Guess where Gov DeSantis signed a new Florida law making it a felony to notice what Jews do and tell your neighbor about what you noticed?

In Israel, DeSantis explicitly linked the bill to a previous bill (he also signed in Israel!) which does make "antisemitism" a law enforcement matter. In other words, with this bill, if a person is handing out flyers that say "The New York Times is Jewish owned" or "I think Jews have too much power in the US," he can be arrested and charged with a felony hate crime.

I thought Republicans believe that there is no such thing as “hate crimes” or “hate speech”.

Republicans have always said that the Canadian prosecution of Ernst Zundel for Holocaust denial and hate speech against Jews, was a violation of Zundels right to free speech.
1. I had not heard about this law.

2. So I googled it.

3. According to what I read, the new law just consists of common sense prohibitions against harassing Jewish people.

4. I am not a lawyer, but it does not seem to prohibit criticism of Israel.
Adolf, is that you?

I live for the day when all of you racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, disgusting white supremacists are driven back under the rocks you crawled out from under.
But Lizardbitch is ok with black or Asian “racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, disgusting … supremacists.”
Ben-Gurion was a terrorist according to the Brits, prior to 1948.

An authoritarian nuclear-armed Greater Israel is preferable to a two-state solution that includes an Iran-backed Arab state.

No authoritarian nation is EVER a good idea. See Russia under Putin, Germany under Hitler, Duarte in the Phillipines. 0nce the pillars of democracy are destroyed - an uncorrupted free press, and uncorrupted judicial system, and the rule of law, it's difficult to get them back.

The Roman Republic stood for 500 years. The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years.
No authoritarian nation is EVER a good idea. See Russia under Putin, Germany under Hitler, Duarte in the Phillipines. 0nce the pillars of democracy are destroyed - an uncorrupted free press, and uncorrupted judicial system, and the rule of law, it's difficult to get them back.

The Roman Republic stood for 500 years. The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years.
Greater Israel is better than a system that has a nation state of Arabs backed by Iran. Hamas is not democratic, does not allow a free press, is anti-judicial and rule of law. Israel will survive, Hamas will die.
You’re a retard. The question had dealt with opinion and you (being a dull drone) changed it to behavior.

Donate your brain to science so maybe it can be determined how a moron like you can even breathe.
The opinion involved a call for violence, and, friend, you can't carry this argument.
Ben-Gurion was a terrorist according to the Brits, prior to 1948.

An authoritarian nuclear-armed Greater Israel is preferable to a two-state solution that includes an Iran-backed Arab state.

Two state solution hasn't been feasible for 2 decades. Look at the Jewish only settlements in the West Bank. That ship sailed long ago. So what are you going to do with the Palestinians?
Is this like the "Don't say Gay" law that does not anywhere say "don't say gay?"

These breathless stories never have the text of the law to show that the law says what they claim it says.

If it limits free speech, I oppose it.

Show me where it does; I'm ready.

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