Happy New Year: 1000+ Blacks Decend On Pittsburgh Mall In Preplanned Attack Sending Shoppers Fleeing

Hell if I lived near a ghetto full of violent animals...id cling to religion and a gun too.
Good God! A thousand teens, and only six fights? Hell, there are ten times that many at the Indian Rodeos with only 500 participants and audience. Of course, that is just considered part of the fun.
Do the Indians have Rodeos at a f*ckin' mall? This is why your GlowBull Warming threads are never taken seriously. You're just too stupid.

Liberals will defend bad Black behavior any way they can.
Only as long as the negroes show up to vote LIB. Look what BOBO did when his negro base sat out the Midterms.
He made it legal for five million Hispanics to compete directly for the scare McJobs the negroes used to work at.
Thanks for fucking nothing BOBO. That's what every basically illiterate negro who wants to work should telling BOBO. But not a single peep from Sharpton. Go fucking figure.
The DNC has decided the negro vote is no longer a 'lock' so let's pander to the Hispanics to replace the negro vote.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.

Do yourself a favor and don't bring a gun into the home without telling your room mates, you could face legal issues if you ever need to use it and they didn't know you had it.

As for home defense weapon, a shotgun is a wise choice, but don't go crazy, a nice pump .20 will do, and you can find them for <$300.

And invest in learning to shoot it, don't be one of those guys who buys a gun and puts in a closet thinking that if the time comes he'll figure it out.
The democrats can no longer keep their victims confined to inner city neighborhoods.....where they have trapped them for decades....they reduced police in those areas, they destroyed education in those areas, and they have destroyed poor families in those areas, creating generations of single, unwed, teenage mothers raising generations of children on government welfare with no adult role models to help them learn to be adults. Instead their only role models are gang members and criminals......and every couple of years the democrats get them to vote for democrats at the 90% rate in order to keep the government subsidies rolling in....but enslaving them that much more...

Now.....it used to be the cops could keep rich, white, democrat areas of these cities safe.....now, with social media...the victims of the democrats are organizing....and attacking areas of rich, white, democrat priveledge.....and the democrats don't know what to do...
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.
Forget any handgun. By the time someone is out to do you harm is close enough for you to effectively shoot them with a handgun you'll be too shit scared to pull the trigger let alone hit the sub-human.
Even trained cops who are on the range every week have adrenaline spikes so intense when having to use their weapon for real they can't stop shaking for hours. Seen it.
Shotguns are the only answer BUT and it's BIG but. Pump action shotguns are VERY hard to shoot using the pump action. You must first pull the trigger. The recoil and noise is very intense. You must then 'pump' the action immediately for the whole purpose of having a pump action to be logical. Then within milliseconds you must do it again.....and again. (Seasoned bird hunters can do this in their sleep.) You can't. All the time interacting with someone at this point wanting to kill you.
Especially when it comes to defending your life.
Forget a pump shotgun.
Buy a 3 1/2 double barrel shotgun. Buy a few hundred BB shot shells. Put a shell holder on the stock with a dozen extra shells available. Most importantly go to your local range and shoulder fire a hundred shells as fast as you can. The more experience the greater your confidence level grows.
Forget the movie scenes where someone shoots from the hip. They die. If you ever need to use your shotgun shoulder it and ask the bad guy to say "cheese" and blow his fucking head off.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.
Forget any handgun. By the time someone is out to do you harm is close enough for you to effectively shoot them with a handgun you'll be too shit scared to pull the trigger let alone hit the sub-human.
Even trained cops who are on the range every week have adrenaline spikes so intense when having to use their weapon for real they can't stop shaking for hours. Seen it.
Shotguns are the only answer BUT and it's BIG but. Pump action shotguns are VERY hard to shoot using the pump action. You must first pull the trigger. The recoil and noise is very intense. You must then 'pump' the action immediately for the whole purpose of having a pump action to be logical. Then within milliseconds you must do it again.....and again. (Seasoned bird hunters can do this in their sleep.) You can't. All the time interacting with someone at this point wanting to kill you.
Especially when it comes to defending your life.
Forget a pump shotgun.
Buy a 3 1/2 double barrel shotgun. Buy a few hundred BB shot shells. Put a shell holder on the stock with a dozen extra shells available. Most importantly go to your local range and shoulder fire a hundred shells as fast as you can. The more experience the greater your confidence level grows.
Forget the movie scenes where someone shoots from the hip. They die. If you ever need to use your shotgun shoulder it and ask the bad guy to say "cheese" and blow his fucking head off.

^ Do NOT listen to this guy.

First of all, the purpose of a home defense weapon is NOT to kill someone, it is to protect yourself PERIOD.

Only the most insane person isn't going to leave the premises when they hear a homeowner pumping a shell into a shotgun.

As for which gauge to by, you have never fired a gun before? A 12 gauge would land you on your ass, probably after firing one round, let alone multiples.

Believe me, your best bet is getting someone who is in your house wrong to leave. A pump action shotgun is perfectly suited to that task, but if they won't , you still have a weapon which is capable of putting someone down.
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.
Forget any handgun. By the time someone is out to do you harm is close enough for you to effectively shoot them with a handgun you'll be too shit scared to pull the trigger let alone hit the sub-human.
Even trained cops who are on the range every week have adrenaline spikes so intense when having to use their weapon for real they can't stop shaking for hours. Seen it.
Shotguns are the only answer BUT and it's BIG but. Pump action shotguns are VERY hard to shoot using the pump action. You must first pull the trigger. The recoil and noise is very intense. You must then 'pump' the action immediately for the whole purpose of having a pump action to be logical. Then within milliseconds you must do it again.....and again. (Seasoned bird hunters can do this in their sleep.) You can't. All the time interacting with someone at this point wanting to kill you.
Especially when it comes to defending your life.
Forget a pump shotgun.
Buy a 3 1/2 double barrel shotgun. Buy a few hundred BB shot shells. Put a shell holder on the stock with a dozen extra shells available. Most importantly go to your local range and shoulder fire a hundred shells as fast as you can. The more experience the greater your confidence level grows.
Forget the movie scenes where someone shoots from the hip. They die. If you ever need to use your shotgun shoulder it and ask the bad guy to say "cheese" and blow his fucking head off.

^ Do NOT listen to this guy.

First of all, the purpose of a home defense weapon is NOT to kill someone, it is to protect yourself PERIOD.

Only the most insane person isn't going to leave the premises when they hear a homeowner pumping a shell into a shotgun.

As for which gauge to by, you have never fired a gun before? A 12 gauge would land you on your ass, probably after firing one round, let alone multiples.

Believe me, your best bet is getting someone who is in your house wrong to leave. A pump action shotgun is perfectly suited to that task, but if they won't , you still have a weapon which is capable of putting someone down.
Hey Einstein. Pretty much 100% of the time someone breaks into your house is to steal what you have and or kill you. That person would be 'insane' IMO. "I'm juiced up on PCP. Did I just hear someone chamber a shotgun load? Oh Christ! I need to run away". Ya fucking right pal.
The purpose of having a shotgun in your house is to kill whoever wants to kill you first.
"Look you guys! I have a shotgun and that means you're supposed to run away and leave me alone!". Ya fucking right!
More law-abiding citizens should buy guns legally and take the proper training courses. Nowadays there's too much violence, anger, and hatred going about. All the many kinds of good people out there can do is learn to protect themselves, and never apologize for it. It's better to live and have a few reprobates gnashing their teeth than die and have few if any care.

I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.
Forget any handgun. By the time someone is out to do you harm is close enough for you to effectively shoot them with a handgun you'll be too shit scared to pull the trigger let alone hit the sub-human.
Even trained cops who are on the range every week have adrenaline spikes so intense when having to use their weapon for real they can't stop shaking for hours. Seen it.
Shotguns are the only answer BUT and it's BIG but. Pump action shotguns are VERY hard to shoot using the pump action. You must first pull the trigger. The recoil and noise is very intense. You must then 'pump' the action immediately for the whole purpose of having a pump action to be logical. Then within milliseconds you must do it again.....and again. (Seasoned bird hunters can do this in their sleep.) You can't. All the time interacting with someone at this point wanting to kill you.
Especially when it comes to defending your life.
Forget a pump shotgun.
Buy a 3 1/2 double barrel shotgun. Buy a few hundred BB shot shells. Put a shell holder on the stock with a dozen extra shells available. Most importantly go to your local range and shoulder fire a hundred shells as fast as you can. The more experience the greater your confidence level grows.
Forget the movie scenes where someone shoots from the hip. They die. If you ever need to use your shotgun shoulder it and ask the bad guy to say "cheese" and blow his fucking head off.

^ Do NOT listen to this guy.

First of all, the purpose of a home defense weapon is NOT to kill someone, it is to protect yourself PERIOD.

Only the most insane person isn't going to leave the premises when they hear a homeowner pumping a shell into a shotgun.

As for which gauge to by, you have never fired a gun before? A 12 gauge would land you on your ass, probably after firing one round, let alone multiples.

Believe me, your best bet is getting someone who is in your house wrong to leave. A pump action shotgun is perfectly suited to that task, but if they won't , you still have a weapon which is capable of putting someone down.
Hey Einstein. Pretty much 100% of the time someone breaks into your house is to steal what you have and or kill you. That person would be 'insane' IMO. "I'm juiced up on PCP. Did I just hear someone chamber a shotgun load? Oh Christ! I need to run away". Ya fucking right pal.
The purpose of having a shotgun in your house is to kill whoever wants to kill you first.
"Look you guys! I have a shotgun and that means you're supposed to run away and leave me alone!". Ya fucking right!

First of all,

Rarely does anyone break into a home when they know someone is home for the precise reason that they do NOT want to face an armed person protecting their shit.

Second of all, rarely is the person "juiced up" people who rob homes are usually people who plan carefully which means staying sober.

Third of all, yes most people are going to back off when they hear a shotgun being racked.

Fourth of all, most burglars are not intending to kill anyone. So killing them is and should be a case of using excessive force. Self defense is SUPPOSED to mean using appropriate force to defend yourself.

Fifth of all, anyone who would kill a person over possessions is insane. I've no doubt that you mentally retarded and shouldn't own any gun.

Sixth of all, easy to talk about killing someone on an anonymous message board. I killed a man in Afghanistan, hand to hand. Seriously, here's to hoping you NEVER have to make that decision.
Hand to hand combat like any other combat death is more common here than in Afghanistan. Plenty of combat vets come home only to be killed in their own front yards.

Just because it's home doesn't mean it's not a war.
I concur.....in just the past year, Ive convinced a half dozen people to purchase a home defense weapon.....people who were formerly scared shitless of guns. Society is becoming a Jonestown and the progressives have this attitude of "meh"............which is all fun and games until the time comes when you have to defend yourself with a fucking wiffle ball bat.

In the past 40 years here on Long Island, Ive seen an utter deterioration of the culture..........its just a matter of time.

Any of you members on here at home and are not armed, you're out of your skull. At least get a pump shotgun......cheap and ammo up.

Some who do believe in the right to bear arms and want to buy them can't, because they can't afford it at the moment. At my local Reineman's there's a black hunting shotgun I'm considering. It's around $450. While I can buy it right now, I don't know if that would be wise, because I am working hard to keep all my own bills paid up and taking care of unexpected problems like car troubles.

I'm relatively inexperienced with everything guns, including the terminology. If I can buy an inexpensive handgun that will work if and when I need it to, that would be a good first step. Buying a shotgun may intimidate the other people I live with should they learn of my purchase. If I could buy a decent shotgun and keep it in secret, I'd feel both secure and confident.
Forget any handgun. By the time someone is out to do you harm is close enough for you to effectively shoot them with a handgun you'll be too shit scared to pull the trigger let alone hit the sub-human.
Even trained cops who are on the range every week have adrenaline spikes so intense when having to use their weapon for real they can't stop shaking for hours. Seen it.
Shotguns are the only answer BUT and it's BIG but. Pump action shotguns are VERY hard to shoot using the pump action. You must first pull the trigger. The recoil and noise is very intense. You must then 'pump' the action immediately for the whole purpose of having a pump action to be logical. Then within milliseconds you must do it again.....and again. (Seasoned bird hunters can do this in their sleep.) You can't. All the time interacting with someone at this point wanting to kill you.
Especially when it comes to defending your life.
Forget a pump shotgun.
Buy a 3 1/2 double barrel shotgun. Buy a few hundred BB shot shells. Put a shell holder on the stock with a dozen extra shells available. Most importantly go to your local range and shoulder fire a hundred shells as fast as you can. The more experience the greater your confidence level grows.
Forget the movie scenes where someone shoots from the hip. They die. If you ever need to use your shotgun shoulder it and ask the bad guy to say "cheese" and blow his fucking head off.

^ Do NOT listen to this guy.

First of all, the purpose of a home defense weapon is NOT to kill someone, it is to protect yourself PERIOD.

Only the most insane person isn't going to leave the premises when they hear a homeowner pumping a shell into a shotgun.

As for which gauge to by, you have never fired a gun before? A 12 gauge would land you on your ass, probably after firing one round, let alone multiples.

Believe me, your best bet is getting someone who is in your house wrong to leave. A pump action shotgun is perfectly suited to that task, but if they won't , you still have a weapon which is capable of putting someone down.
Hey Einstein. Pretty much 100% of the time someone breaks into your house is to steal what you have and or kill you. That person would be 'insane' IMO. "I'm juiced up on PCP. Did I just hear someone chamber a shotgun load? Oh Christ! I need to run away". Ya fucking right pal.
The purpose of having a shotgun in your house is to kill whoever wants to kill you first.
"Look you guys! I have a shotgun and that means you're supposed to run away and leave me alone!". Ya fucking right!

First of all,

Rarely does anyone break into a home when they know someone is home for the precise reason that they do NOT want to face an armed person protecting their shit.

Second of all, rarely is the person "juiced up" people who rob homes are usually people who plan carefully which means staying sober.

Third of all, yes most people are going to back off when they hear a shotgun being racked.

Fourth of all, most burglars are not intending to kill anyone. So killing them is and should be a case of using excessive force. Self defense is SUPPOSED to mean using appropriate force to defend yourself.

Fifth of all, anyone who would kill a person over possessions is insane. I've no doubt that you mentally retarded and shouldn't own any gun.

Sixth of all, easy to talk about killing someone on an anonymous message board. I killed a man in Afghanistan, hand to hand. Seriously, here's to hoping you NEVER have to make that decision.
Getting back to which type of gun the average homeowner should have.
The weight alone of a pump SG in the hands of someone with virtually zero experience in handling one is a major problem.
Assuming the owner has the presence of mind to "rack" a shell and determine in a split second to shoot a home invader the odds of the round hitting the ceiling is about 100%. The chances of "racking" another round instantly is then about nil.
A double barrel shotgun with BB shot is what I'd recommend.
All your "rarely" this and rarely that and "most people" means fuck all.
The home invader is NEVER guaranteed the home will be empty.
Not every home invader is straight when they decide to break into a home.
You are making typical LIB assumptions based on what you'd like the world to be. Not what it can be.

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