Gypsies against Lugenpresse ( lying press ) in Cologne, Germany


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A TV RTL team - one of the biggest liars in Germany has been attacked during work. The police had to intervene. The 'journalists' were investigating on 7 July 2020 in Cologne Ostheim near the home of an gypsy family. Suddenly the RTL van is prevented from driving on, members of the gypsies families gather threateningly. The journalists lock the doors and call the police several times. In the meantime, more and more family members arrive and the atmosphere heats up. The perpetrators are said to be a gypsy family from the former Yugoslavia, living in Cologne. Part of the group is said to have robbed mainly senior citizens of their savings by breaking and entering. An RTL spokesperson confirmed that the television team had done research on the subject of the searches in June. "We are very relieved that no one was hurt beyond the damage to property," he said. "We will address the incident in our programs as soon as our research on the subject is complete." A police spokeswoman said that charges of assault and battery, insult and damage to property had been filed.
Of course gypsies have to afraid nothing because it would be racism, Nazi and pogrom.

During the tenure of Merkel 2004 - 2020 more as 15m illiterate violent IQ-20 'immigrants' from the Third World entered Germany, Most of them are welfare recepients and criminal.
If you disagree with the politic of Merkel and criticize her you will be called as racist, receive 'visit' of Antifa, get imprisoned or simple murdered.


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