Hamas Rebuilding Gaza


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Seems that the people giving Gaza residents humanitarian supplies can't distinguish Freedom Fighters from construction workers.

Hamas is redirecting building supplies, intended for rebuilding infrastructure damaged during Operation Protective Edge, towards rebuilding its network of terror tunnels instead, Israeli news sources reported Friday. The claim was bolstered by remarks from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon Saturday night.

Ynetnews reported Friday that sources inside the Gaza Strip informed them of the tunnel activity, in addition to other abuses of materials sent for civilian use. According to the news agency, “dual use” materials, such as iron, are being appropriated to replenish Hamas’ arsenal of rockets, severely diminished by this summer’s military engagement.

Hamas has also learned the lessons of the conflict, the report claims. Following the relative success of its tunnels, Hamas has invested in their reconstruction. Since Israel’s Iron Dome technology is most effective against medium-range rockets, the terror group is focusing its energies on its short-range rockets, for which Israel has no defense system as yet. It has conducted several test launches into the sea in recent weeks, as well.

Read more at Hamas Replenishing Terror Arsenal with Humanitarian Supplies - Israel News
Seems that the people giving Gaza residents humanitarian supplies can't distinguish Freedom Fighters from construction workers.

Hamas is redirecting building supplies, intended for rebuilding infrastructure damaged during Operation Protective Edge, towards rebuilding its network of terror tunnels instead, Israeli news sources reported Friday. The claim was bolstered by remarks from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon Saturday night.

Ynetnews reported Friday that sources inside the Gaza Strip informed them of the tunnel activity, in addition to other abuses of materials sent for civilian use. According to the news agency, “dual use” materials, such as iron, are being appropriated to replenish Hamas’ arsenal of rockets, severely diminished by this summer’s military engagement.

Hamas has also learned the lessons of the conflict, the report claims. Following the relative success of its tunnels, Hamas has invested in their reconstruction. Since Israel’s Iron Dome technology is most effective against medium-range rockets, the terror group is focusing its energies on its short-range rockets, for which Israel has no defense system as yet. It has conducted several test launches into the sea in recent weeks, as well.

Read more at Hamas Replenishing Terror Arsenal with Humanitarian Supplies - Israel News

You know the Hamasniks and their apologists here are just itching for a rematch so they can bitch about the plight of those hapless "refugees." :cool-45:
I don't understand why the people put up with this shit.

If by "the people" you mean Gazans perhaps this will explain:
Gaza will be no man's land if things don't change...

UN: Gaza could be 'uninhabitable' by 2020 if trends continue
Sep 1,`15 -- A new United Nations report says Gaza could be "uninhabitable" in less than five years if current economic trends continue.
The report released Tuesday by the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development points to the eight years of economic blockade of Gaza as well as the three wars between Israel and the Palestinians there over the past six years. Last year's war displaced half a million people and left parts of Gaza destroyed.

The war "has effectively eliminated what was left of the middle class, sending almost all of the population into destitution and dependence on international humanitarian aid," the new report says. Gaza's GDP dropped 15 percent last year, and unemployment reached a record high of 44 percent. Seventy-two percent of households are food insecure.

The wars have shattered Gaza's ability to export and produce for the domestic market and left no time for reconstruction, the report says. It notes that Gaza's "de-development," or development in reverse, has been accelerated. Israel and Egypt have maintained a blockade of Gaza since the Islamic militant group Hamas seized control of the territory in 2007.

The report comes as Egyptian military bulldozers press ahead with a project that effectively would fill Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip with water and flood the last remaining cross-border underground smuggling tunnels, which have brought both commercial items and weapons into Gaza. The report calls the economic prospects for 2015 for the Palestinian territories "bleak" because of the unstable political situation, reduced aid and the slow pace of reconstruction.

News from The Associated Press
Hamas show their tunnels from inside:

UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies
UN News - Gaza: UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies

Still pushing this story from 2009, I see. Along with more "Pallywood" productions, so no change from the Hasbara trolls here.

Is 2009 the islamo-official date where Pal'istanian thievery and illegality is excused?

Your question is irrelevant to the issue. More apposite questions would be:
a) Did Hamas return the supplies?
b) Is the aid operation still suspended by the UN, 5 years later?
Last edited:
Hamas show their tunnels from inside:

UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies
UN News - Gaza: UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies

Still pushing this story from 2009, I see. Along with more "Pallywood" productions, so no change from the Hasbara trolls here.

Is 2009 the islamo-official date where Pal'istanian thievery and illegality is excused?

Your question is irrelevant to the issue. More apposite questions would be:
a) Did Hamas return the supplies?
b) Is the aid operation still suspended by the UN, 5 years later?

The appropriate question you chose to sidestep.

You've been presented with the facts of serial illegality and welfare fraud on the part of the Islamic terrorists and the people who "elected" them occupying Pal'istan.

Your choosing to ignore the Pal'istan fraud doesn't make it magically go away.
Hamas show their tunnels from inside:

UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies
UN News - Gaza: UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies

Still pushing this story from 2009, I see. Along with more "Pallywood" productions, so no change from the Hasbara trolls here.

Is 2009 the islamo-official date where Pal'istanian thievery and illegality is excused?

Your question is irrelevant to the issue. More apposite questions would be:
a) Did Hamas return the supplies?
b) Is the aid operation still suspended by the UN, 5 years later?

The appropriate question you chose to sidestep.

You've been presented with the facts of serial illegality and welfare fraud on the part of the Islamic terrorists and the people who "elected" them occupying Pal'istan.

Your choosing to ignore the Pal'istan fraud doesn't make it magically go away.

I'm sidestepping nothing, I've been presented with allegations and accusations, but no actual evidence. Theft is not fraud, for example.
Hamas show their tunnels from inside:

UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies
UN News - Gaza: UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies

Still pushing this story from 2009, I see. Along with more "Pallywood" productions, so no change from the Hasbara trolls here.

Is 2009 the islamo-official date where Pal'istanian thievery and illegality is excused?

Your question is irrelevant to the issue. More apposite questions would be:
a) Did Hamas return the supplies?
b) Is the aid operation still suspended by the UN, 5 years later?

The appropriate question you chose to sidestep.

You've been presented with the facts of serial illegality and welfare fraud on the part of the Islamic terrorists and the people who "elected" them occupying Pal'istan.

Your choosing to ignore the Pal'istan fraud doesn't make it magically go away.

I'm sidestepping nothing, I've been presented with allegations and accusations, but no actual evidence. Theft is not fraud, for example.

Gee whiz, Habib. You're waffling from denial to now, conspiracy theory.

Taqiyya is not truth.
How wonderful it would be if Eastern Europe would take all their colonists back.

Yes they are a plague in the UK, and if it hadn't been for the neo Marxists this would never have happened would it. But then they sold 12 year old schoolgirls to the muslims for a handful of votes

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