Greetings from the Netherlands


May 22, 2012
I thought before I post a new thread about the New York state property tax system.
Let me first introduce myself.

My name is Floris. I live in the small country that's called Holland or the Netherlands (not Amsterdam)
I'm a 22 year old tax law student at the university of Leiden.
What is the reasen why a dutch student wants to discuss the New York state tax system? The answer is a combination of my early visit to the United States in 2008, my research paper and the fact that there is something in that tax system that I can't see to understand.

I hope people will help me to get me to understand that part so I write a paper which is true.

Luckily tax isn't my only interest in the USA,
I find your struggle with public healthcare, debts, political battles quite fascinating.
And I hope the New York Ranger reach the NHL finals.

Bye Floris.
Hi! Enjoy your stay!

Do you hope to find something about the US tax code by using this site? Well, I would guess that you are probably not going to find anything useful about that topic on this site, or for that matter, anything useful about any other practical topic.

We practice all-American squalor here. The politics here are just as vapid and offensive as the flame wars that start in every thread. That said, it is not often boring around here.

Again, enjoy your stay, and good luck with your studies!
"bûter, brea en griene tsiis, wa't dat net sizze kin is gjin oprjochte Fries"

Thank you,
Even the smallest amount of information can help me out I think.
I thought before I post a new thread about the New York state property tax system.
Let me first introduce myself.

My name is Floris. I live in the small country that's called Holland or the Netherlands (not Amsterdam)
I'm a 22 year old tax law student at the university of Leiden.
What is the reasen why a dutch student wants to discuss the New York state tax system? The answer is a combination of my early visit to the United States in 2008, my research paper and the fact that there is something in that tax system that I can't see to understand.

I hope people will help me to get me to understand that part so I write a paper which is true.

Luckily tax isn't my only interest in the USA,
I find your struggle with public healthcare, debts, political battles quite fascinating.
And I hope the New York Ranger reach the NHL finals.

Bye Floris.
Welcome to USMB, floris. Hope you enjoy the boards. :) Our family has Holland-Dutch roots, 4 centuries ago, that is. :)
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I thought before I post a new thread about the New York state property tax system.
Let me first introduce myself.

My name is Floris. I live in the small country that's called Holland or the Netherlands (not Amsterdam)
I'm a 22 year old tax law student at the university of Leiden.
What is the reasen why a dutch student wants to discuss the New York state tax system? The answer is a combination of my early visit to the United States in 2008, my research paper and the fact that there is something in that tax system that I can't see to understand.

I hope people will help me to get me to understand that part so I write a paper which is true.

Luckily tax isn't my only interest in the USA,
I find your struggle with public healthcare, debts, political battles quite fascinating.
And I hope the New York Ranger reach the NHL finals.

Bye Floris.

And you expect US to understand the New York State tax system?

At best we can describe it, using the same exact internet sources you have access to.

But UNDERSTANDING the system?

What's to understand?
And you expect US to understand the New York State tax system?

At best we can describe it, using the same exact internet sources you have access to.

But UNDERSTANDING the system?

What's to understand?

I don't expect you to understand the system, but sharing toughts about the system could help me answer some questions.
In my opinion every everyone has a human(nature) right to own his/her property without the government claiming it.
I see the property tax (Which in the Netherlands we don't have) as a violation of the right. so therefore I thought maybe people on this messageboard, understand something about it.
Governmental entities have no claim to such personal property.
They do however have the authority to levy a tax based on the value of that property.
That tax money goes to schools, fire departments, etc.

If a person doesn't pay the tax, then they could lose their property.
The existence of such a tax isn't a violation of the right to own property. Owning properties carries with it responsibilities, and paying the tax is one of them.
I don't expect you to understand the system, but sharing toughts about the system could help me answer some questions.
In my opinion every everyone has a human(nature) right to own his/her property without the government claiming it.
I see the property tax (Which in the Netherlands we don't have) as a violation of the right. so therefore I thought maybe people on this messageboard, understand something about it.

I think you need to define a right first.
I think you need to define a right first.

My inspiration for the nature/personal rights is John Locke's "Two Treatise on Government" (which is the foundation for modern forms of democracy and for the Constitution of the United States.)
And at the first sight the property tax is a wonderful tax.
In a nutshell; Everyone pays a fair share in the costs of the public services (beautiful), it's John Locke's way to accept that there is a government.
But the government can never ask more then it needs. If so the governments violates your right on personal property.
In my research paper I'm trying to find out if the property tax in the United States is a fair tax.

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