Harry Reid & Democrats continue to hold America hostage

The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why is that so popular among Republicans?
The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why is that so popular among Republicans?

well if the drs didnt have to practice defensive medicine to prevent stupid lawsuits, the bills would be less. Loser pays is great law, but liberals dont want to hurt their ambulance chaser lawyer friends lucrative scam...er business
The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why is that so popular among Republicans?

well if the drs didnt have to practice defensive medicine to prevent stupid lawsuits, the bills would be less. Loser pays is great law, but liberals dont want to hurt their ambulance chaser lawyer friends lucrative scam...er business

Ideologically speaking I love the idea of loser pays; however, practically speaking there is one very big problem with the law. It assumes that all plaintiffs can afford to pay if they lose. If someone is relatively poor and a doctor cuts off their wrong leg, how do they bring forth a suit if they cannot afford to pay if they lose. On top of that, what attorney, in their right mind, would take on their case?

A more prudent approach would be one where some type of arbiter was able to approve a case's validity before it was brought to court. If the arbiter found the case to be without merit, a plaintiff could not move forward with any type of suit. Obviously, there could be problems with such a system also, but I think something like this would be a step in the right direction. What we want is to get rid of the ridiculous suits but not take away a person's right to sue when they are truly wronged.
Reid Pledges to Block Votes on Obamacare Repeal, Tax Cuts

Reid Pledges to Block Votes on Obamacare Repeal, Tax Cuts | The Weekly Standard

Wonder why Reid is afraid to let American's representatives vote, even with a Democrat contolled Senate? Could it be he's so fucking radical, that he knows traditional liberals will pass these bills that America wants?

The GOP trash needs to grow up and stop acting like a bunch of 3 year olds.

the ACA was found constitutional.

It's not going to be repealed

The right wing trash lost

America won.
When the US goes bankrupt like Greece and we can't borrow any more from China, then you will realize that the ACA is too expensive. The prescription drug benefit was too expensive. The Community Reinvestment Act (forcing banks to give loans to the unqualified) nearly killed the US economy.

I don't see how the ACA is anything but an expense we simply can't afford.
ACA is a tax, constitutional only because it is a tax. What happened to not raising taxes on the little guy, what happened to not raising taxes during a recession (yes we are still in recession)??

So two years wasted on something unaffordable and nothing to help people find gainful employment. Yea, the Dems know exactly how to kill the USA. Their working on it day by day. It only slowed down because we got a House that is doing the job they were sent to do.

Can't wait til we get the Senate back. ;)
The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why is that so popular among Republicans?

well if the drs didnt have to practice defensive medicine to prevent stupid lawsuits, the bills would be less. Loser pays is great law, but liberals dont want to hurt their ambulance chaser lawyer friends lucrative scam...er business



false claims are maybe a couple of percentage points worth of cases.

when doctors limit the damage they can do to people, then that's when liability should be limited.

good to know you've bought into the insurance industry scam.

the kochs would feel very gratified, i'm sure.
The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. Why is that so popular among Republicans?

well if the drs didnt have to practice defensive medicine to prevent stupid lawsuits, the bills would be less. Loser pays is great law, but liberals dont want to hurt their ambulance chaser lawyer friends lucrative scam...er business



false claims are maybe a couple of percentage points worth of cases.

when doctors limit the damage they can do to people, then that's when liability should be limited.

good to know you've bought into the insurance industry scam.

the kochs would feel very gratified, i'm sure.

Glad to see you back trial lawyers, and bought into THAT scam....I mean who doesnt trust a lawyer?
ACA is a tax, constitutional only because it is a tax. What happened to not raising taxes on the little guy, what happened to not raising taxes during a recession (yes we are still in recession)??

So two years wasted on something unaffordable and nothing to help people find gainful employment. Yea, the Dems know exactly how to kill the USA. Their working on it day by day. It only slowed down because we got a House that is doing the job they were sent to do.

Can't wait til we get the Senate back. ;)

But, there is the opportunity to repeal the Obamacare. Rather, Dispute it's constitutionality. Since it is now a tax, according to law, the bill should have originated in the HOuse and it did not.


60 Second Scoops – Art Kelly –7/3/2012Michael Patrick Leahy of Nashville, co-founder of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, has spotted another serious flaw in the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare.

Chief Justice John Roberts’ odd decision to call the individual mandate in Obamacare a “tax” has made the law aviolation of Article 1, Section 7, of the Constitution, which requires, “All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

The only thing aboutht e bill that originated in the House was the bill number, H. R. 3590, as every word in the bill was transformed through a Senate amendment.

Not one word of the law actually originated in the House of Representatives, including the penalty for not purchasing health insurance.

When HR 3590 came back to the House after having been made totally different by amendment, no one argued that it violated the constitutional requirement that tax bills originate in the House because it was not considered a tax bill.

But Roberts’ edict makes the law vulnerable to new judicial challenges.

Reality Check: If Healthcare Law Is A Tax Is It Now Invalid? | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Demon(cat)s obsessed with denying Obamacare is a tax, even though Verilli argued before SCOTUS it is a tax | Campaign for Liberty

thenationalpatriot.com » Blog Archive » Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax
ACA is a tax, constitutional only because it is a tax. What happened to not raising taxes on the little guy, what happened to not raising taxes during a recession (yes we are still in recession)??

So two years wasted on something unaffordable and nothing to help people find gainful employment. Yea, the Dems know exactly how to kill the USA. Their working on it day by day. It only slowed down because we got a House that is doing the job they were sent to do.

Can't wait til we get the Senate back. ;)

But, there is the opportunity to repeal the Obamacare. Rather, Dispute it's constitutionality. Since it is now a tax, according to law, the bill should have originated in the HOuse and it did not.


60 Second Scoops – Art Kelly –7/3/2012Michael Patrick Leahy of Nashville, co-founder of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, has spotted another serious flaw in the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare.

Chief Justice John Roberts’ odd decision to call the individual mandate in Obamacare a “tax” has made the law aviolation of Article 1, Section 7, of the Constitution, which requires, “All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

The only thing aboutht e bill that originated in the House was the bill number, H. R. 3590, as every word in the bill was transformed through a Senate amendment.

Not one word of the law actually originated in the House of Representatives, including the penalty for not purchasing health insurance.

When HR 3590 came back to the House after having been made totally different by amendment, no one argued that it violated the constitutional requirement that tax bills originate in the House because it was not considered a tax bill.

But Roberts’ edict makes the law vulnerable to new judicial challenges.

Reality Check: If Healthcare Law Is A Tax Is It Now Invalid? | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Demon(cat)s obsessed with denying Obamacare is a tax, even though Verilli argued before SCOTUS it is a tax | Campaign for Liberty

thenationalpatriot.com » Blog Archive » Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax

Can someone please tell me why Harry Reid shelves every bill that comes to the senate from the house.
Can someone please tell me why Harry Reid shelves every bill that comes to the senate from the house.

He only throws what belongs in the trash where it belongs, which is pretty much everything from the right wing garbage.
I can't tell you how many "lawyer" commericals are on everyday suing for everything from bone grafts, to mesh implants, and mesotheiloma.. no wonder no one can afford health care.
Can someone please tell me why Harry Reid shelves every bill that comes to the senate from the house.

Because most of them are nonsense?

And you know this, how?? Have you read them?? Have you even seen them?? Yea, that's the way to get things done. Dems want compromise as long as it's the Republicans doing the compromising. :lol:

You know the bills proposed from the House of Repubs are a joke because the politicians presenting them are a joke.

Here is another rethug version of a bill to help with jobs; defund planned parenthood.

Now who in their right minds would think that defunding Planned Parenthood is a jobs bill?

Well the repubs in the House think that. And they attach their idea of a jobs bill to the real jobs bill every damn time and it gets rejected every damn time.

Yea the House is real serious about jobs.

Shut em down Harry.
Because most of them are nonsense?

And you know this, how?? Have you read them?? Have you even seen them?? Yea, that's the way to get things done. Dems want compromise as long as it's the Republicans doing the compromising. :lol:

You know the bills proposed from the House of Repubs are a joke because the politicians presenting them are a joke.

Here is another rethug version of a bill to help with jobs; defund planned parenthood.

Now who in their right minds would think that defunding Planned Parenthood is a jobs bill?

Well the repubs in the House think that. And they attach their idea of a jobs bill to the real jobs bill every damn time and it gets rejected every damn time.

Yea the House is real serious about jobs.

Shut em down Harry.

doesn't matter jack shit,, the bills pass the house go to the senate, they are supposed to be brought to the floor for an up or down vote and then go back to the house for reconcilliation. fuck harry reid.
If the Senate isn't going to vote on any bills coming out of the house then shut the senate down. they have no reason for existance. shut them down.

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