Harmful politicization Of Science


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013

"Protection and improvement of the environment are now the
siren song of politicians, businessmen, and scientists who claim
that their conclusions about global climate change and their proposals to stave off catastrophic change are the only thing standing
between mankind and a bleak, blasted planet in the future. They
have, to some degree, succeeded in strangling the flow of research
money to scientists who question their conclusions and prescriptions."

"Protection and improvement of the environment are now the
siren song of politicians, businessmen, and scientists who claim
that their conclusions about global climate change and their proposals to stave off catastrophic change are the only thing standing
between mankind and a bleak, blasted planet in the future. They
have, to some degree, succeeded in strangling the flow of research
money to scientists who question their conclusions and prescriptions."
Why do I suspect they are all Democrats?
Why is there any question in your mind? ... Republicans are kinda known for not really caring about environment over business ...

Now who wants to meet in the middle? ... or better who wants to try first? ... who wants to help find a way to serve both business and the environment? ...for example either house the homeless or save the forests ... we can't do both ...

The IPCC allows no opposition ... therefore it is a political organization and the reports are political statements ... not science, because scientific publications allows for opposition ... in the "letters to the editor" section ... and I've seen authors be made to provide answer to these letters, or rescind their paper ... science doesn't put up with political bullshit ...

Climate Change and Muslims ... haters got to hate ...

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