Happy Columbus Day!

Why do we celebrate Columbus Day again?..it's not like he discovered America or anything, which he didn't. There were explorers before and after him who did discover new lands but we don't have any holidays for them.

Well the Latinos down south call it “Dia de la Raza”, Day of the Race. We are celebrating bringing White European culture to America. It was the beginning of transforming the world from a savage land of barbarians, to one of Western civilization and nations of laws. In other words, it’s a celebration of “White Privilege”.

Now lefties really, really hate Western civilization now, thanks to their Marxist indoctrination. They seem to want to go back to the barbaric days, where there was no law and order, just brutal savagery where the men with the biggest clubs ruled as they pleased and no one had any rights.
The Columbus Day debate actually has nothing to do with Marxism.
Yes, welcome to planet earth and human history. Tribes of humans war with each other and establish dominance. This has been going on for 200,000 to 2 million years.
So it's the acceptable norm ?
God forbid, people started learning from our mistakes.
It was the norm at the time.

Thanks to Western Civilization influencing the entire world we have nations that typically respect each other’s borders. Although we have people called globalists that want to erase all borders and go back to tribalism, they are called progressives and neocons.
Why do we celebrate Columbus Day again?..it's not like he discovered America or anything, which he didn't. There were explorers before and after him who did discover new lands but we don't have any holidays for them.

Well the Latinos down south call it “Dia de la Raza”, Day of the Race. We are celebrating bringing White European culture to America. It was the beginning of transforming the world from a savage land of barbarians, to one of Western civilization and nations of laws. In other words, it’s a celebration of “White Privilege”.

Now lefties really, really hate Western civilization now, thanks to their Marxist indoctrination. They seem to want to go back to the barbaric days, where there was no law and order, just brutal savagery where the men with the biggest clubs ruled as they pleased and no one had any rights.
'It was the beginning of transforming the world from a savage land of barbarians, to one of Western civilization and nations of laws'...or in other words, genocide of a people that were already here.
in other words, genocide of a people that were already here.

The people already here were genocidal. There were thousands of individual tribes constantly killing each other. Do you think innocent women and children should still be sacrificed for made up gods?

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