Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
There is deep irony in this survey result considering the vast, creepy covert Police State we run here from the Toronto Police Services on up to the RCMP. To the point they are weaponizing family members against citizens and even our healthcare. Perhaps it is because U.S police are working a little too closely with Canadian police and they are changing? I sure hope not, or your Constitution is finished.

If I sat for an hour with the C.I.A or F.B.I, I could provide them details, names and the like that would definitely surprise them. Maybe CBC should report on the real system of misrepresentation, entrapment and social engineering of our young and poor in Canada.

Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds​

There is deep irony in this survey result considering the vast, creepy covert Police State we run here from the Toronto Police Services on up to the RCMP. To the point they are weaponizing family members against citizens and even our healthcare. Perhaps it is because U.S police are working a little too closely with Canadian police and they are changing? I sure hope not, or your Constitution is finished.

If I sat for an hour with the C.I.A or F.B.I, I could provide them details, names and the like that would definitely surprise them. Maybe CBC should report on the real system of misrepresentation, entrapment and social engineering of our young and poor in Canada.

Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds​

tell those socialist pricks to fuck off,,

we are trying to stop those traitors that would take over our country to be more like them,,

They need to concern themselves with their own commie dick tater.

Half of Canadians? Is that like 10,000 people? I wonder what definition of authoritarian Canuks go by when they did nothing while Trudeau used the Mounties to assault and intimidate truckers. My guess the post originates in some safe house in the mid east rather than Canada.
This is the same country that allows undercover kids to entrap others for the state and their future careers. Misrepresent, lie, target peaceful citizens for decades without charges, encourages women to commit suicide (and she did), interferes in career pursuits, ones family and weaponizes our healthcare. I am certain that America has assessed our system vastly differently today than they did 40 years ago. We ruined a great opportunity.
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Apparently we live rent-free in the heads of our Northern neighbors...

On the flip side of that coin, to be brutally honest, the vast majority of Americans hardly ever think of Canada at all...

Somehow, I think we'll get over it... ;)
There is deep irony in this survey result considering the vast, creepy covert Police State we run here from the Toronto Police Services on up to the RCMP. To the point they are weaponizing family members against citizens and even our healthcare. Perhaps it is because U.S police are working a little too closely with Canadian police and they are changing? I sure hope not, or your Constitution is finished.

If I sat for an hour with the C.I.A or F.B.I, I could provide them details, names and the like that would definitely surprise them. Maybe CBC should report on the real system of misrepresentation, entrapment and social engineering of our young and poor in Canada.

Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds​

Isn't Canada already under authoritarian control?
Isn't Canada already under authoritarian control?

Isn't Canada already under authoritarian control?
Ontario certainly has been for the last 150 years.

I am of the opinion, and I say this with sincerity and a high level of authority on the subject; that CSIS, our CIA equivalent, should be investigating and if needed having arrest power of police agency leaders or abusers of power.

Go and read the Ontario Police Services Act. We have cops killing people, committing crimes of the most horrible nature, lying in court with gaslighting even in the face of video evidence and they not only are not held accountable, they remain employed for a decade with full pay when they are guilty.

None of this is conducive to civil liberties, democracy or attracting the right types of candidates for policing.
Ontario certainly has been for the last 150 years.

I am of the opinion, and I say this with sincerity and a high level of authority on the subject; that CSIS, our CIA equivalent, should be investigating and if needed having arrest power of police agency leaders or abusers of power.

Go and read the Ontario Police Services Act. We have cops killing people, committing crimes of the most horrible nature, lying in court with gaslighting even in the face of video evidence and they not only are not held accountable, they remain employed for a decade with full pay when they are guilty.

None of this is conducive to civil liberties, democracy or attracting the right types of candidates for policing.
I'll take your word on it

Ted Cruz did not really say that, but it is the way a lot of Republicans think. They want a strong leader who will get rid of all the people they hate.
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Ted Cruz did not really say that, but it is the way a lot of Republicans think. They want a strong leader who will get rid of all the people they hate.
So why did you attribute it to Cruz if he did not say it?
Doubtful about your republican proclamation
All we want is to get rid of the Karen gays who are the activist that want to force others to believe as they do.
An authoritarian state like where it is a crime to refuse to use another person's preferred pronouns (Toronto)?

An authoritarian state where the constabulary can search you and your shit without a search warrant?

An authoritarian state where there is no codified freedom of speech or the press? Where there is no guarantee of a speedy trial?

A state where the national government can make policies that impact every Province and there are no rational limits thereon?

Good heavens, why would anyone want to live in such a hell-hole?
There is deep irony in this survey result considering the vast, creepy covert Police State we run here from the Toronto Police Services on up to the RCMP. To the point they are weaponizing family members against citizens and even our healthcare. Perhaps it is because U.S police are working a little too closely with Canadian police and they are changing? I sure hope not, or your Constitution is finished.

If I sat for an hour with the C.I.A or F.B.I, I could provide them details, names and the like that would definitely surprise them. Maybe CBC should report on the real system of misrepresentation, entrapment and social engineering of our young and poor in Canada.

Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds​

They are correct. Democrats are turning this country into an authoritarian state. Democracy is definitely at stake in the 2024 election. Hopefully the country will throw those out of office who have already done this to us before it is too late. And, we would be glad to have Alberta, Canada join the US and leave the authoritarian state that Canada has become.
This is a HUGE red flag. Canada is communist as FUCK. If those people are concerned about communism in the US, we are fucked.

Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds​

Well, at least some folks in the north are paying attention. Clearly Iowans are not.
There is deep irony in this survey result considering the vast, creepy covert Police State we run here from the Toronto Police Services on up to the RCMP. To the point they are weaponizing family members against citizens and even our healthcare. Perhaps it is because U.S police are working a little too closely with Canadian police and they are changing? I sure hope not, or your Constitution is finished.

If I sat for an hour with the C.I.A or F.B.I, I could provide them details, names and the like that would definitely surprise them. Maybe CBC should report on the real system of misrepresentation, entrapment and social engineering of our young and poor in Canada.

Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds​

Who gives a FUCK what Canucks think?? Seriously, just shut the FUCK up and keep Justin Castreau out of our hair.

You may or may not know, but Canada is where we sent all the Americans that wouldn't side with their own after the Revolution.

Canada is where a lot of our Civil War traitors escaped to. Canada is where most traitorous, cowardly, gutless Viet Nam Draft Dodgers fled to.

Canada sucks. And to make matters worse, the Frogs up there are still pissed about the Plains of Abraham and refuse to assimilate with the superior culture. Imagine coming from a society best known for its willingness to surrender on demand, but unwilling to assimilate.

So, bottom line, without further adieu, fuck Canada
Who gives a FUCK what Canucks think?? Seriously, just shut the FUCK up and keep Justin Castreau out of our hair.

You may or may not know, but Canada is where we sent all the Americans that wouldn't side with their own after the Revolution.

Canada is where a lot of our Civil War traitors escaped to. Canada is where most traitorous, cowardly, gutless Viet Nam Draft Dodgers fled to.

Canada sucks. And to make matters worse, the Frogs up there are still pissed about the Plains of Abraham and refuse to assimilate with the superior culture. Imagine coming from a society best known for its willingness to surrender on demand, but unwilling to assimilate.

So, bottom line, without further adieu, fuck Canada
No, F you.

Have a great day!
There is deep irony in this survey result considering the vast, creepy covert Police State we run here from the Toronto Police Services on up to the RCMP. To the point they are weaponizing family members against citizens and even our healthcare. Perhaps it is because U.S police are working a little too closely with Canadian police and they are changing? I sure hope not, or your Constitution is finished.

If I sat for an hour with the C.I.A or F.B.I, I could provide them details, names and the like that would definitely surprise them. Maybe CBC should report on the real system of misrepresentation, entrapment and social engineering of our young and poor in Canada.

Half of Canadians concerned the U.S. is becoming an 'authoritarian state' as 2024 election looms, new poll finds​

The Canadian DeepSwamp & press are indeed practicing deflection, projection and denial.

Ironic in the extreme.

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