Hamas honors Sbarro suicide bomber


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Only savages would think that someone is going to the Cathouse in the Sky because he murdered innocent people while blowing himself up.

Hamas honors Sbarro suicide bomber

About Share Add to Published on May 5, 2014

"Izz Al-Din Al-Masri ascended to Paradise in a Martyrdom-seeking operation (suicide terror attack) he carried out in the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, where he gave the Zionists a taste of humiliation after killing 19 Zionists and wounding dozens... The citizens expressed their pride in Izz Al-Din's heroism, along with the thousands who gathered to accompany him on his final journey, and they did not forget all those who played a role in this operation." [Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), April 30, 2014]
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20qBKtn7gNo]Hamas honors Sbarro suicide bomber: He "gave the Zionists a taste of humiliation" - YouTube[/ame]
The 'humiliation' is endured by all the decent Muslims who do NOT condone nor excuse - let alone *celebrate* such barbarism in the name of their faith.

It's not 'Zionism' which is humiliated by such terrorism against innocent civilians......
Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.
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Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.

It didn't end, they simply saw that for the current time, is useless.

Once they feel they can gain something out of such terror attacks, they'll do it again.

They surely didn't stop this for pure kindness or understanding of their wrong doings.:doubt:
Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.
Try again, BeezleDumb, You are accusing Israel of something the Palestinians are famous for.


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Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.

It didn't end, they simply saw that for the current time, is useless.

Once they feel they can gain something out of such terror attacks, they'll do it again.

They surely didn't stop this for pure kindness or understanding of their wrong doings.:doubt:

I agree. Practical considerations were to the fore.

But as long as Palestinians are treated as prison inmates in their own land and houses they will try to strike back at the captors, and those who party in stolen territory.

Israel needs to allow these people to live free and well, in their lands, before the motivation is gone.
Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.

It didn't end, they simply saw that for the current time, is useless.

Once they feel they can gain something out of such terror attacks, they'll do it again.

They surely didn't stop this for pure kindness or understanding of their wrong doings.:doubt:

I agree. Practical considerations were to the fore.

But as long as Palestinians are treated as prison inmates in their own land and houses they will try to strike back at the captors, and those who party in stolen territory.

Israel needs to allow these people to live free and well, in their lands, before the motivation is gone.

It's the chicken and the egg argument

As long as they're determined to destroy Israel and terrorize it, they'll stay caged.

But they terrorize Israel now simply because they're caged. And if we 'release' them they'll still terrorize us because they want us destroyed.

If they terrorize us anyhow, it's based they'll do it when not running completely wild.

Just sayin':eusa_whistle:
Israel has invested in hatred for 60+ years. It nurtures it. Its leaders and benefactors want it.
Both giving and receiving.

To blame the hatred for an impasse is to forget that hatred is the food which Israel chose to feast on.

But even now, the inevitability of conflict is an illusion projected by Israel, so it can continue to take in aid, continue to expand its territory, and continue try to be a fortress against the world. Who would pay for a fortress, if Israel was prepared to the right thing?

People are simple. They want to be safe. They want a goodly measure of justice. And they want to be able to grow families and living standards. 90% of your enemies would be content with that.

10% are open to corruption, old age and wearyness. If Israel did the right thing the support you would get from the world overwhelm them. Continue to do the wrong thing, and the world will overwhelm Israel.
Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.

Israel prostitutes their corpses?? That's literally EXACTLY what the Palestinians do .
How did miss that part??
Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.

It didn't end, they simply saw that for the current time, is useless.

Once they feel they can gain something out of such terror attacks, they'll do it again.

They surely didn't stop this for pure kindness or understanding of their wrong doings.:doubt:

I agree. Practical considerations were to the fore.

But as long as Palestinians are treated as prison inmates in their own land and houses they will try to strike back at the captors, and those who party in stolen territory.

Israel needs to allow these people to live free and well, in their lands, before the motivation is gone.

As long as Palestinians use violence against Israel, the hole they are in will just keep getting deeper.

As a matter of fact, Palestinian mentality goes like this: When you're already in a hole, keep digging.
I am interested that you recommend pacifism to the Palestinians Toasty.

Are you a pacifist yourself?
Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.

Only because Israel has taken steps to protect its people against Palestinian terrorism. The sooner the civilised nations stop all aid to Palestine and calls its leaders to the Hague to answer to they crimes the better.
Such an act is counter productive to a resolution.

The people who died made only tiny contributions to the occupation, until their deaths. At which point Israel prostitutes their corpses to justify atrocities against Palestine.

For many reasons, this form of resistance seems to be mostly ended.

It didn't end, they simply saw that for the current time, is useless.

Once they feel they can gain something out of such terror attacks, they'll do it again.

They surely didn't stop this for pure kindness or understanding of their wrong doings.:doubt:

I agree. Practical considerations were to the fore.

But as long as Palestinians are treated as prison inmates in their own land and houses they will try to strike back at the captors, and those who party in stolen territory.

Israel needs to allow these people to live free and well, in their lands, before the motivation is gone.

MORE ISLAMONAZI LIES FROM AN ISLAMONAZI LIAR. They are not prisoners as they are free to leave at any time and move to any nation that will take them in. If they were prisoners then they would be in cells for 23 hours a day.
Israel has invested in hatred for 60+ years. It nurtures it. Its leaders and benefactors want it.
Both giving and receiving.

To blame the hatred for an impasse is to forget that hatred is the food which Israel chose to feast on.

But even now, the inevitability of conflict is an illusion projected by Israel, so it can continue to take in aid, continue to expand its territory, and continue try to be a fortress against the world. Who would pay for a fortress, if Israel was prepared to the right thing?

People are simple. They want to be safe. They want a goodly measure of justice. And they want to be able to grow families and living standards. 90% of your enemies would be content with that.

10% are open to corruption, old age and wearyness. If Israel did the right thing the support you would get from the world overwhelm them. Continue to do the wrong thing, and the world will overwhelm Israel.

It was not Israel that started the hatred 60+ years ago but the muslims 1379 years ago when the Jews of medina refused to fall down and worship Mohamed as god.

So Israel is just defending against systematic religion based hatreds that have been force fed to muslims through the ages.

The muslims are even simpler they want to be able to kill the jews, steal their land and goods, rape their mothers and daughters and blame it all on the Jews for not worshipping Mohamed.

If Israel did the right thing the Palestinians would have been wiped out in 1967, but instead they did the compassionate thing and gave them freedom and the means to mass murder Jews. Jordan, and Syria have shown the way to treat the Palestinians and the world said nothing
Israel has invested in hatred for 60+ years. It nurtures it. Its leaders and benefactors want it.
Both giving and receiving..

Israel invested in existing for 60+ years. If anyone invested in hate, those were the Palestinians.

They get millions from MidEastern countries, yet the civilians in Gaza are in poverty. Where is this money? It's in the Hamas' leadership. They tell them all sorts of crap of Israel being responsible for their condition, but the Hamas' pigs are fattening in food and suits and palaces, so who's the big liar here?

They teach their kids to wish for the day we're all gone, instead of wish for the day we can all live together.

They teach their wives that sacrificing their kids for God is honorable, instead of teaching them to see the world as it is.

They teach their people to keep unpaying their debts as a form of resistance, instead of paying them, because not doing so will awaken antagonism and not help.

They teach their youth to provoke soldiers and harm them, and then cry when their youth is killed.

So who invests in hate?

To blame the hatred for an impasse is to forget that hatred is the food which Israel chose to feast on.

Hate is the only food 'Palestine' pushes into our throats for 66 years.

But even now, the inevitability of conflict is an illusion projected by Israel.

Let us blame the Jews.

They talk non-stop about graffiti boys and spraying "price-tag" on walls, they call it 'hate-crimes' made by Israel.

Nowhere it is mentioned that the Palestinian killed and raped an Israeli woman and left her to die in a construction site. Furthermore, those who mention it call it a "reasonable reaction".

so it can continue to take in aid, continue to expand its territory,.

And we will continue to expend it! each Jewish city the Arabs took over will be returned to the Jews one day! amen!

People are simple. They want to be safe. They want a goodly measure of justice. And they want to be able to grow families and living standards. 90% of your enemies would be content with that.

Perhaps. But those are not the simple people who make the decisions.

10% are open to corruption, old age and wearyness. If Israel did the right thing the support you would get from the world overwhelm them. .

The world wants Israel to be crushed under the Arab fist, because the Arabs have oil. The world also promised to stop the massacre in Syria, to make changes in Lebanon and Egypt, to turn the MidEast to a better place.

The world keeps promising things it cannot keep.

Israel trusted the world previously, and was let down.

Israel sees how the world is weak when dealing with Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Russia.

Israel doesn't trust the world.

In fact, most Israelis believe the world can go to hell.

Continue to do the wrong thing, and the world will overwhelm Israel.

Yeah, right.

We've heard of it. Red lines, and all that crap
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first let me say that I am not a believer in a deity, making me an atheist by definition. Second, the explosion was an understandable reaction to the thousands of innocent civilians gunned down by the murderous IDF, the land grabs, military dicatorship and daily oppression of the Palestinians. So, why so much whining about a small incident? Relatively speaking this is nothing compared to what is being done to the innocent Palestinians.
first let me say that i am not a believer in a deity, making me an atheist by definition. Second, the explosion was an understandable reaction to the thousands of innocent civilians gunned down by the murderous idf, the land grabs, military dicatorship and daily oppression of the palestinians. So, why so much whining about a small incident? Relatively speaking this is nothing compared to what is being done to the innocent palestinians.

f u

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