"Gutsy call Obama" waited till Valerie Jarrett OK'd!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The president has made the assassination of Osama bin Laden a focal point in his re-election campaign, calling it one of the "gutsiest calls of any president in recent history."

In “Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors who Decide for Him,” Richard Miniter writes that Obama canceled the mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March.

Valerie Jarrett, a senior advisor and assistant to the president for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, reportedly persuaded Obama to hold off each time, the book reveals, according to The DC.
Miniter, a two-time New York Times best-selling author, cites an unnamed source with Joint Special Operations Command who had direct knowledge of the operation and its planning.

Obama administration officials said after the raid that the president had delayed giving the order to kill the arch-terrorist the day before the operation was carried out, in what turned out to be his fourth moment of indecision.

'Gutsy Call' Not So Gutsy After All, Book Reveals - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News
I wouldn't doubt it

Obama is just a puppet who runs all over the country giving scripted speeches and playing golf..
People whine about Dick Cheney running things while Boooosh was in office.

I've posted on Jarrett a number of times.

He doesn't take a piss without first talking to her.

No surprise her.
Anyway, killing Bin Ladin was neither heroic nor wise. If at all possible, he should have been captured. From the stories that circulated, it seems that could have been done.

American foreign policy has been mishandled for so long by so many that we might wonder if it could ever be redeemed. Neither Romney nor Obama look like good candidates to do it.
It's a gutsy call to go after the man behind one of the nation's worst, if not the worst, tragedy of all-time?
Scene in the WhiteHouse laundry room. "The jockstraps go into Michelle and Valery's baskets"
Apparently the metrosexual doesn't need one.
It's a gutsy call to go after the man behind one of the nation's worst, if not the worst, tragedy of all-time?
The call to go after Bin Laden was made before The One got to Washington. Bill Clinton had Obama in cross hairs multiple times and didn't have the balls to pull the trigger. (Hint: This was BEFORE September 11, 2001) The call had already been made to target Osama's ass. The slippery son-of-a-bitch slipped away on a donkey once and went into some serious hiding. The pursuit of Bin Laden and the goal of killing him were both initiated before the pussy Obama came to Washington. The "gutsy" call by Obama was anything but gutsy. Had it been gutsy, he'd not have been talked out of it so easily by Valerie "We will be ready to RULE from day one!" Jarrett.

Obama is a goddamned wimp being driven by women to do as they choose!

The greatest tragedy in American history was the Civil War.
Hopefully it will not be matched or surpassed by any other calamity.

It was, however NOT a civil war. It was a war of secession wherein one faction wanted to break away from the group and form its own country. Lincoln would not have the union dissolved.

In a civil war, two or more factions fight for the control of the same country. Some call our war the War Between the States.
It's a gutsy call to go after the man behind one of the nation's worst, if not the worst, tragedy of all-time?

Bush built the “gun” that killed Osama, Obama just pulled the trigger

POSTED AT 8:03 PM ON MAY 6, 2011
And unfortunately for Hirsh’s narrative, the focus on al-Qaeda was already in place and functioning when Obama took office.
We immediately learned, upon hearing of bin Laden’s death,
that the beginning threads of intelligence came from interrogations in secret CIA prisons 4 years ago. Prisons which no longer exist under Obama, nor would have existed had he been president on 9/11. Where was Mr. Obama 4 years ago?

Bush built the “gun” that killed Osama, Obama just pulled the trigger « The Greenroom

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