Happy Indigenous People's Day!!!!


Christopher Columbus was awful but this other guy was not - The Oatmeal
Fuck the Indians. Really, fuck 'em right up their red asses. First off, the Indians did not own this land. There was no system of land records here before the white man arrived. They did not have deeds. They were just here and present. Just being here did not give them any sort of ownership. If anything they were squatters who were failing to maximize the productivity of the land. It was being wasted.

Second, they were fucking savages. They were not peaceful shamans. They killed, raped and tortured pursuant to their weird redskin polytheism. They were fucking dangerous. One minute some squaw was blowing you, the next she is cutting your throat.

The white man did not have any reason to kill the Indians. But-for Indian aggression not one drop of red blood would have had to be spilled. The white man came here, took legal title to the land legitimately, then started getting fucked with by a bunch of assholes in loin cloths who had good tans.

And this did not happen overnight. The white man was here for a long time and established roots. Those fucking savages, though; you could not trust them. One minute you are getting a handy-J from some cute asian looking Indian chick, the next she is cutting off your scalp. Fuck that shit. By the time we mounted some real operation to get those fuckers to calm down the whole "taking their land" thing was a dead issue. We established civilization and they failed to assimilate despite every opportunity we gave them. Are we just supposed to sit there and take the Indian aggression? Are we supposed to be like the leftists want Israel to behave, just sit there and let rockets from GAZA rain down on them?

Then, despite it all, we still gave them reservations, legal rights and remedies, equality under law, sovereign control in certain areas, direct cash subsides solely on account of them being Indians, and every other benefit under the sun that Americans are entitled to. Plus, they are living in a wealthy country with endless opportunities. What the fuck more do they deserve?

Besides nobody from recent generations has done anything to those stupid drunk fucks. Any alleged "injustice" happened long ago. Thus, there is no culpability on us. Despite this, we help those redskinned heathen bastards out of the kindness of our hearts.

The American Indians are a bunch of ungrateful, lazy, stupid fuckers. They are a conquered people, if you insist. But that equates to being losers. Fuck those losers. Fuck them right up their red asses.
Fuck the Indians. Really, fuck 'em right up their red asses. First off, the Indians did not own this land. There was no system of land records here before the white man arrived. They did not have deeds. They were just here and present. Just being here did not give them any sort of ownership. If anything they were squatters who were failing to maximize the productivity of the land. It was being wasted.

Second, they were fucking savages. They were not peaceful shamans. They killed, raped and tortured pursuant to their weird redskin polytheism. They were fucking dangerous. One minute some squaw was blowing you, the next she is cutting your throat.

The white man did not have any reason to kill the Indians. But-for Indian aggression not one drop of red blood would have had to be spilled. The white man came here, took legal title to the land legitimately, then started getting fucked with by a bunch of assholes in loin cloths who had good tans.

And this did not happen overnight. The white man was here for a long time and established roots. Those fucking savages, though; you could not trust them. One minute you are getting a handy-J from some cute asian looking Indian chick, the next she is cutting off your scalp. Fuck that shit. By the time we mounted some real operation to get those fuckers to calm down the whole "taking their land" thing was a dead issue. We established civilization and they failed to assimilate despite every opportunity we gave them. Are we just supposed to sit there and take the Indian aggression? Are we supposed to be like the leftists want Israel to behave, just sit there and let rockets from GAZA rain down on them?

Then, despite it all, we still gave them reservations, legal rights and remedies, equality under law, sovereign control in certain areas, direct cash subsides solely on account of them being Indians, and every other benefit under the sun that Americans are entitled to. Plus, they are living in a wealthy country with endless opportunities. What the fuck more do they deserve?

Besides nobody from recent generations has done anything to those stupid drunk fucks. Any alleged "injustice" happened long ago. Thus, there is no culpability on us. Despite this, we help those redskinned heathen bastards out of the kindness of our hearts.

The American Indians are a bunch of ungrateful, lazy, stupid fuckers. They are a conquered people, if you insist. But that equates to being losers. Fuck those losers. Fuck them right up their red asses.

I think it's horrible the way we made Indians establish casinos that steal billions of dollars from poor white trash, and poor brown trash, and poor black trash every year. I think it's horrible that we make the Indian gaming industry gross billions of dollars every year, far and away more than Las Vegas grosses with their enormous casino industry every year. That's horrible don't you think, Batshit? That's horrible, right?

For all you communists out there, Nation did...well...this is hard for me to spit out...but they did a two-part series on Indian casinos awhile back that was excellent. Yes, excellent it was. It had to do with the fallout suffered by poor non-Indians for whom "getting rich" at Indian casinos is their only avenue for escaping destitution. None do of course. The existence of casinos in Michigan and especially the giant casino/entertainment complex right across the border at the Iroquois Reservation in Canada, are often cited by social critics as amongst the major reasons that Detroit is the poverty-stricken hellhole it is.
Fuck the Indians. Really, fuck 'em right up their red asses. First off, the Indians did not own this land. There was no system of land records here before the white man arrived. They did not have deeds. They were just here and present. Just being here did not give them any sort of ownership. If anything they were squatters who were failing to maximize the productivity of the land. It was being wasted.

Second, they were fucking savages. They were not peaceful shamans. They killed, raped and tortured pursuant to their weird redskin polytheism. They were fucking dangerous. One minute some squaw was blowing you, the next she is cutting your throat.

The white man did not have any reason to kill the Indians. But-for Indian aggression not one drop of red blood would have had to be spilled. The white man came here, took legal title to the land legitimately, then started getting fucked with by a bunch of assholes in loin cloths who had good tans.

And this did not happen overnight. The white man was here for a long time and established roots. Those fucking savages, though; you could not trust them. One minute you are getting a handy-J from some cute asian looking Indian chick, the next she is cutting off your scalp. Fuck that shit. By the time we mounted some real operation to get those fuckers to calm down the whole "taking their land" thing was a dead issue. We established civilization and they failed to assimilate despite every opportunity we gave them. Are we just supposed to sit there and take the Indian aggression? Are we supposed to be like the leftists want Israel to behave, just sit there and let rockets from GAZA rain down on them?

Then, despite it all, we still gave them reservations, legal rights and remedies, equality under law, sovereign control in certain areas, direct cash subsides solely on account of them being Indians, and every other benefit under the sun that Americans are entitled to. Plus, they are living in a wealthy country with endless opportunities. What the fuck more do they deserve?

Besides nobody from recent generations has done anything to those stupid drunk fucks. Any alleged "injustice" happened long ago. Thus, there is no culpability on us. Despite this, we help those redskinned heathen bastards out of the kindness of our hearts.

The American Indians are a bunch of ungrateful, lazy, stupid fuckers. They are a conquered people, if you insist. But that equates to being losers. Fuck those losers. Fuck them right up their red asses.


Is that supposed to mean anything, shit head?

There, you are a cock.
Between this and the entire negro community going crazy....Is exactly why I feel this nation will break up until many smaller nations by ethnic lines.

We fucked ourselves charging our immigration laws in 1965. You really think once we lose our majority that blacks are going to calm down and want peace with anyone??? Give me a fucking break! You think hispanics are going to stop pushing for the same? And you think most sane whites are going to stand around in those areas to find out? lol

America is finished. Most just don't know it yet.
Between this and the entire negro community going crazy....Is exactly why I feel this nation will break up until many smaller nations by ethnic lines.

We fucked ourselves charging our immigration laws in 1965. You really think once we lose our majority that blacks are going to calm down and want peace with anyone??? Give me a fucking break! You think hispanics are going to stop pushing for the same? And you think most sane whites are going to stand around in those areas to find out? lol

America is finished. Most just don't know it yet.

Meh... For better than fifteen years I've been talking about the potential Balkanization of this country and I've noticed three things...

People don't care, or...

People don't understand, and...

It hasn't happened... yet.
Hey, the evidence is in, white people were the first inhabitants of North America. Nobody even posted to a thread I started awhile back regarding the Paleoaemerican Odyssey Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico last summer. It was a meeting of many of North America's leading archaeologists and academics who specialize in New World human settlement. So pick up the September/October issue of Archaeology Magazine and read the headline article, "Who Were the First Americans". It's a fascinating eye-opener.

The first inhabitants of North America were very likely white people from Southern France known to achaeologists as the Solutrean people. They got here as early as 22,000 years ago. They migrated to the New World in boats from the Iberian Peninsula and first settled in Newfoundland, where at least half a dozen dig sites prove their existence in the ancient New World. There are 35 other dig sites in the US, especially in Texas, proving the same theory. Archaeologists, especially academics, are being dragged kicking and moaning into the light of empirical evidence, finally. How can they not?

So always remember folks:

The Indians stole our land!!
The Indians stole our land!!
The Indians stole our land!!

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