Hamas Breaks ANOTHER Cease Fire

Just saw where Hamas fired 3 rockets into Israel. Hold out your hand Hamas so Israel can crap in it and then give you another bitch slapping. That's all you deserve.

It was expected. They are going to get the bitch-slapping of their lives, and are going to pray for a quick release from what the IDF is about to do on them. Some fresh reservists are eager to get going. :eusa_clap:
gaza fires rockets just before midnight, as one ceasefire ends and a new 5 day ceasefire was about to begin.

>>Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted one rocket over the city of Netivot. Two other rockets exploded in the Sdot Negev region.<<
Unbelievable. Just how stupid can Hamas be? Can Hamas members be more stupid than the Palestinian people who elected them? And still Israel has agreed to extend the truce despite all the Hamas violations. That too is not too bright on Israel's part. Enough of those Zionists expecting to establish peace with Palestinians. Give 'em hell Israel just like Jordan had to do during Black September & then there will be peace.

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