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Grading Obama: First 100+ days of Obama

President Obama was handed a total pile of crap from the last administration. Takes a while to turn total failure, in domestic and foriegn policy around.
Even Obama himself has stopped blaming Booooosh. Didn't you get the memo? And, where's your grades? Never mind, he gets an A+ from the moonbat crowd, the worshipers.

You idiots continue to amaze with your partisan blinders, not acknowledging the role DEMS had to play in the "mess."

REAL people who are using their noggins give him anywhere from a C to a D-. I give him a flat D.
has begun to pull our forces out of Iraq, has doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan
This was all according to inherited plans which were in place anyway.

I gave my grade. You missed it.

The president is doing fine. Even with the mess left behind.

Doing fine at recreating the 3rd Reich?
I've been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to think of even one positive thing to compliment Obama's progress on and I've got nothing.
He's spending money faster than the Treasury can print it and shows no sign of reaching a stopping point. I think I heard today that he wants to send 100 Billion dollars to the International Money Fund to bail out other countries.
Iran and North Korea have both thumbed their noses at him and launched long range missles. Chavez and Ortega made a mockery of him down south last month.
Once you start thinking of the takeover GM and Chrysler, the union paybacks, wanting to turn GITMO detainees loose in the U.S., how can you give him anything other than an F?
President Obama was handed a total pile of crap from the last administration. Takes a while to turn total failure, in domestic and foriegn policy around.

Second that.

The last administration failed to clean up it's mess.

So you second making a bigger mess? Sheer genius, that.:cuckoo:

Country was doing OK when the republicans took over in 2000. We were blind sided by Al Qaeda under their watch, then quickly squandered international co operation, all but abandoned the war in Afganistan (that's paying big dividends now), spent billions on a war that has and will net us absolutely nothing from Iraq, adopted torture techniques that will haunt us for years to come, busted the domestic and global economy, the list just goes on and on. Scandals and indictments alone were enough to derail the republicans. The democrats didn't have to and don't have to do much to stay in power. The crooks did it to themselves. Not unlike the post Nixon climate, people will chose all kinds of crap over such blatant corruption and malfeasance. This new crowd is a bit like a three ring circus but the previous one was (semi)organized crime.

We have a better group of people in power. It's that simple. The public, in overwhelming numbers, disapproves of the republican party. Only the bitter few remain in that den of despair.
Second that.

The last administration failed to clean up it's mess.

So you second making a bigger mess? Sheer genius, that.:cuckoo:

Country was doing OK when the republicans took over in 2000. We were blind sided by Al Qaeda under their watch, then quickly squandered international co operation, all but abandoned the war in Afganistan (that's paying big dividends now), spent billions on a war that has and will net us absolutely nothing from Iraq, adopted torture techniques that will haunt us for years to come, busted the domestic and global economy, the list just goes on and on. Scandals and indictments alone were enough to derail the republicans. The democrats didn't have to and don't have to do much to stay in power. The crooks did it to themselves. Not unlike the post Nixon climate, people will chose all kinds of crap over such blatant corruption and malfeasance. This new crowd is a bit like a three ring circus but the previous one was (semi)organized crime.

We have a better group of people in power. It's that simple. The public, in overwhelming numbers, disapproves of the republican party. Only the bitter few remain in that den of despair.
i guess you havent seen the latest congressional polls
If you thought Bush was bad you ought to be flunking Obama. If you thought Bush was the greatest thing since sliced Bread you ought to be giving OBama an A+++.
Obama has done a good job stabilizing the economy and getting Pakistan to destroy the Taliban.

Pakistan could not have done that while Bush was president.
Likewise, Obama made Chavez look like a ridiculous groupie, when he tried to give Obama a copy of his favorite book.

I loved it!
You are waxing delusional. Pakistan is more like to be destroyed by the Taliban than to destroy them. Obama will yet have us in a bigger and growing war in Pakistan that will make Iraq look like a cake walk by comparison.
President Obama was handed a total pile of crap from the last administration. Takes a while to turn total failure, in domestic and foriegn policy around.
Even Obama himself has stopped blaming Booooosh. Didn't you get the memo? And, where's your grades? Never mind, he gets an A+ from the moonbat crowd, the worshipers.

You idiots continue to amaze with your partisan blinders, not acknowledging the role DEMS had to play in the "mess."

REAL people who are using their noggins give him anywhere from a C to a D-. I give him a flat D.
has begun to pull our forces out of Iraq, has doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan
This was all according to inherited plans which were in place anyway.

I gave my grade. You missed it.

The president is doing fine. Even with the mess left behind.

You have to define "fine". What has he accomplished that is "fine"?
Even Obama himself has stopped blaming Booooosh. Didn't you get the memo? And, where's your grades? Never mind, he gets an A+ from the moonbat crowd, the worshipers.

You idiots continue to amaze with your partisan blinders, not acknowledging the role DEMS had to play in the "mess."

REAL people who are using their noggins give him anywhere from a C to a D-. I give him a flat D.This was all according to inherited plans which were in place anyway.

I gave my grade. You missed it.

The president is doing fine. Even with the mess left behind.

You have to define "fine". What has he accomplished that is "fine"?

You don't know the meaning of the word "fine"? I don't think it's my help you need.
I give him a D+.

He has ignored the gay marriage issue, ignored don't ask don't tell, run up massive numbers in our deficit, has gone overseas and apologized for America's actions and has spoken out more harshly against Israel for building settlements in its own land than he has for Iran and North Korea testing new missiles. The stimulus bill has not kicked in yet, either. His money, his responsibility. He legalized stem cell research on embryos but forbid any embryos being destroyed for research.

On the other hand, he has largely helped stabilize our economy, if only for now as the Autumn is the TRUE test of how good or bad a shape we're in, has begun to pull our forces out of Iraq, has doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan and has put a deadline on our involvement in Afghanistan.

The only reason why Obama is sitting pretty right now is because the Republicans are in disarray and likely won't be able to mount an effective offense against Obama until 2012.

I find your grading pretty ignorant, if you grade him good for stabilizing the economy then you shouldn't blame him for the deficit numbers. In fact the 2 things have everything to do with each other, if it wasn't for his effort (and the effort of the FED) then we would be in deep shit now (2nd great depression). I find a high temporary deficit a low price to pay for saving us from another great depression, in fact a big part of it is only a temporary (TARP and other loans are going to be paid back with PROFITS for the taxpayer).
I grade him a B+ because I don't see which other political candidate could have done better then him right now, If we had MCCAIN and palin right now then we would be in deep shit. They would have probably deserved a D+ (probably ruining the G20, unlikely that they would have stabilized the economy, kept our image around this planet like before: ruined or even worse (the palin effect) ).

The only reason I don't give him an A is because he did make a number of mistakes (his members of cabinet that didn't pay taxes, the flight above ground zero), other than that I don't think there are many other politicians that could have outperformed him.
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President Obama was handed a total pile of crap from the last administration. Takes a while to turn total failure, in domestic and foriegn policy around.

Forgive me, but you it doesn't "take a while" to apply the brakes when a vehicle is heading for a cliff, unless of course you're DUI.

Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’ (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

And this from David Brooks.

Fiscal Suicide Ahead
For President Obama to sustain his agenda and prevent national insolvency, he has to control health care and entitlement costs.

In March, the CBO was predicting that the deficit would be even larger than White House projections -- by one third.

TheHill.com - CBO predicts steeper deficit than White House does

If "the inheritiance" was a bad thing, and if we agree that it was, please don't tell me that adding to a negative balance ($0.4 trillion in just three months) is a good thing.

If the CBO predicted the additional $1.8 trillion (and then some), in March, the Administration of the budget had already changed -- 2 months previously in fact. That puts any additional over-expenditure squarely on the shoulders of the new Admin, in addition to the "inherited" problem it is tasked with "fixing".

Is this his plan to balance the budget? Is this "adult supervision"?
President Obama was handed a total pile of crap from the last administration. Takes a while to turn total failure, in domestic and foriegn policy around.

Second that.

The last administration failed to clean up it's mess.

So you second making a bigger mess? Sheer genius, that.:cuckoo:

Barack Obama:
I found this national debt, doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office.

It's time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington. To help build a new foundation for the 21st century, we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent.

We need earmark reform, and when I'm President, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.

What Washington needs is adult supervision.

Barack Obama Quotes
Here are the things his administration is touting as their 100 day accomplisments:

Passing the "largest" economic stimulus bill in American history. (I'm not thrilled with it, but at least he's sone some things to mitigate it effect on the American working people)

Ordering the closing of Guantanamo Bay military detention facility and abolishing "enhanced interrogation techniques." (Excellent!)

Setting a fixed timetable for withdrawing U.S. combat forces from Iraq. (just as he said he would do. FINALLY!)

Ordering 21,000 additional troops to Afghanistan and enlisting, with modest new assistance, European allies in a new multi-layered strategy there and in Pakistan. (I'm not thrilled with this. It's a briar patch)

"Returning science to its rightful place" by lifting the Bush restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research. (Good!)

Signing laws to expand children's health insurance ..financed by a 61-cent per pack increase in the federal cigarette tax the adviser did not tout.
(I smoke cigarettes because I love children!)

Signing a law meant to improve the ability of women who allege pay discrimination to sue their employer. (long overdue)

Diminishing the role of lobbyists in the White House. (I'm dubious)

"Forge a meaningful statement from the United Nations" criticizing North Korea's launch of a ballistic missile. (yawn!)

Lifting travel and remittance restrictions for Cuban Americans who seek to travel more frequently to the island and send more US currency to their immediate family. (Normalizing relations with Cuba is 50 years overdue)

Engaging world leaders in Europe, Turkey, Latin American and the Caribbean with "strength and humility." (played well there, not so well here)
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I grade him a B+ because I don't see which other political candidate could have done better then him right now ...... I don't think there are many other politicians that could have outperformed him.

Well, there's logic for ya.... Maybe our educators should grade on that basis....

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