Happy Yerushalaim day


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015

On the 28th of Tevet 5768, the Council of the Chief Rabbinate decided "to set the 28th of Iyar as a day of thanksgiving to God for the miracles that occurred that day and for the liberation of Jerusalem.


This is the Tehilim that was said by Rabbi Goren that day:

1Of David. O Lord, strive with those who strive against me, battle my foes.
2Grasp a shield and encircling armor, and rise to my assistance.
3And arm Yourself with a spear and bar the way before my pursuers; say to my soul, "I am your salvation."
4May those who seek my life be shamed and embarrassed; may those who plan my harm draw backward and be abashed.
5Let them be as chaff before the wind, with an angel of the Lord thrusting them.
6May their way be dark and slippery, with an angel of the Lord pursuing them.
7For without cause they have hidden for me a pit, yea a net; without cause they have dug it for my soul.
8May darkness that he does not know come upon him, and his net that he hid shall ensnare him; in the darkness may he fall into it.
9And my soul shall exult in the Lord; it shall rejoice in His salvation.
10All my bones shall say, O Lord, who is like You, Who saves a poor man from one stronger than he and a poor man and a needy one from one who robs him.
11False witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I know not.
12They recompense me with evil instead of good, death to my soul.
13But, as for me, when they were ill, my attire was sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting, and may my prayer return upon my bosom.
14I walked about as though it were a friend or as though it were my own brother; I was bowed with gloom as the mourning of a mother.
15And, when I limped, they rejoiced and gathered; lame people gathered about me, [why,] I do not know. Were they to tear, they would not draw blood.
16Because of the flattery of scorn for food, they gnash their teeth at me.
17O Lord, how long will You look on? Return my soul from their darkness, my only one from young lions.
18I will thank You in a large assembly; in a mighty people I will praise You.
19Let them not rejoice over me, those who are my enemies for an unjust cause, neither shall those who hate me for nought wink their eyes.
20For they do not speak peace, and against the crushed people of the earth they think words of deceit.
21And they opened their mouth wide against me and they said, "Aha! Aha! Our eyes have seen [what we desired]."
22You saw, O Lord, do not be silent; O Lord, do not distance Yourself from me.
23Arouse Yourself and awaken to my judgment, my God and my Lord, to my cause.
24Judge me according to Your righteousness, O Lord, my God, and let them not rejoice over me.
25Let them not say in their hearts, "Our soul rejoices." Let them not say, "We have swallowed him up."
26Let them be ashamed and abashed together, those who rejoice at my misfortune; let them be clothed in shame and disgrace, those who raise themselves haughtily over me.
27Let those who desire my vindication sing praises and rejoice, and let them constantly say, "May the Lord, Who desires the peace of His servant, be magnified."
28And my tongue shall utter Your righteousness, Your praise all day long.

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On the 28th of Tevet 5768, the Council of the Chief Rabbinate decided "to set the 28th of Iyar as a day of thanksgiving to God for the miracles that occurred that day and for the liberation of Jerusalem.


This is the Tehilim that was said by Rabbi Goren that day:

1Of David. O Lord, strive with those who strive against me, battle my foes.
2Grasp a shield and encircling armor, and rise to my assistance.
3And arm Yourself with a spear and bar the way before my pursuers; say to my soul, "I am your salvation."
4May those who seek my life be shamed and embarrassed; may those who plan my harm draw backward and be abashed.
5Let them be as chaff before the wind, with an angel of the Lord thrusting them.
6May their way be dark and slippery, with an angel of the Lord pursuing them.
7For without cause they have hidden for me a pit, yea a net; without cause they have dug it for my soul.
8May darkness that he does not know come upon him, and his net that he hid shall ensnare him; in the darkness may he fall into it.
9And my soul shall exult in the Lord; it shall rejoice in His salvation.
10All my bones shall say, O Lord, who is like You, Who saves a poor man from one stronger than he and a poor man and a needy one from one who robs him.
11False witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I know not.
12They recompense me with evil instead of good, death to my soul.
13But, as for me, when they were ill, my attire was sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting, and may my prayer return upon my bosom.
14I walked about as though it were a friend or as though it were my own brother; I was bowed with gloom as the mourning of a mother.
15And, when I limped, they rejoiced and gathered; lame people gathered about me, [why,] I do not know. Were they to tear, they would not draw blood.
16Because of the flattery of scorn for food, they gnash their teeth at me.
17O Lord, how long will You look on? Return my soul from their darkness, my only one from young lions.
18I will thank You in a large assembly; in a mighty people I will praise You.
19Let them not rejoice over me, those who are my enemies for an unjust cause, neither shall those who hate me for nought wink their eyes.
20For they do not speak peace, and against the crushed people of the earth they think words of deceit.
21And they opened their mouth wide against me and they said, "Aha! Aha! Our eyes have seen [what we desired]."
22You saw, O Lord, do not be silent; O Lord, do not distance Yourself from me.
23Arouse Yourself and awaken to my judgment, my God and my Lord, to my cause.
24Judge me according to Your righteousness, O Lord, my God, and let them not rejoice over me.
25Let them not say in their hearts, "Our soul rejoices." Let them not say, "We have swallowed him up."
26Let them be ashamed and abashed together, those who rejoice at my misfortune; let them be clothed in shame and disgrace, those who raise themselves haughtily over me.
27Let those who desire my vindication sing praises and rejoice, and let them constantly say, "May the Lord, Who desires the peace of His servant, be magnified."
28And my tongue shall utter Your righteousness, Your praise all day long.

How fun!
The Musaf service on Sabbaths and festivals contains a prayer that "You may have mercy on Your Temple and rebuild it soon."

"For from out of Zion will come the Torah, and the word of Adonai from Jerusalem. Blessed is G-d who in holiness gave the Torah to the people Israel."

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