Governor McCrory rightly blames "loss" on voter fraud


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Former governor McCrory blames 2016 re-election loss on voter fraud

He's right. Several counties refused to even look into voter fraud and OF COURSE they were blue counties.....The great thing is we fortunately kept a super majority in the legislature so the bastard governor won't get much if anything through.

VINDICATION: Audit Of 2016 Election In NC Reveals Voter Fraud Problem
This from a few years go....think its gotten any better? Doubt it

New evidence of voter fraud in NC alleged
NC voter fraud real, Governor McCrory and Roy Cooper race and investigation will uncover, Latest updates, Recount probable, McCrory challenge, Claims of votes by the dead and felons cloud NC governor race, Only a question of how much fraud

I hope he runs again in 2020.

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