Grim Milestone: Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Has Now Been Held in Prison for 800 Days Without a Trial

No, he was acting in self defense since the cops attacked him and clubbed Roslyn Boyland to death.
Still have not seen his “rampage”….
I don' know. After all "rampage" and "self-defense" seem to be terms that may best be defined by the viewer.

Here, you be the judge.



Clue for the Cluefull:

Follow the ball-bat. It's a tell.



Looks like he hit their shields.

Charge him and take him to court. Holding him with no trial for over 800 days is unconstitutional.
"The libs have not offered him reasonable bail Or any bail because he’s a political prisoner"

Don't just anonymously whine about your problem while using a fake name on a internet social media site, poster Mac7.

Show the chatroom you chops. Your gravitas. Your credibility.

And prove it.

  • Prove he hasn' been offered bail.
  • Prove that there were not extenuating circumstances to his particular case.
  • Prove that is was "libs" (whatever da hell they are in this circumstance).

Don't mean to be unduly harsh poster Mac7......but the chatroom gets an awful lot of whiners and complainers here. With none of those hissyfitters describing what they will do about their grievance-du-jour.

Or, more commonly, few to none....offering the forum credible proof of their claims.

Don't be one of those, poster Mac-7.
Don't be an ineffective fatuous whiner.
We expect more out of you.
Holding him with no trial for over 800 days is unconstitutional.

Maybe it ain't. I suspect it ain't.
I dunno for sure, but I think there are extenuating circumstances.
Because there usually are. In crowded jails....the system tries to expedite the non-threatening ones out pretty promptly, lest they have no room for the more-threatening incoming ones.
Ergo.....someone thinks this bloke is a threat.
Did he makes statements indicating he was?
Did he attempt to organize more violence?
Has his lawyers not moved his case expeditiously?
Does the DOJ have some other bad juju on this bat-swinger?

Patience, Grasshopper. Let the cake bake.
Prove he hasn' been offered bail.
Thats laughable

You want us to believe that he prefers sitting in jail for 800 days instead of being free on bail?

What twisted mind did you get that idea from?

And since in America we are innocent till proven guilty the burden of proof is on YOU to answer all those questions not me
You want us to believe that he prefers sitting in jail for 800 days instead of being free on bail?
It ain't up to my poor avatar to prove anything about this.
He didn't make the allegation. You did.
So saddle-up, Skippy. Show us your little pony.

Prove he hasn't been offered bail as you allege.
And if he hasn't.....credibly inform the chatroom what the extenuating circumstances would be for such?

It ain't up to my poor avatar to prove anything about this.
He didn't make the allegation. You did.
So saddle-up, Skippy. Show us your little pony.

Prove he hasn't been offered bail as you allege.
And if he hasn't.....credibly inform the chatroom what the extenuating circumstances would be for such?

I have already made my case

You want reasonslble people to believe that he was offered bail but REFUSED it

Thats crazy
What a load of crap. Guy is thankful that he wasn’t harmed while rioting.

I think it is likely all of his stalling and changing lawyers to take so long... is to his own personal gain with a GO FUND ME campaign! :eek:
Leftards are defending political imprisonment.

You fuckers have LOST YOUR MINDS.

And your hearts and souls too.

(If you ever had any).
I think it is likely all of his stalling and changing lawyers to take so long... is to his own personal gain with a GO FUND ME campaign! :eek:
Motions to dismiss. Appeals for denials of motions to dismiss. Motions to appeal his bond. Appeals of the appeals for bond.

This is on him.
Leftards are defending political imprisonment.
Can't speak to "leftards" I don't know any.

However, your assertion that the January 6th seditionist attackers are political incorrect.
To the best of my knowledge, they have been arrested, some plead guilty, some convicted, some sentenced, some on bail, because......because....... they committed criminal acts, some of which were violent assaults and life threatening to the victims.

I'm sure you watched the American tragedy of January 6th on the telly......either live, or in Trump's 2nd Impeachment hearings in the House, or on many TV 'specials'......or during various segments of the House's January 6th Hearings over this past summer.

Images of these seditionist attackers were often featured in all of those presentations.

Trust me.
Your link is full of so much bullshit I can smell it from here. The Gateway Pundit is a hack partisan rag.

Here is what they deliberately are not telling you:

“The evidence proffered by the government shows that, over the course of two and a half hours on January 6, 2021, appellant repeatedly pushed, punched, and kicked at police officers defending the Lower West Terrace entrance to the Capitol building. He also slammed a door against one officer’s head and struck other officers first with a stolen riot shield and later with a metal baseball bat.”

Irrelevant. He has the Constitutional right to a speedy trial, and this is not that a speedy trial. There is no good reason that it should take this long.
The terrorist attempted to overthrow the Constitution.

So hold the trial already. That's how it's done in a law abiding country. We are supposedly not a banana republic, where you can be held like this because of political attitudes.

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