Has Blasey Ford just been dropped by the left?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
How come Everyone who believed that Kavanaugh raped her just forget about her?

Seems odd she isn’t in the news anymore.
How come Everyone who believed that Kavanaugh raped her just forget about her?

Seems odd she isn’t in the news anymore.

What seems odd about it?

Her job was to try and stop the nomination, she failed and is thus no longer news worthy.
How come Everyone who believed that Kavanaugh raped her just forget about her?

Seems odd she isn’t in the news anymore.

I think you're just butthurt that liberals aren't still talking about it. It's deprived you of your opportunity to say "Look at these crazy liberals! It's done, it's over, but they can't accept it! You LOST libtards, get over it!"
I am concerned about Ford. I believe every woman who has ever accused a man of anything.

Dems don’t seem to have been genuine and I am very concerned because I listen to Dem leaders for guidance.

I hope Ford is ok after having suffered at the hands of the serial rapist Kavanaugh.
The Left uses these people, then spits them out. David Hogg is another one. His 15 minutes is over as people realize he is just a little paid stooge. Now the Left, and Media (same thing) has abandoned him. Next victim!
Why are you bringing her up? She has returned to private life. What is your obsession? Is she the new Benghazi?
If the bitch was for real she could be making noise on her own...even apppear with MSNBC for some on air carpet munching.
How come Everyone who believed that Kavanaugh raped her just forget about her?

Seems odd she isn’t in the news anymore.

I think you're just butthurt that liberals aren't still talking about it. It's deprived you of your opportunity to say "Look at these crazy liberals! It's done, it's over, but they can't accept it! You LOST libtards, get over it!"

If I were them I'd avoid talking about it too...they looked ridiculous.

That was just sad and revealed the depths demoquacks will resort to
How come Everyone who believed that Kavanaugh raped her just forget about her?

Seems odd she isn’t in the news anymore.

No one in possession of even the most basic level of information about the matter believed Kavanaugh raped her.

No one in possession of even the most basic level of information about the matter believes media attention to her, personally, is of any help to her, or wanted by her.

No one in possession of even the most basic level of information about the matter believes that she should be the focus of the discussion, as opposed to a (another) Supreme Court Justice with a cloud of sexual assault hanging over him, or the tens of millions of girls / women who experience or experienced sexual harassment or assault, or rape, and the rape culture that enables it.

No one with a shred of decency would even so much as pretend to be confused about that.
How come Everyone who believed that Kavanaugh raped her just forget about her?

Seems odd she isn’t in the news anymore.

I think you're just butthurt that liberals aren't still talking about it. It's deprived you of your opportunity to say "Look at these crazy liberals! It's done, it's over, but they can't accept it! You LOST libtards, get over it!"

It does seem to maybe be a cheap way to get people to quit talking about the mid-terms.
Do not underestimate the stupidity of the left wing sheep.

They are not bringing that liar up cause their masters have them focused on the collusion thing again.

However, their masters will be bringing impeachment of Kavanaugh up after they are done drawing up impeachment of Trump.

Btw, isn't Mewler done with the investigation? He is done right?
Why are you bringing her up? She has returned to private life. What is your obsession? Is she the new Benghazi?
Yeah, we know you are stupid. Doesn't seem to bother you that you were wrong about that like you are wrong about everything.

I will admit, I am not the brightest bulb, but my shit is smarter than you.
Why are you bringing her up? She has returned to private life. What is your obsession? Is she the new Benghazi?
Yeah, we know you are stupid. Doesn't seem to bother you that you were wrong about that like you are wrong about everything.

I will admit, I am not the brightest bulb, but my shit is smarter than you.
All I wrote is why bring her up? Who cares. I asked some questions and you go off the deep end.
Why are you bringing her up? She has returned to private life. What is your obsession? Is she the new Benghazi?
Yeah, we know you are stupid. Doesn't seem to bother you that you were wrong about that like you are wrong about everything.

I will admit, I am not the brightest bulb, but my shit is smarter than you.
All I wrote is why bring her up? Who cares. I asked some questions and you go off the deep end.
POTUS apologists are going off the deep end because they lost the house and now they are bringing up any and all kind of tripe to deflect from that. It's actually quite comical to see them in such a tizzy. Especially owl.

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