Gretchen Carlson files sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes

according to Gretchen- females and young girls care about sexism in the workplace. You don't?

From the OP:

Nope. I can't say I give a shit.
Perhaps because you're a known partisan tool

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

No. I'm just someone who doesn't give a shit. Ain't my problem and I couldn't care less.
So you're just a typical selfish broad? Got it.

LMAO Nothing selfish about it idiot. Its her problem and I choose to not make it mine.

However, if you want to be her champion then feel free.

I could give shit one.
Its not just "her problem" you partisan dolt. as i quoted her earlier saying she was exposing it to prevent current and future generations of women from having to endure what she did

ALSO, you care so little about it that you've posted multiple times in this thread about it hon :thup:

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Nope. I can't say I give a shit.
Perhaps because you're a known partisan tool

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

No. I'm just someone who doesn't give a shit. Ain't my problem and I couldn't care less.
So you're just a typical selfish broad? Got it.

LMAO Nothing selfish about it idiot. Its her problem and I choose to not make it mine.

However, if you want to be her champion then feel free.

I could give shit one.
Its not just "her problem" you partisan dolt. as i quoted her earlier saying she was exposing it to prevent current and future generations of women from having to endure what she did

ALSO, you care so little about it that you've posted multiple times in this thread about it hon :thup:


Of course its her problem you idiot and I'm not making it mine. If that upsets your sensibilities the boo fucking hoo. Grow a pair.

Looks like Gretchen Carlson may well be the nail in pervert Roger Ailes' coffin...
Longtime Fox News Observer Reports That Roger Ailes Might Be Finished, Is Super Gross
Nope. I can't say I give a shit.
Perhaps because you're a known partisan tool

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

No. I'm just someone who doesn't give a shit. Ain't my problem and I couldn't care less.
So you're just a typical selfish broad? Got it.

LMAO Nothing selfish about it idiot. Its her problem and I choose to not make it mine.

However, if you want to be her champion then feel free.

I could give shit one.
Its not just "her problem" you partisan dolt. as i quoted her earlier saying she was exposing it to prevent current and future generations of women from having to endure what she did

ALSO, you care so little about it that you've posted multiple times in this thread about it hon :thup:


Is there a place, maybe Vegas, where I can place a bet on Carlson getting a job on one of the liberal networks. That should be a can't-lose bet.

One of Fox News Channel's top anchors has filed a lawsuit against her former boss, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, alleging wrongful termination and sexual harassment.

The news came in a bombshell email sent to reporters on Wednesday afternoon by the law firm representing Carlson, the host of “The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson” and former co-host of the morning show "Fox & Friends."

According to the lawyers at Smith Mullin P.C., who are representing Carlson, her contract was terminated on June 23. Fox News did not publicly announce the contract termination, and Carlson said on her Twitter account at the time that she was on “on vacation”.

"I have strived to empower women and girls throughout my entire career,” Carlson said in a statement. “Although this was a difficult step to take, I had to stand up for myself and speak out for all women and the next generation of women in the workplace. I am extremely proud of my accomplishments at Fox News and for keeping our loyal viewers engaged and informed on events and news topics of the day.”

POLITICO has reached out to Fox News for comment, and will update this story when we hear more.

More: Gretchen Carlson files sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes

Sexual harassment? Shame on Roger Ailes.

NOW Lakhota thinks a Fox News reporter (well a former one) is being honest?

One of Fox News Channel's top anchors has filed a lawsuit against her former boss, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, alleging wrongful termination and sexual harassment.

The news came in a bombshell email sent to reporters on Wednesday afternoon by the law firm representing Carlson, the host of “The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson” and former co-host of the morning show "Fox & Friends."

According to the lawyers at Smith Mullin P.C., who are representing Carlson, her contract was terminated on June 23. Fox News did not publicly announce the contract termination, and Carlson said on her Twitter account at the time that she was on “on vacation”.

"I have strived to empower women and girls throughout my entire career,” Carlson said in a statement. “Although this was a difficult step to take, I had to stand up for myself and speak out for all women and the next generation of women in the workplace. I am extremely proud of my accomplishments at Fox News and for keeping our loyal viewers engaged and informed on events and news topics of the day.”

POLITICO has reached out to Fox News for comment, and will update this story when we hear more.

More: Gretchen Carlson files sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes

Sexual harassment? Shame on Roger Ailes.

This is what conservatives are talking about when they're preaching about "family values," right? These people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Also, she sort of looks like a neanderthal. Or an android. It's the eyebrow bone, I think. Or the botox.

On a personal level - I've always thought of her as a NaziCon bitch.

Since the is in favor of doing away with the right to keep and bear arms like all you stupid Moon Bats are then that pretty well makes her a Libtard bitch, doesn't it?
Perhaps because you're a known partisan tool

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

No. I'm just someone who doesn't give a shit. Ain't my problem and I couldn't care less.
So you're just a typical selfish broad? Got it.

LMAO Nothing selfish about it idiot. Its her problem and I choose to not make it mine.

However, if you want to be her champion then feel free.

I could give shit one.
Its not just "her problem" you partisan dolt. as i quoted her earlier saying she was exposing it to prevent current and future generations of women from having to endure what she did

ALSO, you care so little about it that you've posted multiple times in this thread about it hon :thup:


Of course its her problem you idiot and I'm not making it mine. If that upsets your sensibilities the boo fucking hoo. Grow a pair.

Never thought I''d quote bodicca but this calls for it,

It's funny how when one woman says something, suddenly women come out of the woodworks.
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What a load of horse apples. 1989, 1968, 1967, 1984, 1965. 1966, 1975.

One poor woman nearing 70 struggled to remember what might have happened when she was 16.

Nothing unusual happened. Nothing happened to any of these women that didn't happen every day. This is what it was like. No one was raped, or even touched. It's doubtful that even that ancient of a memory will be reliable.
This is what conservatives are talking about when they're preaching about "family values," right? These people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Nope. That honor goes to the Lefties.
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