Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This scholar from Harvard who is a attorney and advisor to Congress on the Constitution let it out in a interview earlier yesterday why Obama needs to be impeached and what steps it takes to get the process going. He explains how Obama's arming of Al-Qaeda in Syria is serious but he made a allegation about Obama that took me by surprise at the 1:40 mark right at the beginning of the interview and especially at the 6:00 mark. I never thought I would hear that coming from a constitutional attorney from Obama's alma-mater. Listen good.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRf2tpEeVFo]Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama - YouTube[/ame]
He wrote a great book, the Oathkeepers are endorsing it, and Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan are making a movie titled "Molon Labe" from it.

The book is titled "The Sword and Sovereignty"


Dr. Edwin Vierra also takes the "militia" stance on the 2nd Amendment, but in a totally different vein that the Progressives do. His analysis is actually the best and his interpretation is absolutely correct about the Second Amendment.

Currently it costs $39.99 on CD, but I share it privately for free with anyone that sends me an e-mail. Send me PM for e-mail.


Here's an excerpt from his book:
As used throughout this study, “gun control” and “gun controllers” are meant—without equivocation, sympathy, or apology, and with good reason—to be taken as strongly pejorative terms. “Gun control” is a neologism. Pre-constitutional American laws aimed at a near-universality of armament among able-bodied free adult male inhabitants, either through their own efforts or with the assistance of public institutions. In those days, had the term been current, “gun control” would have meant, not keeping firearms and ammunition away from as many private citizens as legislators might contrive to disarm, but instead seeing to it that as many citizens as possible possessed their own arms at all times, and were as well trained in the use of those arms as circumstances permitted.

To employ the modern Judiciary’s mumbo jumbo, that and only that was considered to be “reasonable regulation” with respect to firearms. That the Colonies and independent States never attempted to exercise a purported power to disarm the general populace—and that no one of consequence ever seriously advocated that they should have done so—provides compelling evidence that no such power was ever believed to exist.

The purpose of “gun control” today, conversely, is not to train people in the safe and effective use of firearms, or to regulate the use of firearms so as to minimize negligent, reckless, or criminal behavior while still maximizing the freedom of individuals to possess and use firearms for all legitimate purposes. Rather, “gun control” aims at denying as many people as possible possession of as many types of firearms as possible in as many places as possible with respect to as many uses as possible—as soon as possible.

Its goal is the systematic disarmament of common Americans, typically coupled with the equally systematic elaboration of a paramilitary police-state apparatus to keep defenseless people in line through a cynically calculated policy of official Schrecklichkeit (“frightfulness”) mediated, ironically, through various “law-enforcement agencies”. “Gun control”, police lawlessness and brutality, and a general contempt on the part of the professional political class for the people’s basic human and civil rights inevitably and invariably march together in goose-step.

The motivations of “gun controllers” may be debatable. A very few of them may be simple-minded, rather than aggressively malevolent. But no one is so dim-witted as to be unable to read and understand the historical record of modern times. For that chronicle is as pellucid as it is bloody: Once the common people in any country are disarmed, they are helpless against oppression. Aspiring usurpers and tyrants always disarm the people as a key step towards oppressing them. And, confronted by a psychopathic political class claiming unlimited “governmental” powers, disarmed people generally become victims of slavery and mass murder.

Unfortunately, all too many Americans with otherwise sound patriotic instincts who should vocally support revitalization of “the Militia of the several States”—on the undeniably constitutional, as well as practical, ground that “well regulated Militia” are “necessary to the security of a free State” in their own personal interests where they themselves reside—have been so thoroughly cowed and demoralized by “gun controllers’” black propaganda that they shrink from uttering the word “Militia” in public as part of a political proposal, lest they be vilified in the mass media as dangerous crackpots. The jack-booted tramping of political thugs who demonize the word “Militia” cannot drown out the truth, however, because “[a] well regulated Militia” is not some newly contrived conception with no firm foundation in American law and history. Quite the

Here's a preview of the book (first 5 pages of 2300):
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On the same day that the Pentagon provided Congress with a list of military options concerning Syria, reports emerged that the White House is pretty much ready to move forward with covert CIA-run plan to arm the Syrian rebels.

Reuters, along with the New York Times, both cite Rep. Mike Rogers's on-the-record indication that the Intelligence committee he chairs is ready to give a stamp of approval to the President's plan, despite doubts about its probability for success. The committee meetings on the plan themselves are held in secret (as is the covert arms operation itself, which is going through the CIA), but according to Reuters there's been a tentative agreement on the table since mid-July that opened the way for Obama's plan for Syria to move forward:

Part of the logjam was broken on July 12 when members of the Senate Intelligence Committee who had questioned the wisdom of arming the insurgents decided behind closed doors to tentatively agree that the administration could go ahead with its plans, but sought updates as the covert effort proceeded.

Congress's main concern on the CIA plan for Syria arguably hasn't been the length or strength of the plan: it's been whether the arms promised to Syrian rebels could fall into the hands of extremists. That's something the President himself has addressed before, claiming that the administration has enough intelligence on the Syrian rebels to determine who to arm. Senator John McCain, one of the top Syria hawks, also thinks he knows how to tell the "good" and "bad" guys apart here, after one covert visit to the country in May.

The White House Has the Approval It Needs to Arm Syrian Rebels - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire
He wrote a great book, the Oathkeepers are endorsing it, and Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan are making a movie titled "Molon Labe" from it.

The book is titled "The Sword and Sovereignty"

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Edwin Vieira: Preface To ?The Sword And Sovereignty?

Dr. Edwin Vierra also takes the "militia" stance on the 2nd Amendment, but in a totally different vein that the Progressives do. His analysis is actually the best and his interpretation is absolutely correct about the Second Amendment.

Currently it costs $39.99 on CD, but I share it privately for free with anyone that sends me an e-mail. Send me PM for e-mail.

The Sword and Sovereignty: The Constitutional Principles of "the Militia of the Several States" (Constitutional Homeland Security): Edwin Vieira Jr.: 9780967175942: Amazon.com: Books

Ah yes, another Oscar award winning production from RWer's.
On the same day that the Pentagon provided Congress with a list of military options concerning Syria, reports emerged that the White House is pretty much ready to move forward with covert CIA-run plan to arm the Syrian rebels.

Reuters, along with the New York Times, both cite Rep. Mike Rogers's on-the-record indication that the Intelligence committee he chairs is ready to give a stamp of approval to the President's plan, despite doubts about its probability for success. The committee meetings on the plan themselves are held in secret (as is the covert arms operation itself, which is going through the CIA), but according to Reuters there's been a tentative agreement on the table since mid-July that opened the way for Obama's plan for Syria to move forward:

Part of the logjam was broken on July 12 when members of the Senate Intelligence Committee who had questioned the wisdom of arming the insurgents decided behind closed doors to tentatively agree that the administration could go ahead with its plans, but sought updates as the covert effort proceeded.

Congress's main concern on the CIA plan for Syria arguably hasn't been the length or strength of the plan: it's been whether the arms promised to Syrian rebels could fall into the hands of extremists. That's something the President himself has addressed before, claiming that the administration has enough intelligence on the Syrian rebels to determine who to arm. Senator John McCain, one of the top Syria hawks, also thinks he knows how to tell the "good" and "bad" guys apart here, after one covert visit to the country in May.

The White House Has the Approval It Needs to Arm Syrian Rebels - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

Let's try the entire Congress for treason then too; forget impeachment.
This scholar from Harvard who is a attorney and advisor to Congress on the Constitution let it out in a interview earlier yesterday why Obama needs to be impeached and what steps it takes to get the process going. He explains how Obama's arming of Al-Qaeda in Syria is serious but he made a allegation about Obama that took me by surprise at the 1:40 mark right at the beginning of the interview and especially at the 6:00 mark. I never thought I would hear that coming from a constitutional attorney from Obama's alma-mater. Listen good.

Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama - YouTube

I refuse to listen to the heart attack jerk.
If they have truly indeed given Obama the power to strike... may God have mercy on all of our souls.
This scholar from Harvard who is a attorney and advisor to Congress on the Constitution let it out in a interview earlier yesterday why Obama needs to be impeached and what steps it takes to get the process going. He explains how Obama's arming of Al-Qaeda in Syria is serious but he made a allegation about Obama that took me by surprise at the 1:40 mark right at the beginning of the interview and especially at the 6:00 mark. I never thought I would hear that coming from a constitutional attorney from Obama's alma-mater. Listen good.

Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama - YouTube

I refuse to listen to the heart attack jerk.

Why do you say that?
That Harvard professor stated that Obama is not eligible for the office of the presidency in the first place.

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