What it's like to live in a deep blue State

73% of murders are committed in just 5% of counties...51% of counties have zero murders ... What do these counties have in common?

Cook county IL, 775 murders
View attachment 926227

What do most of these areas have in common?

What kind of people live there?

What kind of people live in Shelby Co TN?

That's Memphis.
73% of murders are committed in just 5% of counties...51% of counties have zero murders ... What do these counties have in common?

Cook county IL, 775 murders
View attachment 926227

Wherever there are lots of evil people there is lots of crime.

Diddycrats = pure evil
Last week it was reported some mega elite famous people in an exclusive California neighborhood are fuming because...squatters moved into a multi-million dollar home next to them and hold wild drug/sex parties non-stop. :auiqs.jpg:


I did some work in Woodland, squatters lived on a friend's property amongst piss. They and/or a bunch of cats supposedly, soaked, I say soaked the floor sides, baseboard, and walls in one room. The dining room too. I told the guy what to do, but he painted and floored on top of it, oh no. Oh well, it's a shithole anyhow.

Down the street he has another rental. Big beautiful house really, built so nice, but the location sucks, like much of Woodland these days. Squatters wouldn't leave for many months, "cash for keys" finally got them out. Meth heads, perhaps heroine, cocaine no doubt. Really sad, some of their leftovers said they were once much better. They moved what they could take times three, but tons of stuff remained in the house, should have seen the basement. The family and their homeless friends spent weeks packing it into a barely operable at best truck and trailer, parked next to the house, where they were now living. A three year old would pack better, I should have taken a picture.. They eventually left, because a month later, I saw they had moved below an on-ramp in Sac.....

That's just life in California. Sure their are good people, conservative middle class etc. Other than that scrapers and wealthy. Watch what happens in Ca. 20 years from now. It's going to be like a separate country, and the wealth will be Asian.
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Why do conservatives feel the need to tell other people where they live is terrible?
Having your vehicle stolen in California is a thing, I hear it all the time from the victims. Someone just posted this, and thought of this thread. Just another day in California, the place is a shithole.

Does anyone actually believe that thieves made off with a grand piano in the middle of the night--taken out of someone's garage?

Imagine for a moment someone stealing a grand piano in the middle of the night, downtown Davis. Yep, happened to my girlfriend's dad after an estate sale, I couldn't believe it.
In America today, almost every county with above average crime is blue and every country with lower than average crime is red.
Back in reality, the red states are the crime-ridden states.

And the conservatives here defend that.

Heck, they're probably selling the fentanyl that all their buds kill over.
Last week it was reported some mega elite famous people in an exclusive California neighborhood are fuming because...squatters moved into a multi-million dollar home next to them and hold wild drug/sex parties non-stop. :auiqs.jpg:
I've lived or spent time in maybe 12 states.
The worst NW, fat bigoted ex-hippies
DC horrible,maybe worst place I lived in , 6 years

California, nasty in the Sourth
Best places are Deep South: Real culture, religous sense of family and neighborhood and state, friendly, has a history that includes food,architecture,music, literature,and public celebrations of religous holidays and anything really
Does anyone actually believe that thieves made off with a grand piano in the middle of the night--taken out of someone's garage?
You dumb idiot, it was removed from a formal dining room, fucktard. And right downtown. Theft is a way of life there. I've only been ripped off once in many many decades, had to go to Ca. to do it, SOBs stole my Rogue Hoe from my friend's backyard.
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You dumb idiot, it was removed from a bedroom, fucktard.
So when you wrote:

Imagine for a moment someone stealing a grand piano in the middle of the night, downtown Davis. Yep, happened to my girlfriend's dad after an estate sale, I couldn't believe it.

SO someone went into your girlfriend’s dad’s bedroom in the middle of the night and stole a Grand Piano?


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