Has Israel been Oppressive to Palestine?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I have a Muslim friend, who will remain nameless for the sake of this discussion. He responded to a Facebook post of mine where I referred to the religious persecution of Christians in the Middle East with "I hope you are referring to the oppression of Palestinians by Israel." The below was my response:

Israel is one of the most culturally and religiously diverse nations on Earth, with immigration policies even stricter than America's. Many Muslims freely practice their faith there. If you want to blame someone, blame the Palestinian Arabs. They began by oppressing and slaughtering 300 Jews in the Arab Revolt of 1936, after the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini (who was a Nazi conspirator) issued a fatwa calling for the deaths of those Jews, let's also note that they weren't even Zionists. He also helped Hitler recruit 20,000 into the Schutzstaffel. His was largely a protest against Jewish Immigration and British Colonial rule. These Arabs had been freely selling land to the Jews during the 1910's and early 1920's. So whatever land Israel has now is Israel's.

In the 1948 Palestine War, the Palestinians along with Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan (Transjordan) and Lebanon invaded the newly established nation of Israel. By 1949, Israel had crushed both the Palestinians and their allies. They kept all of the land the UN Partition plan gave them, and took 60% of the land belonging to the Palestinians. The First and Second Intifadas of the 1980's and 1990's were no different. The land they have now are spoils of War. In fact, the Israelis gave Gaza back to the Palestinians in the name of peace, but nothing ever really changed.

So, Palestine is responsible for inciting the conflict with Israel, and thus they are responsible for the 'oppression' they encounter. I've heard many people bring up the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel many times. But that was not the beginning of the conflict. I wonder why so many people think of Israel as an oppressive entity? Are the Palestinians not the ones who murdered the Fogel Family? Were they not the ones who conspired with Hitler?

Also, the Israelites have a link to the land dating back as far as 3700 years. Even by Palestine's own admission to the Anglo American Committee, also in 1946, that they could only trace their link to the land to the conquests of Muhammad's followers in the 7th Century, or about 1000 years.

In fact, in 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission "There is no such country as Palestine! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria." To add, Palestine was a name the Romans applied to Judea (the West Bank) to diminish Jewish identification with the land of Israel after they crushed the most previous Jewish Revolt, the name was "Palestina." They (the Jews) were mostly driven into diaspora by 135 A.D.

You say Israel was or is 'oppressive.' Well, let's put that in perspective. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims were slaughtered by the Crusaders, until Saladin broke them free and sent them packing. Jews on the other hand, 6 million of them were summarily executed at the hands of a fascist.
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The pro-Palestine folks are eerily quiet.

Of course they are... because there's nothing to reply to besides israraeli propaganda.

Your thread is a living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.

Before investigating if there is intelligent life outside our planet, it should be investigating if there is intelligent life inside the head of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns.
José;9274784 said:
The pro-Palestine folks are eerily quiet.

Of course they are... because there's nothing to reply to besides israraeli propaganda.

Your thread is a living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.

Before investigating if there is intelligent life outside our planet, it should be investigating if there is intelligent life inside the head of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns.

Meanwhile, how about we see if there is any intelligent life to the Muslims who have no problems in killing innocent people in the name of their religion plus those who abet them in this regard? I think that is the important thing to concern oneself with in these days.
José;9274784 said:
The pro-Palestine folks are eerily quiet.

Of course they are... because there's nothing to reply to besides israraeli propaganda.

Your thread is a living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.

Before investigating if there is intelligent life outside our planet, it should be investigating if there is intelligent life inside the head of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns.

Well how about you refute the post and bring evidence from a reliable non Islamic source to prove the poster wrong. It seems that every time the evidence is laid bare for all to see all you can come up with is "Israeli propaganda" as if your word alone is good enough to silence the truth.
José;9274784 said:
The pro-Palestine folks are eerily quiet.

Of course they are... because there's nothing to reply to besides israraeli propaganda.

Your thread is a living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.

Before investigating if there is intelligent life outside our planet, it should be investigating if there is intelligent life inside the head of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns.

You're an interesting one, aren't you?

Now, explain in detail how my thread is a 'living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.'

I can't really tell if you're being a troll or that you really and earnestly believe what you just said. My thread is an explicit recitation of the history leading up to and after Israel declaring it's independence.

I'd also be glad for you to attempt to disprove the fact that Palestine started this conflict and has been it's own worst enemy for the better part of a century.

Your army of strawmen are impressive, but nonetheless a deflection.
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José;9274784 said:
The pro-Palestine folks are eerily quiet.

Of course they are... because there's nothing to reply to besides israraeli propaganda.

Your thread is a living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.

Before investigating if there is intelligent life outside our planet, it should be investigating if there is intelligent life inside the head of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns.

Typical pro Palestinian response, unable to address the post.

And don't accuse the OP of posting propaganda. Because no matter how much you deny it, you know very well that Palestinians and their supporters are the KINGS of propaganda.
One needs to only spend a few months posting in the I/P forum to come to that conclusion.
I have a Muslim friend, who will remain nameless for the sake of this discussion. He responded to a Facebook post of mine where I referred to the religious persecution of Christians in the Middle East with "I hope you are referring to the oppression of Palestinians by Israel." The below was my response:

Israel is one of the most culturally and religiously diverse nations on Earth, with immigration policies even stricter than America's. Many Muslims freely practice their faith there. If you want to blame someone, blame the Palestinian Arabs. They began by oppressing and slaughtering 300 Jews in the Arab Revolt of 1936, after the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini (who was a Nazi conspirator) issued a fatwa calling for the deaths of those Jews, let's also note that they weren't even Zionists. He also helped Hitler recruit 20,000 into the Schutzstaffel. His was largely a protest against Jewish Immigration and British Colonial rule. These Arabs had been freely selling land to the Jews during the 1910's and early 1920's. So whatever land Israel has now is Israel's.

In the 1948 Palestine War, the Palestinians along with Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan (Transjordan) and Lebanon invaded the newly established nation of Israel. By 1949, Israel had crushed both the Palestinians and their allies. They kept all of the land the UN Partition plan gave them, and took 60% of the land belonging to the Palestinians. The First and Second Intifadas of the 1980's and 1990's were no different. The land they have now are spoils of War. In fact, the Israelis gave Gaza back to the Palestinians in the name of peace, but nothing ever really changed.

So, Palestine is responsible for inciting the conflict with Israel, and thus they are responsible for the 'oppression' they encounter. I've heard many people bring up the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel many times. But that was not the beginning of the conflict. I wonder why so many people think of Israel as an oppressive entity? Are the Palestinians not the ones who murdered the Fogel Family? Were they not the ones who conspired with Hitler?

Also, the Israelites have a link to the land dating back as far as 3700 years. Even by Palestine's own admission to the Anglo American Committee, also in 1946, that they could only trace their link to the land to the conquests of Muhammad's followers in the 7th Century, or about 1000 years.

In fact, in 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission "There is no such country as Palestine! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria." To add, Palestine was a name the Romans applied to Judea (the West Bank) to diminish Jewish identification with the land of Israel after they crushed the most previous Jewish Revolt, the name was "Palestina." They (the Jews) were mostly driven into diaspora by 135 A.D.

You say Israel was or is 'oppressive.' Well, let's put that in perspective. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims were slaughtered by the Crusaders, until Saladin broke them free and sent them packing. Jews on the other hand, 6 million of them were summarily executed at the hands of a fascist.

There is no such thing as "Palestine".
Only Israel makes peace offerings to Palestinians, builds a security fence & concedes land to them only to have them complain of Israel's brutal "oppression" & thank Israel with rocket missiles. During Black September Jordan massacred around 15 to 20 thousand Palestinianswithout a single complaint & it resulted in a lasting peace for Jordan from the Palestinians. Whan will Israel ever learn from the Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians to achieve peace?. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
José;9274784 said:
Of course they are... because there's nothing to reply to besides israraeli propaganda.

Your thread is a living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.

Before investigating if there is intelligent life outside our planet, it should be investigating if there is intelligent life inside the head of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns.

You're an interesting one, aren't you?

Now, explain in detail how my thread is a 'living testament to the fact that humanity is getting its priorities wrong.'

I can't really tell if you're being a troll or that you really and earnestly believe what you just said. My thread is an explicit recitation of the history leading up to and after Israel declaring it's independence.

I'd also be glad for you to attempt to disprove the fact that Palestine started this conflict and has been it's own worst enemy for the better part of a century.

Your army of strawmen are impressive, but nonetheless a deflection.

i can explain that. you should be focused on getting job instead of clowning around on facebook and this message board. that is a glaring example of getting priorities wrong, loser.

The ones who I think have their priorities wrong are all those Jihadists who are leaving their jobs and schools from around the world to run to Syria and Iraq to help the others there take over as the start of the new Caliphate. My goodness, fathers are taking their young sons with them to help in this endeavor when the sons should be in school. Maybe you agree with all this, and you have your priorities wrong. Say, I wonder how these fathers support the rest of their families (mothers, daughters and babies) if they are running off to do Jihad. Maybe Mr. Eder contacts their bosses and tells them to put these fathers on sick leave.
i can explain that. you should be focused on getting job instead of clowning around on facebook and this message board. that is a glaring example of getting priorities wrong, loser.

The ones who I think have their priorities wrong are all those Jihadists who are leaving their jobs and schools from around the world to run to Syria and Iraq to help the others there take over as the start of the new Caliphate. My goodness, fathers are taking their young sons with them to help in this endeavor when the sons should be in school. Maybe you agree with all this, and you have your priorities wrong. Say, I wonder how these fathers support the rest of their families (mothers, daughters and babies) if they are running off to do Jihad. Maybe Mr. Eder contacts their bosses and tells them to put these fathers on sick leave.

blah. blah. blah. you found me out. i sponsor the holy war against dumbfucks like you.

No, Mr. Eder, all you are trying to be is the best little dhimmi that you can. Doesn't this dhimmi have the nicest language? Meanwhile, it doesn't look like you are having a problem with all those innocents being killed in the rest of the Middle East. Those Jihadists would behead you just as quickly as they are doing to others.
The ones who I think have their priorities wrong are all those Jihadists who are leaving their jobs and schools from around the world to run to Syria and Iraq to help the others there take over as the start of the new Caliphate. My goodness, fathers are taking their young sons with them to help in this endeavor when the sons should be in school. Maybe you agree with all this, and you have your priorities wrong. Say, I wonder how these fathers support the rest of their families (mothers, daughters and babies) if they are running off to do Jihad. Maybe Mr. Eder contacts their bosses and tells them to put these fathers on sick leave.

blah. blah. blah. you found me out. i sponsor the holy war against dumbfucks like you.

No, Mr. Eder, all you are trying to be is the best little dhimmi that you can. Doesn't this dhimmi have the nicest language? Meanwhile, it doesn't look like you are having a problem with all those innocents being killed in the rest of the Middle East. Those Jihadists would behead you just as quickly as they are doing to others.

and to top it off, i am german. now what, crazy bint?
blah. blah. blah. you found me out. i sponsor the holy war against dumbfucks like you.

No, Mr. Eder, all you are trying to be is the best little dhimmi that you can. Doesn't this dhimmi have the nicest language? Meanwhile, it doesn't look like you are having a problem with all those innocents being killed in the rest of the Middle East. Those Jihadists would behead you just as quickly as they are doing to others.

and to top it off, i am german. now what, crazy bint?

A dhimmi is of no particular ethnicity so your being German has nothing to do with it. However, if you are brave enough, why not wander into the areas where people are being beheaded and tell the Jihadists that you are an Infidel but a dhimmi in training. See what they think about that.
No, Mr. Eder, all you are trying to be is the best little dhimmi that you can. Doesn't this dhimmi have the nicest language? Meanwhile, it doesn't look like you are having a problem with all those innocents being killed in the rest of the Middle East. Those Jihadists would behead you just as quickly as they are doing to others.

and to top it off, i am german. now what, crazy bint?

A dhimmi is of no particular ethnicity so your being German has nothing to do with it. However, if you are brave enough, why not wander into the areas where people are being beheaded and tell the Jihadists that you are an Infidel but a dhimmi in training. See what they think about that.

i am getting right on it. good advice.
and to top it off, i am german. now what, crazy bint?

A dhimmi is of no particular ethnicity so your being German has nothing to do with it. However, if you are brave enough, why not wander into the areas where people are being beheaded and tell the Jihadists that you are an Infidel but a dhimmi in training. See what they think about that.

i am getting right on it. good advice.

Be sure you learn a few words of Arabic before you go so they can see what you are all about. Meanwhile, as we call can see, Mr. Eder had nothing to say about all those Jihadists flowing into the region from all over. One would think that at least he could have sad something to the effect that it was wrong for them to drag their young sons with them.
A dhimmi is of no particular ethnicity so your being German has nothing to do with it. However, if you are brave enough, why not wander into the areas where people are being beheaded and tell the Jihadists that you are an Infidel but a dhimmi in training. See what they think about that.

i am getting right on it. good advice.

Be sure you learn a few words of Arabic before you go so they can see what you are all about. Meanwhile, as we call can see, Mr. Eder had nothing to say about all those Jihadists flowing into the region from all over. One would think that at least he could have sad something to the effect that it was wrong for them to drag their young sons with them.

mr. eder eats jihadist sons and stupid internet bitches for breakfast.
I have a Muslim friend, who will remain nameless for the sake of this discussion. He responded to a Facebook post of mine where I referred to the religious persecution of Christians in the Middle East with "I hope you are referring to the oppression of Palestinians by Israel." The below was my response:

Israel is one of the most culturally and religiously diverse nations on Earth, with immigration policies even stricter than America's. Many Muslims freely practice their faith there. If you want to blame someone, blame the Palestinian Arabs. They began by oppressing and slaughtering 300 Jews in the Arab Revolt of 1936, after the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini (who was a Nazi conspirator) issued a fatwa calling for the deaths of those Jews, let's also note that they weren't even Zionists. He also helped Hitler recruit 20,000 into the Schutzstaffel. His was largely a protest against Jewish Immigration and British Colonial rule. These Arabs had been freely selling land to the Jews during the 1910's and early 1920's. So whatever land Israel has now is Israel's.

In the 1948 Palestine War, the Palestinians along with Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan (Transjordan) and Lebanon invaded the newly established nation of Israel. By 1949, Israel had crushed both the Palestinians and their allies. They kept all of the land the UN Partition plan gave them, and took 60% of the land belonging to the Palestinians. The First and Second Intifadas of the 1980's and 1990's were no different. The land they have now are spoils of War. In fact, the Israelis gave Gaza back to the Palestinians in the name of peace, but nothing ever really changed.

So, Palestine is responsible for inciting the conflict with Israel, and thus they are responsible for the 'oppression' they encounter. I've heard many people bring up the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel many times. But that was not the beginning of the conflict. I wonder why so many people think of Israel as an oppressive entity? Are the Palestinians not the ones who murdered the Fogel Family? Were they not the ones who conspired with Hitler?

Also, the Israelites have a link to the land dating back as far as 3700 years. Even by Palestine's own admission to the Anglo American Committee, also in 1946, that they could only trace their link to the land to the conquests of Muhammad's followers in the 7th Century, or about 1000 years.

In fact, in 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission "There is no such country as Palestine! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria." To add, Palestine was a name the Romans applied to Judea (the West Bank) to diminish Jewish identification with the land of Israel after they crushed the most previous Jewish Revolt, the name was "Palestina." They (the Jews) were mostly driven into diaspora by 135 A.D.

You say Israel was or is 'oppressive.' Well, let's put that in perspective. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims were slaughtered by the Crusaders, until Saladin broke them free and sent them packing. Jews on the other hand, 6 million of them were summarily executed at the hands of a fascist.

Yes they have oppressed the Palestinians people and don't even try talking rationally to a jew about this because they are completely incapable of seeing the other sides points.

I was totally open minded when I looked into this subject and I found both sides points but my jew friend didn't even want to hear it. Jewish people have a huge chip on their shoulders and they can be unfair and stubborn and refuse to change their jewy ways. :lol:

I still like them but they are very annoying.
I have a Muslim friend, who will remain nameless for the sake of this discussion. He responded to a Facebook post of mine where I referred to the religious persecution of Christians in the Middle East with "I hope you are referring to the oppression of Palestinians by Israel." The below was my response:

Israel is one of the most culturally and religiously diverse nations on Earth, with immigration policies even stricter than America's. Many Muslims freely practice their faith there. If you want to blame someone, blame the Palestinian Arabs. They began by oppressing and slaughtering 300 Jews in the Arab Revolt of 1936, after the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini (who was a Nazi conspirator) issued a fatwa calling for the deaths of those Jews, let's also note that they weren't even Zionists. He also helped Hitler recruit 20,000 into the Schutzstaffel. His was largely a protest against Jewish Immigration and British Colonial rule. These Arabs had been freely selling land to the Jews during the 1910's and early 1920's. So whatever land Israel has now is Israel's.

In the 1948 Palestine War, the Palestinians along with Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan (Transjordan) and Lebanon invaded the newly established nation of Israel. By 1949, Israel had crushed both the Palestinians and their allies. They kept all of the land the UN Partition plan gave them, and took 60% of the land belonging to the Palestinians. The First and Second Intifadas of the 1980's and 1990's were no different. The land they have now are spoils of War. In fact, the Israelis gave Gaza back to the Palestinians in the name of peace, but nothing ever really changed.

So, Palestine is responsible for inciting the conflict with Israel, and thus they are responsible for the 'oppression' they encounter. I've heard many people bring up the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel many times. But that was not the beginning of the conflict. I wonder why so many people think of Israel as an oppressive entity? Are the Palestinians not the ones who murdered the Fogel Family? Were they not the ones who conspired with Hitler?

Also, the Israelites have a link to the land dating back as far as 3700 years. Even by Palestine's own admission to the Anglo American Committee, also in 1946, that they could only trace their link to the land to the conquests of Muhammad's followers in the 7th Century, or about 1000 years.

In fact, in 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission "There is no such country as Palestine! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria." To add, Palestine was a name the Romans applied to Judea (the West Bank) to diminish Jewish identification with the land of Israel after they crushed the most previous Jewish Revolt, the name was "Palestina." They (the Jews) were mostly driven into diaspora by 135 A.D.

You say Israel was or is 'oppressive.' Well, let's put that in perspective. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims were slaughtered by the Crusaders, until Saladin broke them free and sent them packing. Jews on the other hand, 6 million of them were summarily executed at the hands of a fascist.

Yes they have oppressed the Palestinians people and don't even try talking rationally to a jew about this because they are completely incapable of seeing the other sides points.

I was totally open minded when I looked into this subject and I found both sides points but my jew friend didn't even want to hear it. Jewish people have a huge chip on their shoulders and they can be unfair and stubborn and refuse to change their jewy ways. :lol:

I still like them but they are very annoying.

Jewy ways??? Some of the posters here are hilarious. Really, you get such laughs from these posters. It doesn't seem to bother them to see people killed all over the Middle East in the name of a religion (that they don't appear to be one bit annoyed about), but it is more important to talk about "Jew ways." Say, are you next going to tell us that all Italians here belong to the Mafia or that all Blacks here belong to gangs?

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