Grasping at straws

Originally Posted by DeadCanDance View Post

Not to mention there is no "Department of the VA". Its the Veterans Adminstration. Period. No one who knows the slightest thing about it calls it the "Department of VA". That's not its name.

Change your handle to "Fred Astaire-Tapdancer Extrodiaire"---:eusa_dance:

Just can't admit you made a mistake.....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally Posted by DeadCanDance View Post

Not to mention there is no "Department of the VA". Its the Veterans Adminstration. Period. No one who knows the slightest thing about it calls it the "Department of VA". That's not its name.

Change your handle to "Fred Astaire-Tapdancer Extrodiaire"---:eusa_dance:

Just can't admit you made a mistake.....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It is the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
I love it when alleged military veterans, have no clue about Veterans healthcare.

The dude was talking about his mom being a nurse.

VA Nurses work in the Veterans Health Adminstration. Which is an agency within (or under) the Department of Veterans Affairs. DVA is a cabinet level agency, with several sub agencies with it.

After you finish LOL'ing, ask yourself if you've ever heard of the FBI being called the Department of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That would be ridiculous., because the FBI is a Bureau within the Department of Justice.

Just like vet healthcare is in the Vets Health adminstration which is under the Department of Vets Affairs.

Guess who signs my check, biotch? It AIN'T any VA Health Administration.

You been served. Again. Go away.
You see, this is a problem of perspective. Some here see no problem with the AWOL and desertion qualities of the current President's military history. The paper trail for that is not just a fabrication over time. That just doesn't happen.

This period of war has come with a high level of experimentation on the part of the W_administration to test just how far a human being can be driven before balking. Some balk sooner than others. Why is there so much outrage about one National Guard troop stealing $20K. It comes with the condition of brain functioning. Is it a smoke screen to distract from the billions that have been stolen at the top.

I do not understand the collective administrative wisdom of our squad of REMFs here. I suppose, once indoctrinated, alway indoctrinated. I have a large number of friends and acquaintances who have had military careers in all the services, in all the ranks and commissions. Some are true believers in the ways of this administration. Some were but are now not. Some are outraged. Some are still in mental, rational and moral conflict over what is being done at the top.

Trading with the enemy for dodgey purposes is treason. Ronald Reagan and his minions qualify or perhaps the minions just took him along. Papa Bush 41 was a lot more circumspect about doing things that could come back and bite him in the nether parts. 43 has not displayed the capacity to do as well. I hold that the real enemy in our case now is Saudi Arabia, Halliburtonm Cheney in the loop and Blackwater. The Saudi king is way up 43's GI track bottom to top for purposes that did not have good outcomes for American's that came together from the wide world at 10048 on 9-11.

I was questioned here recently about the possibility that there is something that must be kept secret about our continued presence in the provinces formerly known as Iraq. I have gone into it historically, the geopolitics, the economics, and incidental possibilities. I have found but one thing . . . this president is given to blunders of a grand scale, and inability to recognize those blunders - including his own spotty military record - and a certitude that is a product of limited capability of mind. Oh, he is smart. He is just not smart in the right way.

Our National Guard, guy, he grew up one watershed over from me. He made some goofy decisions. He is a product of his functioning as is the President.

Believe as you will. It was a free country. Live in error as you see fit.

You see, this is a problem of perspective. Some here see no problem with the AWOL and desertion qualities of the current President's military history. The paper trail for that is not just a fabrication over time. That just doesn't happen.

This period of war has come with a high level of experimentation on the part of the W_administration to test just how far a human being can be driven before balking. Some balk sooner than others. Why is there so much outrage about one National Guard troop stealing $20K. It comes with the condition of brain functioning. Is it a smoke screen to distract from the billions that have been stolen at the top.

I do not understand the collective administrative wisdom of our squad of REMFs here. I suppose, once indoctrinated, alway indoctrinated. I have a large number of friends and acquaintances who have had military careers in all the services, in all the ranks and commissions. Some are true believers in the ways of this administration. Some were but are now not. Some are outraged. Some are still in mental, rational and moral conflict over what is being done at the top.

Trading with the enemy for dodgey purposes is treason. Ronald Reagan and his minions qualify or perhaps the minions just took him along. Papa Bush 41 was a lot more circumspect about doing things that could come back and bite him in the nether parts. 43 has not displayed the capacity to do as well. I hold that the real enemy in our case now is Saudi Arabia, Halliburtonm Cheney in the loop and Blackwater. The Saudi king is way up 43's GI track bottom to top for purposes that did not have good outcomes for American's that came together from the wide world at 10048 on 9-11.

I was questioned here recently about the possibility that there is something that must be kept secret about our continued presence in the provinces formerly known as Iraq. I have gone into it historically, the geopolitics, the economics, and incidental possibilities. I have found but one thing . . . this president is given to blunders of a grand scale, and inability to recognize those blunders - including his own spotty military record - and a certitude that is a product of limited capability of mind. Oh, he is smart. He is just not smart in the right way.

Our National Guard, guy, he grew up one watershed over from me. He made some goofy decisions. He is a product of his functioning as is the President.

Believe as you will. It was a free country. Live in error as you see fit.


President Bush was neither AWOL or a Deserter. He was in a national Guard Unit. They do not operate the same as regular duty units. I know I was IN the Guard. He missed drills, so what, he made them up, THAT is how the Guard works. He changed units for a time, again a standard practice of the peace time Guard. They try very hard to accomadate all members. He was not needed in a critical job at his current Unit so for personal reasons moved to another unit for a period of time, while there he missed drills. No problem, when he returned to his normal unit he made up ALL missed time. COMMON practice in the Guard.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE he was AWOL or a DESERTER. That would be why no one can prove said claims. The Guard operates different from active duty.
Guess who signs my check, biotch? It AIN'T any VA Health Administration.

You know of course who provides the on going dollars that allows you to continue to get a check.

I just got my worksheets from my accountant - yes, I had to graduate from hip pocket - for my next quarterly tax report. If I was not married to my very succssfull wife, I would not be in the 38% bracket. Does your wife work? She is contributing to your retirement. Your working children . . . they are chipping in to your check. Your grandchildren . . . they will pay too. Does corporate American contribute much at the board and stockholder level? No, they get to keep theirs so that they may, at their discretion, contribute to dribble down. You fear and support them. For me and your family, who are actually paying your way, you dismiss. You did earn what you get by merit and personal sacrifice. You merely for-get that the money did not magically appear or was put away with your name on it. You were a number in a record that qualified. You are a statistical blip that has had a good set of front men in Congress who have as yet held off those who would very much like to cut you out of the budget with your support.

Give 'er a little think there! Pick an address out of the phone book and send them a thank you card.

Or. You may tell me how you think that works.

You know of course who provides the on going dollars that allows you to continue to get a check.

I just got my worksheets from my accountant - yes, I had to graduate from hip pocket - for my next quarterly tax report. If I was not married to my very succssfull wife, I would not be in the 38% bracket. Does your wife work? She is contributing to your retirement. Your working children . . . they are chipping in to your check. Your grandchildren . . . they will pay too. Does corporate American contribute much at the board and stockholder level? No, they get to keep theirs so that they may, at their discretion, contribute to dribble down. You fear and support them. For me and your family, who are actually paying your way, you dismiss. You did earn what you get by merit and personal sacrifice. You merely for-get that the money did not magically appear or was put away with your name on it. You were a number in a record that qualified. You are a statistical blip that has had a good set of front men in Congress who have as yet held off those who would very much like to cut you out of the budget with your support.

Give 'er a little think there! Pick an address out of the phone book and send them a thank you card.

Or. You may tell me how you think that works.


There is no serious effort by any party or candidate to eliminate the VA or the retirement system for the military. And the spurious claim Bush and party have cut the VA has been shown to be an out and out LIE. The VA Budget has grown by over 80 percent from when he first took office. Most of it during the 6 years the Republicans controlled Congress.

This is nothing more than fear mongering in the hopes some dumby believes your hype.

Edit, I accidently left out the 8 on 80 percent.
There is no serious effort by any party or candidate to eliminate the VA or the retirement system for the military. And the spurious claim Bush and party have cut the VA has been shown to be an out and out LIE. The VA Budget has grown by over 0 percent from when he first took office. Most of it during the 6 years the Republicans controlled Congress.

This is nothing more than fear mongering in the hopes some dumby believes your hype.

I admire your confidence. I do not hype. I can not return the compliment . . . just yet.

I have mentioned that I live between two former word class VA hospitals. I am in them often. I notice things. I remember things. I take notes. My observations are not the things that make the newspaper, however. In the newspaper we find everything from supplies fraud to computer systems thievery, the VA is under attack from within. Most of this stuff would be hard to make up. I believe that you just have not been bit in the ass yet by that system. I was in the HMO/Neighborhood clinics program for a while. It was essentially a Beta project but I qualified because I was awarded a less than 10% disability at separation. (An aside - My mother thought a net 45% improvement over when I went in was a God send.) The HMO/Clinic system folded here because of mismanagement and criminal activity - pain killers.

I am not guessing or making stuff up. The bits of truth, as yet kept at bay, are bad enough.

I was a Scout Master at one time. I balked at an Eagle scam. We parted ways.

I can smell dodgey ops . . . and doubt and fear.

President Bush was neither AWOL or a Deserter. He was in a national Guard Unit. They do not operate the same as regular duty units. I know I was IN the Guard. He missed drills, so what, he made them up, THAT is how the Guard works. He changed units for a time, again a standard practice of the peace time Guard. They try very hard to accomadate all members. He was not needed in a critical job at his current Unit so for personal reasons moved to another unit for a period of time, while there he missed drills. No problem, when he returned to his normal unit he made up ALL missed time. COMMON practice in the Guard.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE he was AWOL or a DESERTER. That would be
why no one can prove said claims. The Guard operates different from active duty.

This President did not fulfill a sworn duty. He got off light by way of his connections.

Our PSTD boyo is NG . . . but with more strings.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE he was AWOL or a DESERTER. That would be why no one can prove said claims.

Hold that thought. I' ll send the Louisiana Crystal Hot Sauce.

President Bush was neither AWOL or a Deserter. He was in a national Guard Unit. They do not operate the same as regular duty units. I know I was IN the Guard. He missed drills, so what, he made them up, THAT is how the Guard works. He changed units for a time, again a standard practice of the peace time Guard. They try very hard to accomadate all members. He was not needed in a critical job at his current Unit so for personal reasons moved to another unit for a period of time, while there he missed drills. No problem, when he returned to his normal unit he made up ALL missed time. COMMON practice in the Guard.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE he was AWOL or a DESERTER. That would be

This President did not fulfill a sworn duty. He got off light by way of his connections.

Our PSTD boyo is NG . . . but with more strings.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE he was AWOL or a DESERTER. That would be why no one can prove said claims.

Hold that thought. I' ll send the Louisiana Crystal Hot Sauce.


I served as an admin clerk in one of the Highest Headquarters units in Washington State. Before I joined the Marine Corps. That was from 78 to 79. It was standard practice to allow people to move from unit to unit, to allow people that missed drills to make them up and to almost NEVER charge anyone with AWOL and never Desertion.

All that happened if you missed drills was you were asked if you wanted to get out or make up the drills. I processed the service jackets for people that made both decisions. As I recall back then the Army called them 201 Files?

This included Officers and enlisteds. And no none of them had political connections of any kind. No powerful person stepped in and had some Guard officer offer them these choices.
Based soley on the information in the article.

PTSD as a JAG would rule the alleged mental issues not relevant to missing Friday's AM.

Why do we care?

Because we expect better of our servicemembers. They are the best and brightest of our society. Often they are better than the civilian leadership that they obey.

For the poster that mentioned admin action...... ANY violation of the UCMJ is a court martial offense. The CO can convene a special or refer to SJA for a GCM. The accused can demand a court martial in lieu of Office Hours (NJP/Art15/Captains Mast) since they verdict cannot be appealed.

of this response.

Lemme see . . . this guy was a Law Enforcement officer at home, I say generously. Has his ability to parse right from wrong been affected by his service in a war zone. I would have to know if he was in fact an on-the-street guy or a Green Zone REMF. The complications of extended tours and repeat tours for the few are going to come a roosting like feral chickens. I hate systemic problems that come from bad decisions and expediency that drizzle down from the top.

My liberal conscience says that the work that needs to be done by the military needs to be spread around by way of a draft. My conservative side says that generous bonuses are a whore master's way of getting by on the cheap.

I admire your confidence. I do not hype. I can not return the compliment . . . just yet.

I have mentioned that I live between two former word class VA hospitals. I am in them often. I notice things. I remember things. I take notes. My observations are not the things that make the newspaper, however. In the newspaper we find everything from supplies fraud to computer systems thievery, the VA is under attack from within. Most of this stuff would be hard to make up. I believe that you just have not been bit in the ass yet by that system. I was in the HMO/Neighborhood clinics program for a while. It was essentially a Beta project but I qualified because I was awarded a less than 10% disability at separation. (An aside - My mother thought a net 45% improvement over when I went in was a God send.) The HMO/Clinic system folded here because of mismanagement and criminal activity - pain killers.

I am not guessing or making stuff up. The bits of truth, as yet kept at bay, are bad enough.

I was a Scout Master at one time. I balked at an Eagle scam. We parted ways.

I can smell dodgey ops . . . and doubt and fear.


I have no doubt the VA hospitals are poorly run, it takes a long time for appointments and non critical treatment. Never said anything about that. That has been true since long before you or I ever served or retired from the military.

The claim Bush and or the republicans cut VA budgets is an OUTRIGHT LIE. I believe the total is 83 percent increase in VA Budget since 2000 to 2007. Around 65 percent of that in the first 6 years.

Once again for the slow or stupid ( not that your either) a refusal to agree to an Increase and to lower said increase IS NOT a cut in a Budget. It is in fact STILL an INCREASE.
of this response. Well thank you. Throwing around insults doesn't move the discussion forward very well.

Lemme see . . . this guy was a Law Enforcement officer at home, I say generously. Swing and a miss. That would be strike one. Has his ability to parse right from wrong been affected by his service in a war zone. I would have to know if he was in fact an on-the-street guy or a Green Zone REMF. Interesting that you would characterise the service of folks as REMF's. Somehow, I doubt you understand exactly what you are saying. So, I will give you a pass on that. Strike Two. The complications of extended tours and repeat tours for the few are going to come a roosting like feral chickens. I hate systemic problems that come from bad decisions and expediency that drizzle down from the top. Your analysis of my response overlooked the fact that I was simply using the news story as a source. Since the reporter isn't .mil as evidenced by a reference to Sgt SoAndSo as a Superior Officer we can assume that not all the story is there. My experience is fairly humble. Twenty-two years on active duty both in front and rear positions at one time or another.
My liberal conscience says that the work that needs to be done by the military needs to be spread around by way of a draft. My conservative side says that generous bonuses are a whore master's way of getting by on the cheap. Bonuses are paid to professionals. Nothing more. The draft is a bad idea. The offer made to the other poster is an option at your convienience.

I AM not as smart as you think you are.
F-ing jarheads ... the MSgt comes in and slays all opposition and everybody runs off. :cool:
F-ing jarheads ... the MSgt comes in and slays all opposition and everybody runs off. :cool:

I sowwy

Not quite, gunny.

State your case or just shut up. You ain't funny at all. Dig it?

Earth to YOU ... I DID state MY case. You have yet to surpass lameass, trolling one-liners. Keep trying though ... I'm sure you'll eventually get your attention span to last long to enough to get a coherent thought out.


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