Good for you. Your mind is still sharp, curious, working, wondering and that is a tremendous blessing. You've forgotten more history than most of these younger whipper snappers ever knew. And have the blessing of observation and experience that they lack.I am 86 but hope to live too for another 20 years so long as I don't end up the way Carter ended up for several last years he lived. I find my experience in life is of value. I recall FDR for instance. I recall Herbert Hoover and even Charles Lindbergh. I also have accumulated a large library in my interest in books.
The young who are not indoctrinated and/or brainwashed are also blessed with not having the constraints of history/experience/conditioning of having lived it all and such so their brains are more able to imagine new and wonderful concepts that us older folk have sometimes forgotten how to do. That is why George Lucas chose older teenagers and twenty somethings to do the innovation and programming for the quirky facets of his Star Wars trilogy. They could imagine and come up with components that older people probably would not have been able to do. And the results were brilliant.
Pity too many of the young these days, however, because they are indoctrinated and programmed in fixed ways of thinking that has destroyed or suppressed most of their creative and critical thinking ability. That's why they buy into this control the climate nonsense that governments in the Americas and in Europe are trying to force on us. They have lost their instincts that would allow them to see how flawed that concept most likely is.