GW's Statement on Dallas


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Laura and I are heartbroken by the heinous act of violence in our city last night,” Bush said, according to The Hill. “Murdering the innocent is always evil, never more so than when the lives taken belong to those who protect our families and communities.”

Laura and I have seen firsthand the dedication, professionalism and courage of the Dallas Police Department,” he continued.

Their commitment to safety and justice makes us proud to call Dallas home. Our hearts go out to the families of the fallen. We pray for the wounded officers to recover fully and quickly.

And we join our fellow citizens in saluting the fine law enforcement officers in Dallas and across the country who put their own lives on the line to keep all lives safe.”

One whole hell of a lot different than the political crap spouted by Obozo! And I haven't seen it given so much as a mention by any outlet in the Lame Street Media.
Now there is not a thing in this world that President Obama could ever do or say that would please you yokels. And it does not matter. He is a very successful two term President. And that will forever give you butthurt.
Now there is not a thing in this world that President Obama could ever do or say that would please you yokels. And it does not matter. He is a very successful two term President. And that will forever give you butthurt.

This guy?

Thiiisssssss guy????

"Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

His America
Granny says, "Dat's right - is all Black Lives Matter's fault...

Cops Spotted Butt of Gun in Sterling's Pocket
July 12, 2016 - A search warrant filed Monday by the Baton Rouge Police Department states that police officers spotted the butt of a handgun in Alton Sterling's front pocket and saw him reach for the weapon before opening fire.
Police officers spotted the butt of a handgun in Alton Sterling’s front pocket and saw him reach for the weapon before opening fire, according to a Baton Rouge Police Department search warrant filed Monday that offers the first police account of the events leading up to Sterling’s fatal shooting. Two officers, since identified as Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake II, arrived at the Triple S Food Mart on North Foster Drive about 12:30 a.m. July 5 after a 911 caller said a person matching Sterling’s description “threatened someone with a gun standing outside” the convenience store, according to the affidavit submitted as part of a search warrant for the surveillance video equipment from the store. Sterling, 37, refused orders from the two officers to place his hands on the hood of a car as they approached him outside the store, where Sterling regularly sold CDs and DVDs, according to the warrant.

The officers used stun guns on Sterling and “were attempting to subdue the subject” when they “observed the butt of a gun in (Sterling)’s front pants pocket,” the affidavit says. When Sterling “attempted to reach for the gun from his pocket, the officers fired their police-issued duty weapon at the subject to stop the threat,” the affidavit says. “The subject was shot multiple times and did not survive his injuries.” A source with knowledge of the investigation told The Advocate last week that Salamoni fired the fatal shots. Police have said only one officer fired his weapon. The federal Justice Department and the FBI have taken over the investigation into Sterling’s death, which was captured on two publicly released cellphone videos. The shooting has sparked protests in Baton Rouge and inspired — along with the fatal shooting of another black man by officers in Minnesota on Wednesday — demonstrations across the country.


A search warrant filed Monday by the Baton Rouge Police Department states that police officers spotted the butt of a handgun in Alton Sterling's front pocket and saw him reach for the weapon before opening fire.​

Abdullah Muflahi, the owner of the Triple S Food Mart who said he witnessed the shooting, told The Advocate hours later that Sterling had a weapon but didn’t reach for it during the struggle in the parking lot. Muflahi publicly released on Wednesday a cellphone video he took, which captures the struggle and shooting but does not show officers’ initial interactions with Sterling. Another cellphone video, filmed by a witness in a car in the parking lot and released the day of the shooting, shows the two officers ordering Sterling to “get on the ground,” then tackling him and pressing him on the concrete. One officer yells, “He’s got a gun!” The video appears to show both officers drawing their handguns and one aiming his pistol at Sterling’s chest. As shots ring out, the unidentified witness filming the incident turns the camera away from the scene.


See also:

Police Chief Calls BLM a 'Radical Hate Group'
July 12, 2016 -- El Paso Police Department Chief Greg Allen said his comments calling the Black Lives Matter "a radical hate group" and blaming them for the deaths of five officers killed in Dallas last week came during an "emotional time," but he remained critical of the political movement.

Allen defended his comments in a statement Monday, saying that the focus should be on mourning the loss of the officers and increasing discussion on the issue involving law enforcement and community members. “The remarks I shared after Friday’s press conference were made during an emotional time, I hope everyone can respect that,” the statement reads. “I am a police officer first and foremost and it truly pains me any time an officer is killed.” El Paso Police Department officials said Allen would not be granting any interviews and that his statement stands alone.

Allen made the controversial remarks after a news conference was held Friday by state and county leaders to discuss the ambush attack that resulted in the deaths of five Dallas law enforcement officers the previous night. “Black Lives Matter, as far as I am concerned, is a radical hate group,” Allen said Friday when asked about planned a Sunday vigil by El Paso Black Lives Matter members to protest the recent shooting deaths of black men by police in Louisiana and Minnesota. “And for that purpose alone, I think the leadership of this country needs to look a little bit harder at that particular group. The consequences of what we saw in Dallas is due to their efforts.”

In his Monday statement, Allen stood by his comments about the role the Black Lives Matter movement has played in creating a negative portrayal of police officers. “Having to endure that and hearing and seeing the negative actions that are taking place at some 'Black Lives Matter' events truly disturb me,” Allen said. “For example, in New York City, the protestors were chanting, ‘What do you want?’ and the response was ‘dead cops.’ At another protest in Minnesota, the protestors were chanting “pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon.’ In Harlem and in Dallas “Black Lives Matter” supporters were cheering after police officers were killed”



Texas Union: Black Lives Matter Kills Cops
July 12, 2016 - The Fort Worth Police Officers Association called Black Lives Matter "an organization that chooses to MURDER American law enforcement officers."
The police group, which represents more than 1,500 police officers and officials serving Dallas’ largest neighbor, later deleted the language from its Facebook post — but not before thousands read and shared the message. The Fort Worth association first condemned Black Lives Matter — a loosely organized black liberation movement that opposes police violence — on Sunday afternoon, as it launched a boycott of Pandora Radio for embracing the BlackLivesMatter hashtag after last week’s massacre of police in downtown Dallas. “We urge law enforcement supporters around the world to DELETE the Pandora Radio app from their devices,” the officers group posted to its official Facebook page. “Pandora Radio openly supports an organization that chooses to kill American law enforcement officers.”


A few minutes later, the post was edited in all-caps: Black Lives Matter became “an organization that chooses to MURDER American law enforcement officers.” Black Lives Matter — both the national organization and the local protest movements it inspires — has been widely criticized since a lone shooter opened fire on Dallas police officers who were protecting a rally against police killings last week. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani even called Black Lives Matter “inherently racist” on national TV over the weekend. But the Fort Worth Police Officers Association appears to be the first major police organization to straight up accuse Black Lives Matter of killing cops — crimes that the movement’s founders have publicly condemned.

Hundreds of readers endorsed the boycott post on Sunday afternoon, and more than 3,000 had shared it across Facebook by the late evening, when the Fort Worth Police Officers Association edited it again — removing all references to killing, murder and Black Lives Matter. The post now ends on a note of togetherness, echoing the healing rhetoric of police in other cities: “We should stand together in UNITY in difficult times like this in our nation. May God bless our first responders and those who support them.” “We decided to remove any part of the post that could create insensitivity as we simply want unity in our communities,” the Fort Worth Police Officer Association’s communications director, Officer Anthony White, told The Dallas Morning News on Monday. “However, as an association that represents police officers, we will not support a business or organization that has shown to conduct and/or support violent acts toward those who wear a uniform and serve our communities.”

Now there is not a thing in this world that President Obama could ever do or say that would please you yokels. And it does not matter. He is a very successful two term President. And that will forever give you butthurt.

That's funny. An Obama supporter calling someone else a yokel. Kind of like a skunk telling you your aftershave stinks.
Laura and I are heartbroken by the heinous act of violence in our city last night,” Bush said, according to The Hill. “Murdering the innocent is always evil, never more so than when the lives taken belong to those who protect our families and communities.”

Looks like ALL the chickens are coming home to roost.
Now there is not a thing in this world that President Obama could ever do or say that would please you yokels. And it does not matter. He is a very successful two term President. And that will forever give you butthurt.
Bullshit! Obuthole is a racist lying piece of shit.

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