GOP's Lauren Boebert calls on right-wing Christians to remove Biden: 'We are sons and daughters of revolutionaries'

This is another example of who I am referring to when I say crazy people all have guns.
Its hilarious watching the religious left say we "dont need a theocracy" :lol:
Lauren Boebert may actually bevcrazier that Marjory Taylor Green but it's a close call. Does this woman have any clue about how our Constitutional Republic works? Does she not know that this is not a Theocracy?

She wants a revolution. She had better be careful what she wishes for. That could easily go the wrong way for her and those like her
Perhaps one is needed. But we always do not get what we want. The Christians who have voted and keep voting for Progs are signing their own death warrants. Getting others killed who are Christians though is something that is hard to forgive.
Perhaps one is needed. But we always do not get what we want. The Christians who have voted and keep voting for Progs are signing their own death warrants. Getting others killed who are Christians though is something that is hard to forgive.

Well then, you should vote for Regressives.
Nuts. Arm yourselves: Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American.
Get involved? Speak up? OMG!!! What a Jihadist!!!

"We cannot take another 18 months, we cannot take another three years of this poor, failed leadership," she continued. "We are sons and daughters of revolutionaries. They went to battle for a lot less. They took a stand for a lot less, and it's time we get involved. I need you involved in every local level. I need you speaking up. I need the world to hear your voice. You know the word of God, and you know that there is power in your words, that the world was framed by words. You have the Lord God Almighty on your side. I need you to use your voice and speak."
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Taliban kill gays.

Biden supports Taliban.

In Nov. 2020 after the networks had called him the loser (lame duck) of the election:

"The White House announced Tuesday that it will pull thousands of troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan by Jan. 15. A force of 2,500 service members will remain in both countries, but the Trump administration aims to have all remaining troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan by Spring 2021."

But, the drawdown worries some military leaders. Peace talks with the Taliban appear to be stalled and attacks are on the rise in Afghanistan. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is also concerned about reducing the number of boots on the ground in such a tumultuous time.

"I think it is extremely important here in the next couple of months not to have any earthshaking changes with regard to defense and foreign policy," McConnell said. "I think a precipitous drawdown in either Afghanistan or Iraq would be a mistake."
In Nov. 2020 after the networks had called him the loser (lame duck) of the election:

"The White House announced Tuesday that it will pull thousands of troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan by Jan. 15. A force of 2,500 service members will remain in both countries, but the Trump administration aims to have all remaining troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan by Spring 2021."

But, the drawdown worries some military leaders. Peace talks with the Taliban appear to be stalled and attacks are on the rise in Afghanistan. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is also concerned about reducing the number of boots on the ground in such a tumultuous time.

"I think it is extremely important here in the next couple of months not to have any earthshaking changes with regard to defense and foreign policy," McConnell said. "I think a precipitous drawdown in either Afghanistan or Iraq would be a mistake."
"I think it is extremely important here in the next couple of months not to have any earthshaking changes with regard to defense and foreign policy," McConnell said"..

It's almost like he knew something was gonna happen...
Lauren Boebert may actually bevcrazier that Marjory Taylor Green but it's a close call. Does this woman have any clue about how our Constitutional Republic works? Does she not know that this is not a Theocracy?

She wants a revolution. She had better be careful what she wishes for. That could easily go the wrong way for her and those like her

There won't be a revolution.

I am right wing and she is a nutjob.

However, there could be a civil "adjustment" if the left keeps at what it is doing now.
"The Christians who have voted and keep voting for Progs are signing their own death warrants."

Ummm? Forgive my poor avatar, but......but we like gonna need a walk-thru. A tutorial on that one.

Voting Christians are gonna die precipitously?
Because they may vote for someone the good poster 22lc doesn't like?

Who knew?

Query to 22lc: Are there any Christians who, say, may vote for a Joe Biden, or, heck, maybe AOC that you would give a pardon from death? Sort of a special dispensation. How do you judge 'em?

Conversely, are there any named Conservative politicians that if a Christian voted for.....well, they should died for voting for that guy?

I've always been curious about the habits and behavioral practices of those Christians who lay down death warrants on anybody.....even other Christians.

Help us out, poster 22lc. Be our Sherpa.

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