Happy New Year: 1000+ Blacks Decend On Pittsburgh Mall In Preplanned Attack Sending Shoppers Fleeing

Good God! A thousand teens, and only six fights? Hell, there are ten times that many at the Indian Rodeos with only 500 participants and audience. Of course, that is just considered part of the fun.
The malls are being used as fighting arenas. These fighters should be taken into custody and put in pits. Like fighting dogs. Let them fight it out. Sell tickets. Tax the tickets. It's a win win.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

That's the price you pay for multiculturalism, Wake. Get used to it, there's plenty more to come.
It`s my understanding that the gun/criminal lobby is investigating this incident to find out why there was no gun play. Were these people denied their Constitutional right to pack heat when going to the mall?
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

That's the price you pay for multiculturalism, Wake. Get used to it, there's plenty more to come.

I guess I've been ignorant about that for some time; the point you made is worth considering. With multiculturalism there will undoubtedly be clashes. I don't really know what to say about it. What I can say is that I don't want any innocent people being hurt or killed, and that no matter what the 2nd Amendment must be protected and upheld. Looking at last year's violence and all the racial enmity being fanned, and knowing how unfair our media is, I'll likely be buying my first handgun this year for protection.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

That's the price you pay for multiculturalism, Wake. Get used to it, there's plenty more to come.

I guess I've been ignorant about that for some time; the point you made is worth considering. With multiculturalism there will undoubtedly be clashes. I don't really know what to say about it. What I can say is that I don't want any innocent people being hurt or killed, and that no matter what the 2nd Amendment must be protected and upheld. Looking at last year's violence and all the racial enmity being fanned, and knowing how unfair our media is, I'll likely be buying my first handgun this year for protection.

What you can say about it is that you're concerned about the negative impact it has on the overall quality of life for White America, in so many words. Only until people throw off the shackles of fear the press bind you with by implied threats against your livelihood and reputation if you go off the reservation will there be a change for good. Either ay, your new sense of awareness is a positive step in the right direction.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

That's the price you pay for multiculturalism, Wake. Get used to it, there's plenty more to come.

I guess I've been ignorant about that for some time; the point you made is worth considering. With multiculturalism there will undoubtedly be clashes. I don't really know what to say about it. What I can say is that I don't want any innocent people being hurt or killed, and that no matter what the 2nd Amendment must be protected and upheld. Looking at last year's violence and all the racial enmity being fanned, and knowing how unfair our media is, I'll likely be buying my first handgun this year for protection.
Buy as many as you can afford. All the same make,model,ammo. Hide each one, with ammo, individually where only you can find any of them in a hurry.
All the coming full blown race war will take to ignite is a tiny spark. Once the flames begin to take off no one will ever be able to contain it until there are millions of dead.
Whites/Asians/East Indians/Hispanics on one side. Negroes on the other.
Note to any negro who wants to get in my face: "You make your bed you lay in it".
I dislike extreme views, because they tend to be false and unfair.

A civil war is always a possibility, as history has shown. Being armed legally and being responsible is not in itself a bad thing at all.
Good God! A thousand teens, and only six fights? Hell, there are ten times that many at the Indian Rodeos with only 500 participants and audience. Of course, that is just considered part of the fun.
Do the Indians have Rodeos at a f*ckin' mall? This is why your GlowBull Warming threads are never taken seriously. You're just too stupid.

Liberals will defend bad Black behavior any way they can.
Coming to a mall near you!

Edit: Had to shorten 'Descend' to 'Decend' to make title fit.

Black Teen Girls Riot in Pittsburgh Mall Force Closure - Breitbart

Wow. At first I was concerned that type of thing was feeding into the old stereotypes. When this type of thing happens time and time again it beings to look like the old stereotypes aren't stereotypes at all but fact. I hope the black community begins to consider their image more in the future and stop acting like ghetto clowns.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.

Hey Man......if you have a DICKS nearby, you can get a Mossberg Maverick 88 for about $200. Ive put 5,000 rounds through mine and have yet to clean it. So with a Limbsaver buttpad and 100 rounds of shotshells, you walk out for about $300. Pass on a handgun.......imo, far to easy to miss your target in a panic moment and if you shoot a crackhead with a 22 pistol round, he's not stopping right away unless the shots bounce around perfect in the body of the bad guy. Large caliber pistols, best make the first shot good because your follow-up shots are probably missing the target unless you plan on doing alot of target practice. Im at the range all the time......law enforcement hit the targets routinely.....most civilians are putting t heir rounds into the sand piles 100 yards behind the targets. 2 rounds of 4 shot from an 88 and he's laying on the floor like a sack of shit. A head shot will remove half the head....... and no more worries for you.
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More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

That's the price you pay for multiculturalism, Wake. Get used to it, there's plenty more to come.

I guess I've been ignorant about that for some time; the point you made is worth considering. With multiculturalism there will undoubtedly be clashes. I don't really know what to say about it. What I can say is that I don't want any innocent people being hurt or killed, and that no matter what the 2nd Amendment must be protected and upheld. Looking at last year's violence and all the racial enmity being fanned, and knowing how unfair our media is, I'll likely be buying my first handgun this year for protection.
Buy as many as you can afford. All the same make,model,ammo. Hide each one, with ammo, individually where only you can find any of them in a hurry.
All the coming full blown race war will take to ignite is a tiny spark. Once the flames begin to take off no one will ever be able to contain it until there are millions of dead.
Whites/Asians/East Indians/Hispanics on one side. Negroes on the other.
Note to any negro who wants to get in my face: "You make your bed you lay in it".

Looks like America will have to finish up what general Sherman was stopped from completing
President Obama was 100% correct when he said:
"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them"

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