Harry Reid's Crony deals


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Crony Deals by the sleazy Harry Reid.."Public service" at it's best... We should be expecting a Justice dept investigation at any time:doubt:


In a just world, no politician would leave office wealthier than on the day he takes the oath of office. We don’t live in a just world, alas, and the rags-to-riches life stories of more than a few U.S. senators strain credulity.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, once an officer of the Capitol Police, joined the ranks of multimillionaires during his four decades on the public payroll. He says he’s a good investor, and no doubt he is, but the watchdog group Cause of Action wants the Senate Ethics Committee to inquire as to whether and how he used his office to pad his campaign war chest.

The Senate’s code of conduct stipulates that a senator may not “permit any compensation to accrue to his beneficial interest” as a result of “influence improperly exerted from his position.” It prohibits petitioning executive branch agencies for financial benefit for the benefit of immediate family.

Cause of Action accuses Mr. Reid of attempting to influence the Obama administration to overrule career bureaucrats at the Department of Homeland Security to “expedite” visa applications for nearly two-dozen foreign nationals who were investors in a Nevada casino. Mr. Reid’s son, Rory, was a lawyer for the casino.

The facts are clear enough. Career officials at the Department of Homeland Security turned down an expedited EB-5 visa application by the SLS Hotel & Casino in 2012 because agents were concerned over “suspicious financial activity.” Mr. Reid called Alejandro Mayorkas, who was then the director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, to ask him to reverse the decision. Mr. Mayorkas cheerfully obliged.

Mr. Reid then changed Senate rules so that Mr. Mayorkas could be promoted to the No. 2 position at the Department of Homeland Security, even though he was the subject of an investigation by the inspector general

EDITORIAL: Harry Reid's casino luck - Washington Times
Ethics complaint filed..

Complaint: Reid meddled in casino visa-investor cases

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is the target of an ethics and conflict-of-interest complaint over his involvement in a visa-investor venture.

The complaint, filed by the activist group Cause of Action, asserts that the Nevada U.S. senator intervened with top immigration officials to benefit EB-5 visa seekers. The applicants were law clients of Reid’s son.

Among the officials contacted by Reid was Alejandro Mayorkas, then director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

“Despite the fact that these applications were ineligible for appeal, Sen. Reid’s efforts to lobby USCIS resulted in the reconsideration and approval of these applications, as well as the subsequent securing of millions of dollars in foreign and domestic funds for the (Las Vegas) SLS Hotel & Casino and American Dream Fund EB-5 Regional Center — both of which are major contributors to the Democratic Party,” Cause of Action Executive Director Daniel Epstein wrote.

Mayorkas, recently confirmed by the Senate to be deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, remains under investigation by the DHS Inspector General’s Office over his handling of EB-5 cases. Approved without Republican votes, Mayorkas benefited from Reid’s newly instituted “nuclear option,” which effectively blocks filibusters on confirmations.

The EB-5 program enables foreign nationals to receive green cards in exchange for $500,000 to $1-million investments in participating U.S. companies

Complaint: Reid meddled in casino visa-investor cases « Watchdog.org
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you won't see a single lib ever make mention of this either. you won't see obsessive media coverage. this man should not only not be reelected, he should be removed from office.
you won't see a single lib ever make mention of this either. you won't see obsessive media coverage. this man should not only not be reelected, he should be removed from office.

They're fine with scum like Reid and his family getting rich off his political connections because they're liberals, but Quid pro Quos are indictable.
The sad thing is, this was all well-known to Nevadans before he was last up for re-election! Because the GOP ran an idiot broad against him and because he's spent his entire life establishing a Democrat Party infrastructure with lots and lots of $$$$$, me was re-elected.

And, unless the GOP finally gets off its ass and finds a "real" politician to run against him, he'll be re-elected again.

Our only hope and prayer is that the GOP will gain the majority in the Senate so this piece of garbage - who claims he's a practicing Mormon - will be in the minority.
The sad thing is, this was all well-known to Nevadans before he was last up for re-election! Because the GOP ran an idiot broad against him and because he's spent his entire life establishing a Democrat Party infrastructure with lots and lots of $$$$$, me was re-elected.

And, unless the GOP finally gets off its ass and finds a "real" politician to run against him, he'll be re-elected again.

Our only hope and prayer is that the GOP will gain the majority in the Senate so this piece of garbage - who claims he's a practicing Mormon - will be in the minority.

Reid has the unions in his pocket, that's why he won The media creates caricatures of Republicans. instead of reporting on the corruption of Harry Reid
Doing Obama's bidding may be keeping Harry out of federal prison.

Reid's Kin May Have Benefited Beyond Gift Purchase


On Tuesday, news broke that Harry Reid spent nearly $17,000 in campaign funds on “holiday gifts” for supporters and staff. Those gifts turned out to be jewelry made by the Senate majority leader’s granddaughter, Ryan Elisabeth Reid (who was listed on the FEC expenditure report as Ryan Elisabeth). Shortly after the story began circulating, Sen. Reid defended the arrangement but announced he would personally reimburse the campaign.

It doesn’t appear that the Democratic leader violated any FEC rules, because his daughter’s company was technically a campaign vendor. Still, the perceived financial nepotism struck a nerve with many (and set hearts pounding among Republican opposition research groups eager to spread the news). And those bothered by the revelation may have more reason to react: The five-term senator’s ability to help his relatives may extend well beyond $17,000 for jewelry.

His granddaughter has also received financial support for her fledgling New York theater company from two Nevada-based foundations that typically prohibit donations to organizations outside of their service areas. The foundations belong to gaming and energy companies that have also donated to the lawmaker.

Ryan Elisabeth, in her early 20s and a recent college graduate, describes herself as a “performing arts professional.” In addition to her jewelry company -- which is not mentioned on her LinkedIn profile -- she also works as an assistant at the Tim Bavington Studio in Las Vegas and as artistic director at Sprat Theatre Company in Brooklyn, N.Y. Donations to the latter organization, which she founded, may raise some eyebrows.

According to the Brooklyn Arts Council, Sprat “is supported by funds from Clinton Global Initiative, Caesars Foundation, NV Energy Foundation, and individual donors.” (The Sprat website also lists these contributors, along with others.)

The Caesars Foundation is the philanthropic wing of Caesars Entertainment, a Las Vegas-based gaming corporation that owns and operates dozens of casinos. Sen. Reid has received funds from the corporation in the past.

Reid's Kin May Have Benefited Beyond Gift Purchase | RealClearPolitics
you won't see a single lib ever make mention of this either. you won't see obsessive media coverage. this man should not only not be reelected, he should be removed from office.

I was just going to say that...Notice not one LIB post in threads on Democrats
Here's more from this corrupted career politician who does nothing but suck off us taxpayers for a living, STANDS in front of camera wailing over Amercian citizens (Koch brothers) and his family steals from us too...We NEED frikken term limits for the asses in Congress...


Ballot Box feed

March 27, 2014, 10:07 am
Reid to reimburse more campaign funds for gifts

By Rebecca Shabad

20 .

The amount Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to reimburse his reelection campaign jumped from about $16,000 to at least $31,000, according to reports.

On Tuesday, Nevada journalist Jon Ralston reported that 2016 campaign funds were given to Reid’s granddaughter, Ryan Elisabeth Reid, which she used to buy gifts for donors.

The younger Reid sells jewelry in Berkley, Calif.

In the initial report, Ralston reported that the amount was more than $16,000.

On Wednesday night, he discovered Reid’s campaign paid his granddaughter at least $14,000 more in 2012, bringing the total to about $31,000.

Reid said in a statement, after the initial report, that he would reimburse the campaign for the amount spent on thank-you gifts made by his granddaughter.
Asked about the additional expenditures on Wednesday, Reid reiterated to Ralston that he would reimburse the campaign, and said his granddaughter was being harassed.

“My granddaughter has been the target of harassing phone calls, strangers tracking her down and knocking on her door, and negative, unwanted attention on the Internet. This has gone too far and it needs to stop now. I deeply regret any role I had in creating this situation but now, as a grandparent, I say enough is enough,” Reid said, according to Ralston.

Last Friday, the Federal Election Committee sent a letter to Reid asking him to explain the expenditures from a 2013 campaign filing.

all of it here
Reid to reimburse more campaign funds for gifts | TheHill
When Reid was up for re-election in Nevada, we were faced with either voting for him or Angle. It was like asking a condemned man if he wanted to die by firing squad or guillotine. Voters chose the firing squad.
When Reid was up for re-election in Nevada, we were faced with either voting for him or Angle. It was like asking a condemned man if he wanted to die by firing squad or guillotine. Voters chose the firing squad.

oh well, you get to live with the corrupted hateful little man...He's SO much better than Angie....:eusa_whistle:
When Reid was up for re-election in Nevada, we were faced with either voting for him or Angle. It was like asking a condemned man if he wanted to die by firing squad or guillotine. Voters chose the firing squad.

oh well, you get to live with the corrupted hateful little man...He's SO much better than Angie....:eusa_whistle:

Corruption or crazy. The 2-party system is great, isn't it?
When Reid was up for re-election in Nevada, we were faced with either voting for him or Angle. It was like asking a condemned man if he wanted to die by firing squad or guillotine. Voters chose the firing squad.

So you voted for a crazy crook brilliant.
Harry Reid is an example of the worst kind of politicians..He and his family get rich off of we common folk. Leader of the liberal political class and a crook:evil:
The Grandfather
The autumn of patriarch Harry Reid

BY: Matthew Continetti
March 28, 2014 4:59 am

Another man might have assumed, correctly, that launching a campaign of insult and insinuation against two billionaires would result in renewed attention to his own finances. Not Harry Reid. The Senate Democratic leader since 2005, and the Senate majority leader since 2007, is not one to reflect before speaking. His mouth runs far ahead of his brain.

In recent years Reid has declared an American war “lost” while our troops still fought overseas; praised President Obama for his “light” skin and “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one”; asserted falsely and without evidence that Mitt Romney had not paid any taxes for a decade; and said “Why would we want to do that?” when asked if he would fund cancer research during the government shutdown.

Now, with his majority in danger, his president unpopular, his floor agenda obstructed by members of his own caucus, Reid thrashes about uncontrollably. He calls Obamacare horror stories “untrue.” He says Obamacare numbers are not as high as projected because Americans “are not educated on how to use the Internet.” His Senate Majority PAC launches a $3 million ad campaign tying Republican candidates to two men most Americans have never heard of, two men who, funnily enough, are more popular than Reid.

From the floor of the Senate Reid says these two men, Charles and David Koch, are “un-American,” are trying “to buy America.” Without the terrible specter of the Koch brothers Harry Reid would be disarmed. He has no issue for his Democratic Senators to run on; the minimum wage and climate change are not enough. Nor has he another means of inspiring donors to open their checkbooks. He only has fear, fear of the Kochs, fear of extractive industry, fear of the portion of the elite that favors economic freedom. The Koch brothers, Reid says, “rig the system to benefit themselves.” He should know.

The fact that Harry Reid’s political and influence operation includes his five children has been established for some time. A few weeks ago, when I first heard Reid accuse private citizens of being un-American, I dredged up a Los Angeles Times article from 2003 with the headline, “In Nevada, the Name to Know Is Reid.” Chuck Neubauer and Richard T. Cooper’s meticulously researched and reported article begins with the story of the “Clark County Conservation of Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002,” a land bill of the sort that puts people to sleep. “What Reid did not explain” when he introduced the bill in the Senate, Neubauer and Cooper wrote, “was that the bill promised a cavalcade of benefits to real estate developers, corporations, and local institutions that were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying fees to his sons’ and son-in-law’s firms.” I wonder why he left that part out.

Firms tied to the Reid family, the Los Angeles Times reported, earned more than $2 million from 1998 to 2002 “from special interests that were represented by the kids and helped by the senator in Washington.” How much more have they earned in the 11 years since this article was published? Land, energy, water, gaming, and mining—the Reids manage a diversified portfolio. They are not financial investors but political ones. Reid’s four sons are lawyers, as is his son-in-law. They make their money furthering the interests of paying clients, clients operating businesses in the state represented by Reid.

The Grandfather | Washington Free Beacon

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