Greenfield: Time to hold media responsible for pushing black nationalism


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Usually a mass murderer shouting Allahu Akbar has a familiar point of origin, but Kori Ali Muhammad owes at least as much to Black Nationalism as he does to Islam.
GREENFIELD: Time to Hold Media Responsible For Pushing Black Nationalism
MSM pushes narrative linked to anti-white Fresno massacre

The sooner people realize how controlled media dictates what you think in order to benefit the Elites in power the sooner you will realize you are serving those who don't give one flying fk about you.
This bad ass black needs to get the same sentence the bad ass white from Charleston got! Nothing less!
Usually a mass murderer shouting Allahu Akbar has a familiar point of origin, but Kori Ali Muhammad owes at least as much to Black Nationalism as he does to Islam.
GREENFIELD: Time to Hold Media Responsible For Pushing Black Nationalism
MSM pushes narrative linked to anti-white Fresno massacre

The sooner people realize how controlled media dictates what you think in order to benefit the Elites in power the sooner you will realize you are serving those who don't give one flying fk about you.

So I read this title that just attributes "Greenfield" but doesn't say WHO Greenfield. And it doesn't take long to find out why it doesn't.

I presume it's the respected news analyst Jeff Greenfield, but the link --- when it finally loads --- goes to Alex Jones' Tinfoil wacknut site. Not a good sign. It too says only "Greenfield" and makes you root through the article --- and there it is ... Daniel Greenfield. The Islamophobe gadfly hack behind the infamous TROP, whose sterling CV includes such gems as "Obama Blames California Drought He Caused on Global Warming". :tinfoil:

I guess if I were selling turds like this I'd want to cover up the name too.
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Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots."

The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."

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