Green New Deal Such A Dog Fem Leaders Urge Members to Vote 'Present'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Despite rabidly defending AOC's sci-fi fantasy and rushing to support it, none if them actually want their name on the record as officially associated with / for it.

Bwuhahahaha...too damn funny.

The democrats are a train wreck....

Green New Deal Dodge: Schumer asks Dems to vote "present"

"Profiles in Courage this ain’t. Fresh off of calling an upcoming vote on the Green New Deal “a diversion, a sham,” Chuck Schumer has crafted plans to divert accountability from his caucus for the $93 trillion plan. Rather than take a position, the Senate Minority Leader wants his entire caucus to vote ‘present’ on their own proposal:"

"Under the circumstances, “present” may be the best strategy possible. It’s craven and hypocritical, but with his party careening towards socialism, that’s all Schumer has left."
lololo they talk it up and the wont vote for do you vote fo such people
Hey dimwits...there's nothing to vote on. Post this Bill. Let's look at what you're talking about
Despite rabidly defending AOC's sci-fi fantasy and rushing to support it, none if them actually want their name on the record as officially associated with / for it.

Bwuhahahaha...too damn funny.

The democrats are a train wreck....

Green New Deal Dodge: Schumer asks Dems to vote "present"

"Profiles in Courage this ain’t. Fresh off of calling an upcoming vote on the Green New Deal “a diversion, a sham,” Chuck Schumer has crafted plans to divert accountability from his caucus for the $93 trillion plan. Rather than take a position, the Senate Minority Leader wants his entire caucus to vote ‘present’ on their own proposal:"

"Under the circumstances, “present” may be the best strategy possible. It’s craven and hypocritical, but with his party careening towards socialism, that’s all Schumer has left."
His costituents are commies. If he votes for it, his opponents can say HE is a fucking commie (he is, but,hey, commie chameleon). If he votes against it, his commie constituents will go ape shit.


Is there a more gutless thing a politician can do?

It is getting harder for these commie chameleons to blend in. The new round of useful idiots can't keep a lid on their goose-stepping agenda. They have become space-cadet bold.

AOC is a goldmine for those of us fighting to expose these authoritarian collectivists.

I hope she never shuts up.


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