Guess what else causes global warming

Yes you being wrong means I'm an idiot have any more revelations?

The fact you altered my original post is proof positive of the level of your honesty. Who are you Gleick? Either way, thanks for making plain your lack of ethics. It seems to be endemic in your group.
Yes you being a retard means i have no ethics.... I mean seriously you judge ethics by internet posts... ROTFL

Absolutely. You don't see us altering other peoples posts do you? That's because we are ethical, unlike your deluded, intellectually impaired self. Nice job douchebag. You provide those who are undecided with more ammunition FOR US because of your utter stupidity and arrogance.

C'ya doucher.
No actually the estimates have been pretty spot on.
Yes, Deniers, Global Warming Continues | ThinkProgress

Didn't you just say that they were wrong because they missed particulates in the atmosphere? Now you are trying to say they are actually right? Did you read my post to ed about how people who actually understand the science always end up getting the idiots to contradict themselves and set out to prove me right?
Yes you being wrong means I'm an idiot have any more revelations?

Wouldnt say an idiot s0n, but shit, you are so fucking naive.

You can always spot the PC sheep 1,000 miles away when they post.:D The type of guy that reads everything from Eugene Robinson and takes it as gospel. The type of guy who has a closet full of "As Seen On TV" merchandise.

By the way's another for your collection...................

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Wind farms.

Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools. But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.

Satellite data over a large area in Texas, that is now covered by four of the world's largest wind farms, found that over a decade the local temperature went up by almost 1C as more turbines are built.

This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms.

It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.

Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study - Telegraph

I guess it is official, our only hope is to deny electricity and transportation to everyone except the lords and ladies who are tasked to keep us safe from climate change. The rest of us can live in huts, or something that doesn't actually cause our breathing to increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere.

That's just mixing. To demonstrate warming you're going to have to show a net increase of energy into the system.
No, dingleberry, no one ever claimed the natural cycles would cease. Instead of being imposed on a flat line, they are imposed now on a line that is curving upward.

Yes YOU DID! And what curving upward line? Ice is increasing at both poles, glaciers are advancing in both hemispheres. For the planet supposedly getting warmer it sure is getting cold.

Oh right, on your world physics don't apply. I forgot. Now, which planet do you live on again?

The physics

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Continental ice loss at the poles
[ame=]NASA | Glacial Ice Loss: Greenland and Antarctica - YouTube[/ame]

Arctic sea ice loss

Alpine glacial ice loss

Alpine Glacier Mass Balance

Real scientists doing real scientific work, not the flap-yap of pretenders like Walleyes.
No, dingleberry, no one ever claimed the natural cycles would cease. Instead of being imposed on a flat line, they are imposed now on a line that is curving upward.

Yes YOU DID! And what curving upward line? Ice is increasing at both poles, glaciers are advancing in both hemispheres. For the planet supposedly getting warmer it sure is getting cold.

Oh right, on your world physics don't apply. I forgot. Now, which planet do you live on again?

The physics

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Continental ice loss at the poles
[ame=]NASA | Glacial Ice Loss: Greenland and Antarctica - YouTube[/ame]

Arctic sea ice loss

Alpine glacial ice loss

Alpine Glacier Mass Balance

Real scientists doing real scientific work, not the flap-yap of pretenders like Walleyes.

Wind farms.

Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools. But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.

Satellite data over a large area in Texas, that is now covered by four of the world's largest wind farms, found that over a decade the local temperature went up by almost 1C as more turbines are built.

This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms.

It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.

Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study - Telegraph

I guess it is official, our only hope is to deny electricity and transportation to everyone except the lords and ladies who are tasked to keep us safe from climate change. The rest of us can live in huts, or something that doesn't actually cause our breathing to increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere.

That's just mixing. To demonstrate warming you're going to have to show a net increase of energy into the system.

Why yes, you do. Please show us a NET GAIN IN ENERGY from CO2 increases in the atmosphere.
No, dingleberry, no one ever claimed the natural cycles would cease. Instead of being imposed on a flat line, they are imposed now on a line that is curving upward.

Yes YOU DID! And what curving upward line? Ice is increasing at both poles, glaciers are advancing in both hemispheres. For the planet supposedly getting warmer it sure is getting cold.

Oh right, on your world physics don't apply. I forgot. Now, which planet do you live on again?

The physics

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Continental ice loss at the poles
[ame=]NASA | Glacial Ice Loss: Greenland and Antarctica - YouTube[/ame]

Arctic sea ice loss

Alpine glacial ice loss

Alpine Glacier Mass Balance

Real scientists doing real scientific work, not the flap-yap of pretenders like Walleyes.

Cute video, heres the real skinny though. Looks like that cute video is just that. Cute, horribly innacurate, but cute.


  • $N_timeseries.jpg
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What I always find incredibly ironic about the debate about pollution is that the most polluted parts of our environment--the air and water--are under primarily government management. Property rights do not exist or are not enforced in air and water. Yet the same people who claim to be proponents of a clean environment call for the same government to fix the problem.

Polluted air causes my body harm. It invades my lungs and violates my property and my life. There is no need for sweeping laws to "regulate" such pollution. If people were allowed to sue companies and individuals who polluted in this way, they would instantly install features to reduce pollution. The only reason technology today causes pollution is because the courts failed to protect individual liberty in favor of "the greater good" during the industrial revolution. If a free market had been fully allowed, pollution would not even be an issue. Technology would have developed in much cleaner ways.
I guess it is official,
what do you mean by "official"?
our only hope is to deny electricity and transportation to everyone except the lords and ladies who are tasked to keep us safe from climate change. The rest of us can live in huts, or something that doesn't actually cause our breathing to increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere.

well we've either got to do that or accept science, clearly those are the only two options.
No, dingleberry, no one ever claimed the natural cycles would cease. Instead of being imposed on a flat line, they are imposed now on a line that is curving upward.
Yes YOU DID! And what curving upward line? Ice is increasing at both poles, glaciers are advancing in both hemispheres. For the planet supposedly getting warmer it sure is getting cold.

Oh right, on your world physics don't apply. I forgot. Now, which planet do you live on again?
The planet has not cooled in almost 100 years!!! It warms then levels off where normally it would cool, then it warms again to a higher level, levels off again without cooling again. As CO2 has risen, cooling cycles have disappeared.
No, dingleberry, no one ever claimed the natural cycles would cease. Instead of being imposed on a flat line, they are imposed now on a line that is curving upward.
Yes YOU DID! And what curving upward line? Ice is increasing at both poles, glaciers are advancing in both hemispheres. For the planet supposedly getting warmer it sure is getting cold.

Oh right, on your world physics don't apply. I forgot. Now, which planet do you live on again?
The planet has not cooled in almost 100 years!!! It warms then levels off where normally it would cool, then it warms again to a higher level, levels off again without cooling again. As CO2 has risen, cooling cycles have disappeared.

You reaaaalllly need to learn how to read graphs.
Yes YOU DID! And what curving upward line? Ice is increasing at both poles, glaciers are advancing in both hemispheres. For the planet supposedly getting warmer it sure is getting cold.

Oh right, on your world physics don't apply. I forgot. Now, which planet do you live on again?
The planet has not cooled in almost 100 years!!! It warms then levels off where normally it would cool, then it warms again to a higher level, levels off again without cooling again. As CO2 has risen, cooling cycles have disappeared.

You reaaaalllly need to learn how to read graphs.
You reaaaaalllly need to post a graph that shows a cooling cycle, not a flat cycle, between warm cycles over the last 100 years
The planet has not cooled in almost 100 years!!! It warms then levels off where normally it would cool, then it warms again to a higher level, levels off again without cooling again. As CO2 has risen, cooling cycles have disappeared.

You reaaaalllly need to learn how to read graphs.
You reaaaaalllly need to post a graph that shows a cooling cycle, not a flat cycle, between warm cycles over the last 100 years

Here's one graph of many that show warming and cooling over the last 100 years.


  • $Temp_0-100_yrs.gif
    10.5 KB · Views: 68
Wind farms.

Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools. But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.

Satellite data over a large area in Texas, that is now covered by four of the world's largest wind farms, found that over a decade the local temperature went up by almost 1C as more turbines are built.

This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms.

It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.
Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study - Telegraph

I guess it is official, our only hope is to deny electricity and transportation to everyone except the lords and ladies who are tasked to keep us safe from climate change. The rest of us can live in huts, or something that doesn't actually cause our breathing to increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere.

That's just mixing. To demonstrate warming you're going to have to show a net increase of energy into the system.

Not really. Temperature is the derivative of internal energy compared to entropy, changing the energy or the entropy could result in an increase, or a decrease, in the temperature.
I guess it is official,
what do you mean by "official"?
our only hope is to deny electricity and transportation to everyone except the lords and ladies who are tasked to keep us safe from climate change. The rest of us can live in huts, or something that doesn't actually cause our breathing to increase the CO2 content of the atmosphere.
well we've either got to do that or accept science, clearly those are the only two options.

I see your concept of sarcasm is as solid as your concept of science.
No, dingleberry, no one ever claimed the natural cycles would cease. Instead of being imposed on a flat line, they are imposed now on a line that is curving upward.
Yes YOU DID! And what curving upward line? Ice is increasing at both poles, glaciers are advancing in both hemispheres. For the planet supposedly getting warmer it sure is getting cold.

Oh right, on your world physics don't apply. I forgot. Now, which planet do you live on again?
The planet has not cooled in almost 100 years!!! It warms then levels off where normally it would cool, then it warms again to a higher level, levels off again without cooling again. As CO2 has risen, cooling cycles have disappeared.

How would you know what is normal?
You reaaaalllly need to learn how to read graphs.
You reaaaaalllly need to post a graph that shows a cooling cycle, not a flat cycle, between warm cycles over the last 100 years
Here's one graph of many that show warming and cooling over the last 100 years.
Great, you supply a chart that combines proxy data, from the southern hemisphere only, with direct global satellite measurements, something deniers denounced Michael Mann for doing with his hockey stick graph. But even your graph shows a steady warming trend over the 100 years with no sustained cooling trend at all, only year to year fluctuations.
Try again.
You reaaaaalllly need to post a graph that shows a cooling cycle, not a flat cycle, between warm cycles over the last 100 years
Here's one graph of many that show warming and cooling over the last 100 years.
Great, you supply a chart that combines proxy data, from the southern hemisphere only, with direct global satellite measurements, something deniers denounced Michael Mann for doing with his hockey stick graph. But even your graph shows a steady warming trend over the 100 years with no sustained cooling trend at all, only year to year fluctuations.
Try again.

Ummm, the data is from multiple sources to whit..

2000-1979: Satellite stratospheric data
1979-1871: S. Hemisphere ground temp. data
1871- 422k B.P.: Vostok Ice Core Data

Mann derived his graph from a SINGLE tree. From within a grove where ALL OTHER TREES showed a different result. But hey, don't let a little thing like facts get in your way.
Here's one graph of many that show warming and cooling over the last 100 years.
Great, you supply a chart that combines proxy data, from the southern hemisphere only, with direct global satellite measurements, something deniers denounced Michael Mann for doing with his hockey stick graph. But even your graph shows a steady warming trend over the 100 years with no sustained cooling trend at all, only year to year fluctuations.
Try again.
Ummm, the data is from multiple sources to whit..

2000-1979: Satellite stratospheric data
1979-1871: S. Hemisphere ground temp. data
1871- 422k B.P.: Vostok Ice Core Data

Mann derived his graph from a SINGLE tree. From within a grove where ALL OTHER TREES showed a different result. But hey, don't let a little thing like facts get in your way.
You are still mixing proxy data, which is very unreliable, with direct satellite measurements which only cover about 30 years to show a cooling cycle that never happened over the last 100 years. You have warm cycles followed by FLAT cycles, but no cooling cycles for nearly 100 years.

Here is a chart that has all ground station direct instrument measurements throughout:


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