Great read: What happened to Alan Derschowitz?

This article from Politico is a fast and interesting read. Liberals are perplexed at the greatest legal mind of the last 50 years taking a stand for Donald Trump and against the Mueller investigation. Read and draw your own conclusions.

‘What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?’
I read that earlier. I'm not sure he's the greatest legal mind, or even greatest liberal legal mind of 50 years. But I think much of "what happened to him" is the dems and even some American Jews are no longer buying Likud on Israeli settlements and land for peace. The guy's view is an Israel with Old Testament borders, and he's going with the team that supports it.
This article from Politico is a fast and interesting read. Liberals are perplexed at the greatest legal mind of the last 50 years taking a stand for Donald Trump and against the Mueller investigation. Read and draw your own conclusions.

‘What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?’
I read that earlier. I'm not sure he's the greatest legal mind, or even greatest liberal legal mind of 50 years. But I think much of "what happened to him" is the dems and even some American Jews are no longer buying Likud on Israeli settlements and land for peace. The guy's view is an Israel with Old Testament borders, and he's going with the team that supports it.
Dershowitz also has a history with Mueller I didn't know about:

How Alan Dershowitz Went From Hillary Donor to Trump’s Attack Dog on Russia

"That’s according to Harvey Silverglate, a criminal defense attorney who has worked with Dershowitz over the years.

"The two men once represented Jeffrey MacDonald, who was convicted decades ago of murdering his wife and two daughters and who still maintains his innocence.

"Silverglate and Dershowitz tried to get MacDonald a new trial.

"As part of that effort, said Silverglate, they met with Mueller at the Justice Department headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C.

"This meeting came in the early ’90s—Silverglate didn’t recall the exact year—when Mueller headed the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. They wanted him to ask the judge who convicted MacDonald to vacate that conviction because of problems with evidence. A report from the time said Dershowitz argued government agents had conspired to frame MacDonald.

"'Mueller opens up the meeting with the following line, which was so seared into my memory that I will never forget it,' Silverglate told The Daily Beast. 'He looks at us—Alan Dershowitz and me—and says, OK, gentlemen, I just want to say: Criticism of the bureau is a non-starter.'"
"Maybe the question isn’t what happened to Alan Dershowitz.

Maybe it’s what happened to everyone else."

That quote from the article says it all.
"Maybe the question isn’t what happened to Alan Dershowitz.

Maybe it’s what happened to everyone else."

That quote from the article says it all.
I agree 100%. It is not American to pre-judge a person based on their political opinion.
This article from Politico is a fast and interesting read. Liberals are perplexed at the greatest legal mind of the last 50 years taking a stand for Donald Trump and against the Mueller investigation. Read and draw your own conclusions.

‘What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?’
I read that earlier. I'm not sure he's the greatest legal mind, or even greatest liberal legal mind of 50 years. But I think much of "what happened to him" is the dems and even some American Jews are no longer buying Likud on Israeli settlements and land for peace. The guy's view is an Israel with Old Testament borders, and he's going with the team that supports it.
Dershowitz also has a history with Mueller I didn't know about:

How Alan Dershowitz Went From Hillary Donor to Trump’s Attack Dog on Russia

"That’s according to Harvey Silverglate, a criminal defense attorney who has worked with Dershowitz over the years.

"The two men once represented Jeffrey MacDonald, who was convicted decades ago of murdering his wife and two daughters and who still maintains his innocence.

"Silverglate and Dershowitz tried to get MacDonald a new trial.

"As part of that effort, said Silverglate, they met with Mueller at the Justice Department headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C.

"This meeting came in the early ’90s—Silverglate didn’t recall the exact year—when Mueller headed the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. They wanted him to ask the judge who convicted MacDonald to vacate that conviction because of problems with evidence. A report from the time said Dershowitz argued government agents had conspired to frame MacDonald.

"'Mueller opens up the meeting with the following line, which was so seared into my memory that I will never forget it,' Silverglate told The Daily Beast. 'He looks at us—Alan Dershowitz and me—and says, OK, gentlemen, I just want to say: Criticism of the bureau is a non-starter.'"[/QUOTE

So we are to believe that Dershowitz has a personal vendetta against Mueller because of the "non starter" statement? That's what you're going with?
Dershowitz has been a sell out since OJ

A regular on Fox, he feeds conservatives what they want to hear
Dershowitz is just an Attention Ho, like Rudy.
(they can't get anyone else except the demented-but-famous)

Don't forget amoral Dershowitz was on OJ's Team too.
And Trumpov is about as innocent as OJ.
Dershowitz hasn't changed. He's the same obnoxious, contrary human being he has always been. What has changed is the political left. Nowadays Milo Yiannopoulos, is a homophobe, racist, nazi, a gay guy married to a black guy whose father is a Jew. Ben Shapiro is a white nationalist, a jewish lawyer in a yamaka. Dave Rubin, a classical liberal that is left of center is on the SPLC hate list.

What a joke.
"Maybe the question isn’t what happened to Alan Dershowitz.

Maybe it’s what happened to everyone else."

That quote from the article says it all.
I agree 100%. It is not American to pre-judge a person based on their political opinion.
This article from Politico is a fast and interesting read. Liberals are perplexed at the greatest legal mind of the last 50 years taking a stand for Donald Trump and against the Mueller investigation. Read and draw your own conclusions.

‘What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?’
I read that earlier. I'm not sure he's the greatest legal mind, or even greatest liberal legal mind of 50 years. But I think much of "what happened to him" is the dems and even some American Jews are no longer buying Likud on Israeli settlements and land for peace. The guy's view is an Israel with Old Testament borders, and he's going with the team that supports it.
Dershowitz also has a history with Mueller I didn't know about:

How Alan Dershowitz Went From Hillary Donor to Trump’s Attack Dog on Russia

"That’s according to Harvey Silverglate, a criminal defense attorney who has worked with Dershowitz over the years.

"The two men once represented Jeffrey MacDonald, who was convicted decades ago of murdering his wife and two daughters and who still maintains his innocence.

"Silverglate and Dershowitz tried to get MacDonald a new trial.

"As part of that effort, said Silverglate, they met with Mueller at the Justice Department headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C.

"This meeting came in the early ’90s—Silverglate didn’t recall the exact year—when Mueller headed the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. They wanted him to ask the judge who convicted MacDonald to vacate that conviction because of problems with evidence. A report from the time said Dershowitz argued government agents had conspired to frame MacDonald.

"'Mueller opens up the meeting with the following line, which was so seared into my memory that I will never forget it,' Silverglate told The Daily Beast. 'He looks at us—Alan Dershowitz and me—and says, OK, gentlemen, I just want to say: Criticism of the bureau is a non-starter.'"[/QUOTE

So we are to believe that Dershowitz has a personal vendetta against Mueller because of the "non starter" statement? That's what you're going with?
I believe Dershowitz is a media whore willing to argue any side that will fatten his bank account.

How Alan Dershowitz Went From Hillary Donor to Trump’s Attack Dog on Russia

"Dershowitz has also criticized Mueller for hiring lawyers who have contributed to Democratic politicians. And he recently released a new book, Trumped Up: How Criminalization of Political Differences Endangers Democracy."

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