Green New Deal Questions


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
How much fossil fuel does it take to make an electric car?
A wind powered turbine?
A solar panel?
Virtually every item of clothing/shoes everyone on the planet wears?
'Clothing made from hemp still require machinery to manufacture them.
Cooking utensils?
Toilet paper?
Mattresses/pillows/alarm clocks.
All drugs legal and illegal?
To get the fucking coffee beans from the plantation to your kitchen!?
Farm equipment to irrigate/plant/harvest/transport to distributors the world's food?
To move the food from the warehouses to the stores where you all buy your food?
To build the fucking stores in the first place!?
To make and maintain the roads the trucks use to move the food from the farm to your grocery?
To build the bridges?
To build and equip the hospitals with technology?
To manufacture the fucking computer you are sitting in front of!
To manufacture virtually every fucking thing people on the planet need to survive?
This I guarantee: Without fossil fuels mankind would be still living in the fucking stone age.
Think about that the next time the fucking Socialist twit AOC screams at you that the world doesn't need fossil fuels.
How much fossil fuel does it take to make the 'cotton ponys' AOC uses every month?
Without fossil fuel her sex toys would be made out of pine trees!
That's wrong. You need a knife to carve the sex toys. Knives are made of metal.
How about we do a trial run of the Green New Deal? Why not impose it on say the state of New York or California? Then, sit back and watch what happens. Seems like a logical approach. Then we can decide if it is worth implementing on the entire nation.
How about we do a trial run of the Green New Deal? Why not impose it on say the state of New York or California? Then, sit back and watch what happens. Seems like a logical approach. Then we can decide if it is worth implementing on the entire nation.

You don't understand the New Green Deal or Liberalism at all, if you think they'll do that.

Liberalism is about telling OTHER PEOPLE what to do- not doing it yourself.

With the Socialism Medicine scheme, Socialist Vermont pulled out of the idea instead of implementing there. Said it would be "too expensive".

Well, if its too expensive for a small wealthy state like Vermont, why do libs think it would be good for the rest of us?
How about we do a trial run of the Green New Deal? Why not impose it on say the state of New York or California? Then, sit back and watch what happens. Seems like a logical approach. Then we can decide if it is worth implementing on the entire nation.
Very Good point!

How about we do a trial run of the Green New Deal? Why not impose it on say the state of New York or California? Then, sit back and watch what happens. Seems like a logical approach. Then we can decide if it is worth implementing on the entire nation.
GREAT MOMENTS IN ECO-HYPOCRISY: Canadian Green Party Leader Elizabeth May parades in a gas-guzzling 1994 Dodge Viper but wants Canadians to switch to electric vehicles.

I’ll believe that global warming is a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start to act like it’s a crisis themselves.
Nobody is proposing we stop using all fossil fuels all at once, which would destroy society. What they want to do is mitigate the use of fossil fuels and transition into using as much green energy as we can as quickly as possible.
Nobody is proposing we stop using all fossil fuels all at once, which would destroy society. What they want to do is mitigate the use of fossil fuels and transition into using as much green energy as we can as quickly as possible.
We'll watch them do it first, see how it works and then replicate it if it looks successful.

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