Gov. Christie proposes 10% N.J. income tax reduction

Not when they are paid with tax payers money.

IT DOES NOT MATTER! Just because someone is an employee of the government does not erase their right to pursue their own financial wealth and to negotiate as beneficial of a compensation package as they can. When are you going to get it through your head, they don't work for your sake, they work for their own sake.

They used to get paid a good deal less than private sector employees and that was why they had the compensation they have. But now they make more then their conterparts in the private sector.

Shut up with the jealousy already. If you want to get paid as well as they do, go get yourself a government job. Nobody is stopping you, other than yourself.

And when they make deals with the same people they help elect it is not fair to the tax payers that are getting gouged.

Stop crying. Nobody is a victim here. If you don't like the people getting elected, blame yourself!
Not when they are paid with tax payers money.

IT DOES NOT MATTER! Just because someone is an employee of the government does not erase their right to pursue their own financial wealth and to negotiate as beneficial of a compensation package as they can. When are you going to get it through your head, they don't work for your sake, they work for their own sake.

They used to get paid a good deal less than private sector employees and that was why they had the compensation they have. But now they make more then their conterparts in the private sector.

Shut up with the jealousy already. If you want to get paid as well as they do, go get yourself a government job. Nobody is stopping you, other than yourself.

And when they make deals with the same people they help elect it is not fair to the tax payers that are getting gouged.

Stop crying. Nobody is a victim here. If you don't like the people getting elected, blame yourself!

No jealouse just tired of paying others more for less. Just look at how education has remained stagnant even though we keep on pouring more money into the system.
And the only one crying here appears to be you. Why so upset?

From your link...

. The gates may be open, but behind them is a skeleton park staff that has been struggling for years to keep facilities running on a seriously downsized budget. Park personnel overseeing administration, maintenance, and operations at parks is 35% below levels targeted for good stewardship, down to an average of just one superintendent (or less), one customer service assistant, and two to three maintenance workers per park. Some of these parks are over 50,000 acres with swimming areas that fill to capacity in the early morning hours. This ongoing lack of funding from the state has also led to the accumulative degradation of the maintenance equipment used to keep parks open.
and the new budget begins to reverse that.

You have a problem with fixing it? many years has Christie been governor? When, exactly, were the budgets for the parks cut? That's right... under the previous DEMOCRATIC governor.

It doesn't matter. Our parks have been slashed to the bone to the point where there is a noticeable drop in quality and service. We were told that this was a temporary solution. By cutting tax revenue, it is clear that Christie intends to make it permanent. Christie is not innocent, he has ordered curtailment in hours and cuts in hiring
show me your math. Explain how a 3.2% cut in the Human Services budget equals a 10% cut in taxes to millionaires.

That cut of 10% in tax revenue is huge. I never said a 3.2% cut in human services any way equals that cut. We NJ taxpayers will have to suck it up in many more ways

Push for consolidation of townships. We should combine all townships in each county together. Instead of the over 500 townships with all the mayors and other positions we could have 21 counties. That right there would more than cover the tax cuts.
Than force the schools to consolidate into 21 districts doing away with all the worthless administartors. That would probably cut our property taxes in half, if not more.

The boro where I live has 1300 people in it. Every proposal at consolidation results in me paying more taxes. Why should I favor it ?

Our school has 130 students K-8. We pay a comparable tax rate to the larger districts even after Christie slashed our school funding
It's a shell game.

That 10% will be made up somewhere else, probably in property taxes and/or fees.
From your link...

. The gates may be open, but behind them is a skeleton park staff that has been struggling for years to keep facilities running on a seriously downsized budget. Park personnel overseeing administration, maintenance, and operations at parks is 35% below levels targeted for good stewardship, down to an average of just one superintendent (or less), one customer service assistant, and two to three maintenance workers per park. Some of these parks are over 50,000 acres with swimming areas that fill to capacity in the early morning hours. This ongoing lack of funding from the state has also led to the accumulative degradation of the maintenance equipment used to keep parks open.
and the new budget begins to reverse that.

You have a problem with fixing it? many years has Christie been governor? When, exactly, were the budgets for the parks cut? That's right... under the previous DEMOCRATIC governor.

It doesn't matter. Our parks have been slashed to the bone to the point where there is a noticeable drop in quality and service. We were told that this was a temporary solution. By cutting tax revenue, it is clear that Christie intends to make it permanent. Christie is not innocent, he has ordered curtailment in hours and cuts in hiring

It doesn't matter that a DEMOCRAT did the slashing?

It doesn't matter that a REPUBLICAN is increasing funding and jobs in the parks in an effort to correct the errors of the DEMOCRAT he took over from?
From your link...

. The gates may be open, but behind them is a skeleton park staff that has been struggling for years to keep facilities running on a seriously downsized budget. Park personnel overseeing administration, maintenance, and operations at parks is 35% below levels targeted for good stewardship, down to an average of just one superintendent (or less), one customer service assistant, and two to three maintenance workers per park. Some of these parks are over 50,000 acres with swimming areas that fill to capacity in the early morning hours. This ongoing lack of funding from the state has also led to the accumulative degradation of the maintenance equipment used to keep parks open.
and the new budget begins to reverse that.

You have a problem with fixing it? many years has Christie been governor? When, exactly, were the budgets for the parks cut? That's right... under the previous DEMOCRATIC governor.

It doesn't matter. Our parks have been slashed to the bone to the point where there is a noticeable drop in quality and service. We were told that this was a temporary solution. By cutting tax revenue, it is clear that Christie intends to make it permanent. Christie is not innocent, he has ordered curtailment in hours and cuts in hiring

Where's the billion Corzine lost ?....... :dunno:
and the new budget begins to reverse that.

You have a problem with fixing it? many years has Christie been governor? When, exactly, were the budgets for the parks cut? That's right... under the previous DEMOCRATIC governor.

It doesn't matter. Our parks have been slashed to the bone to the point where there is a noticeable drop in quality and service. We were told that this was a temporary solution. By cutting tax revenue, it is clear that Christie intends to make it permanent. Christie is not innocent, he has ordered curtailment in hours and cuts in hiring

Where's the billion Corzine lost ?....... :dunno:
[ame=]It just doesn't matter - YouTube[/ame]
That cut of 10% in tax revenue is huge. I never said a 3.2% cut in human services any way equals that cut. We NJ taxpayers will have to suck it up in many more ways

Push for consolidation of townships. We should combine all townships in each county together. Instead of the over 500 townships with all the mayors and other positions we could have 21 counties. That right there would more than cover the tax cuts.
Than force the schools to consolidate into 21 districts doing away with all the worthless administartors. That would probably cut our property taxes in half, if not more.

The boro where I live has 1300 people in it. Every proposal at consolidation results in me paying more taxes. Why should I favor it ?

Our school has 130 students K-8. We pay a comparable tax rate to the larger districts even after Christie slashed our school funding

Look who is bitching about paying more taxes! :clap2:
Push for consolidation of townships. We should combine all townships in each county together. Instead of the over 500 townships with all the mayors and other positions we could have 21 counties. That right there would more than cover the tax cuts.
Than force the schools to consolidate into 21 districts doing away with all the worthless administartors. That would probably cut our property taxes in half, if not more.

The boro where I live has 1300 people in it. Every proposal at consolidation results in me paying more taxes. Why should I favor it ?

Our school has 130 students K-8. We pay a comparable tax rate to the larger districts even after Christie slashed our school funding

Look who is bitching about paying more taxes! :clap2:

I pay plenty in taxes....never said I didnt.
I almost feel bad, smacking RW around like this.


Self declared victories are shallow and the last resort of someone who has nothing to offer

every point you tried to offer was met with a counterpoint to disprove your contention. Hardly self-declared victory.

Please though, continue in your FAIL. It amuses me.

Not even close......but go ahead and claim your shallow victories.

Most credible posters wait for someone else to do it
and the new budget begins to reverse that.

You have a problem with fixing it? many years has Christie been governor? When, exactly, were the budgets for the parks cut? That's right... under the previous DEMOCRATIC governor.

It doesn't matter. Our parks have been slashed to the bone to the point where there is a noticeable drop in quality and service. We were told that this was a temporary solution. By cutting tax revenue, it is clear that Christie intends to make it permanent. Christie is not innocent, he has ordered curtailment in hours and cuts in hiring

It doesn't matter that a DEMOCRAT did the slashing?

It doesn't matter that a REPUBLICAN is increasing funding and jobs in the parks in an effort to correct the errors of the DEMOCRAT he took over from?

What matters is that our parks, and New Jersey has a great State Parks system have been slashed through austerity measures and Christies proposal will do nothing but ensure that they deteriorate further
It doesn't matter. Our parks have been slashed to the bone to the point where there is a noticeable drop in quality and service. We were told that this was a temporary solution. By cutting tax revenue, it is clear that Christie intends to make it permanent. Christie is not innocent, he has ordered curtailment in hours and cuts in hiring

It doesn't matter that a DEMOCRAT did the slashing?

It doesn't matter that a REPUBLICAN is increasing funding and jobs in the parks in an effort to correct the errors of the DEMOCRAT he took over from?

What matters is that our parks, and New Jersey has a great State Parks system have been slashed through austerity measures and Christies proposal will do nothing but ensure that they deteriorate further

increasing the funding for state parks and increasing the jobs in state parks... will hurt state parks?

Are you high?

The budget proposal put forward by Gov. Chris Christie on February 15, provides a modest increase in funds for the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), calls for an increase in parks and forestry appropriations and continues funding for several programs charged with protecting the state’s natural resources.

In addition, $6.2 million in funding for the operations of the State’s parks and forests is being restored from the state’s general fund, assuring that all state parks will remain open. Many of the 54 state parks have been operating with critically low staff levels, which the Governor has proposed increasing to better serve the more than 17 million visitors who make use of these sites annually. Capital development projects required to improve facilities at state parks would be allocated $2.6 million in Gov. Christie’s budget, helping to assure that visitors can use them safely and enjoyably.
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and the new budget begins to reverse that.

You have a problem with fixing it? many years has Christie been governor? When, exactly, were the budgets for the parks cut? That's right... under the previous DEMOCRATIC governor.

It doesn't matter. Our parks have been slashed to the bone to the point where there is a noticeable drop in quality and service. We were told that this was a temporary solution. By cutting tax revenue, it is clear that Christie intends to make it permanent. Christie is not innocent, he has ordered curtailment in hours and cuts in hiring

Where's the billion Corzine lost ?....... :dunno:

What does that have to do with the State of NJ?
I don't get to carry my unused sick days from year to year. Why should they?

Awww, isn't that cute. You're jealous of what other people have, so you want to take it away from them.

If they were private sector it wouldn't matter. But they are public workers paid with tax money. Why should I have to pay for someones unused sick days?

Because it is part of the contract they had when they were hired.
It doesn't matter that a DEMOCRAT did the slashing?

It doesn't matter that a REPUBLICAN is increasing funding and jobs in the parks in an effort to correct the errors of the DEMOCRAT he took over from?

What matters is that our parks, and New Jersey has a great State Parks system have been slashed through austerity measures and Christies proposal will do nothing but ensure that they deteriorate further

increasing the funding for state parks and increasing the jobs in state parks... will hurt state parks?

Are you high?

The budget proposal put forward by Gov. Chris Christie on February 15, provides a modest increase in funds for the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), calls for an increase in parks and forestry appropriations and continues funding for several programs charged with protecting the state’s natural resources.

In addition, $6.2 million in funding for the operations of the State’s parks and forests is being restored from the state’s general fund, assuring that all state parks will remain open. Many of the 54 state parks have been operating with critically low staff levels, which the Governor has proposed increasing to better serve the more than 17 million visitors who make use of these sites annually. Capital development projects required to improve facilities at state parks would be allocated $2.6 million in Gov. Christie’s budget, helping to assure that visitors can use them safely and enjoyably.

Christie has done neither....but I guess if you continue to tell a lie, someone will believe it. Christie slashed funding for our parks system. He is offering a shoestring to keep them from closing completely. Christie is in the red for his funding of our beautiful parks. Just because he is not as much in the red doesn't mean that he has improved them.
Staff has been cut, hours have been cut, maintenance has been cut

But least the millionaires get their tax cut
That cut of 10% in tax revenue is huge. I never said a 3.2% cut in human services any way equals that cut. We NJ taxpayers will have to suck it up in many more ways

Push for consolidation of townships. We should combine all townships in each county together. Instead of the over 500 townships with all the mayors and other positions we could have 21 counties. That right there would more than cover the tax cuts.
Than force the schools to consolidate into 21 districts doing away with all the worthless administartors. That would probably cut our property taxes in half, if not more.

The boro where I live has 1300 people in it. Every proposal at consolidation results in me paying more taxes. Why should I favor it ?

Our school has 130 students K-8. We pay a comparable tax rate to the larger districts even after Christie slashed our school funding

Someone is lying to you. Even Sweeney says consolidation will lower cost.
How many cops do you have? I live in Magnolia and my taxes are $5000.00 on a small house. In other states I would be paying 1/10 of that.
We spend more money in NJ than PA.

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