Great News for USA LNG, terrible for Putler "Lukasenka instructed to finish on the US infrastructure


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Great News for USA LNG, terrible for Putler "Lukasenka instructed to finish on the US infrastructure money "Friendship" for oil imports from the Baltic States" . Its clear that USA got a huge OIL-Gas market in Europe and Asia

" "We are unreasonably fixated on a few suppliers and have no long-term alternative sources of raw materials."

"Oil - is not a monopoly product,
"Necessary and complex system infrastructure solutions. Should consider the possibility of implementing joint projects with foreign companies - owners of the raw materials. "

"Time to finally accept the fact that energy matters should not count only on themselves, but at the critical moment, even the closest partners will be guided only by the logic of their own interests", - he added the head of state.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that Belarus has two large enterprise and advanced refining: refineries in Novopolotsk and Mozyr, producing high-quality and competitive products that are in demand in foreign markets.

Given their placement head of state reminded about the task of diversification of supply and possible routes. One of them - through Ukraine via the pipeline Odessa - Brody oil pipeline, the second - through ports on the Baltic Sea.

"The market is a good market, close to the markets. But need logistics. We have also in recent months many have worked on oil supplies. I have already said that about 40%, maybe 50% will continue to buy oil in Russia (if Russia wants) when finally diversify. A 30% can buy from the Baltic ports and from Odessa.

It will be three sources. We fully oil supply can be diversified, "- said the head of state.

In terms of supplies from the Baltic direction Lukashenko confident of being able to resolve the issue with the improvement of logistics, primarily for the supply of pipeline transport.

"This is not a problem to build. Incidentally, there are a couple of pipes that would satisfy us if we had them put in order and agreed with the Baltic States to these pipes, "- said the Belarusian leader.

He also recalled that there were very serious allegations and intentions of the United States.

"From the Secretary of State, I spoke on this subject Helps us with the infrastructure and the supply of oil. Pompey himself offered at competitive prices, this oil. And at the Munich conference was a statement: they have allocated $ 1 billion for the construction of logistics, that is, for the supply of oil, - said Alexander Lukashenko.

- In particular, we can expect that we will receive from them very cheap loans for the construction of the same miserable pipe from the Baltic Sea. Somewhere we need a pair of jumpers, which the government expects to build as many as three years. It will not be this. A year or two, not more! And the $ 100-120 million, we find ourselves on the bridge. "

"So you just need to move", - said the Belarusian leader.
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