amazing how Hillary repeatedly answered the bizarre conspiracy theories coming from the Republican tag team

Her endurance and coolness under pressure showed she is more than suited to be president
She did stay calm while admitting her lies. True sociopathic behavior.

I know...I know

You can't prove your conspiracy so it must be lies

Tell me more about the evil Sidney Bloomenthal
Hillary / Biden ticket will make mince meat out of the GOP crockpots .
they really think everyone is a Hillary lover . if I recall they (her base) kicked her to the curb the last she ran for that thug of MAN. now all of a sudden they be back in love with the old lady. just twisting the wind like usual. no wonder they (the DNC) won't give them anyone else to choose from. they KNOW they will vote for whoever they stick up there
Yea I admit I love Hillary:deal:, !!

Yea just like your bitch , Repug, Bagger party kicked old fart McCain to the curb in 2000, then twisted in the wind, and fell back in love with the old used up dildo in 2008..

You kicked Romney to the curb in 2008. And fell in love with him in 12:rofl:

You bitches kicked Reagan to the curb in 1976, then wanted prune face back in 80, see a pattern here ??? Who is twisting in the wind now???:rofl:

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