Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Gosh this is like waiting for a root canal. At least with a root canal you know what and when it is going to happen. With the fiscal irresponsibility this administration has shown and the Congress disaster can only be the end result. Really folks what can these people be thinking.

Also, do not respond blaming Social Security, it is solvent for now at least.

Government adds record $339 billion to national debt in first day after budget deal - Washington Times

The federal government has piled up debt since the latest budget deal was signed into law, tacking $462 billion onto the national credit card since Nov. 2 as the Treasury Department replenished its funds and began another round of borrowing to take it all the way into 2017.

A staggering $339 billion in total debt was added on just the first day after President Obama signed the budget agreement — the single largest hike in history.

Why were you not worried when Bush threw the Economy off the cliff and caused this disaster...
They were playing budgetary games to keep from going over the debt limit. Once the budget passed there was no more reason for games
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Why were you not worried when Bush threw the Economy off the cliff and caused this disaster...

Bush who? Please note that even with the Iraq war, by your chart, the deficit was decreasing. Until what happened? If you remember right the Democrats took over congress and for a short period had a super majority. Could have done what they wanted and did, and look what happened.

It's been over 7 years since Obama and nearly 10 since the democrats took over, time to face reality.
This is pathetic. Why do people keep voting in these lunatics?
They were playing budgetary games to keep from going over the debt limit. Once the budget passed there was no more reason for games

And now, for two years, they are free from even talking about the budget. The Republican Congress needs taken to the wood shed for what they have done. Obama, he is just doing what he does, Congress is letting him, shame on them.
This is pathetic. Why do people keep voting in these lunatics?

Because there are no real alternatives.
There would be, if we showed them that's what we wanted. When you vote, you show support.
If there is one thing DT has done that is positive in this campaign season is; he showed the Establishment the people are getting tired of their bullshit.
This is pathetic. Why do people keep voting in these lunatics?

Because there are no real alternatives.
There would be, if we showed them that's what we wanted. When you vote, you show support.
If there is one thing DT has done that is positive in this campaign season is; he showed the Establishment the people are getting tired of their bullshit.

In my opinion not voting is a vote. In my case when the Republicans took control and started rubber stamping everything Obama wanted I registered independent. TPP was also the deciding factor.

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