H&R Block average customer paid 25% less tax in 2018


Feb 3, 2019
H&R Block reported that due to Pres. Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, its average customer paid 25 percent less in taxes in 2018 than in 2017.

"As America's largest tax preparer, the Kansas City, Missouri company operates 12,000 retail offices across the nation and filed 19.9 million tax returns in 2017. For 2018 tax returns filed through March 31, H&R Block reported that its average customer paid $1,200 in federal tax. That amounted to a 25-percent savings, or about $400 less than the $1,600 paid in 2017."

"Most customers visiting H&R Block had incomes of less than $80,000 in 2018. But due to the Trump tax cut almost doubling the standard deduction from $6,500 to $12,000 for single tax-filers and from $13,000 to $24,000 for taxpayers who are married filing jointly, the average H&R client enjoyed a big tax break."

I'm sure the Left will find a way to spin this, but as usual they'll have to lie... They keep telling us these tax breaks only affect millionaires, but it just ain't so.

Sorry guys, these are the facts.
President Trump really is making America great again, and this is just one of the ways he's doing it.
H&R block is just an off shoot of the right wing media! They are owned by Fox News! Mindwars!! Infowars!!! Glenn Beck!!! Sean Hannity!!! Boooosh!!!!
I got money back and didn't pay in. I got 85 dollars. bad news was the tax place charged me 120.00.
An article by and for ignorant idiots.

Average American pays $8500 in just the federal income taxes and overall Americans paid 1% more in federal personal taxes in 2018.

Why 2018 Was an ‘Unusual Year’ for US Tax Revenues

Maybe H&R services attract increasingly lower income sample. But whatever explanation, this sample is CLEARLY not representative of what Americans pay in taxes.
this is good--in case you haven't heard--we are in HUGE debt --
all kinds of dumbass tax cheats
$10,000 for adopting a foreigner !!!!!!!!!!
....I knew some guy made $300,000 and took tax cheats on claiming home improvements where he didn't pay much at all
etc etc
I love starting threads about winning, the lack of response by Lefties is proof positive.

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