Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

Explain in your own words how they did that. I have explained in my own words why Charles Murray's assertions are true.

Okay. No university has a department of race realism and Murray is chased off any campus he tries to speak at.


Although a good old tar and feathering might finally get the point across to him.

Really? Let's look at the worst genocides/Mass killings/wars in history.
You are resorting to the Guilt by Association Fallacy.

Because you did not try to refute my assertions about significant average differences between the intelligence of Orientals, whites, and Negroes, you seem to believe that lying is necessary to avoid "the worst genocides/Mass killings/wars in history."

I agree with Charles Murray that political policies based on assumptions about human beings that are not true fail, and often have harmful mistakes.

I also agree with Thomas Jefferson, who wrote, “There is not a truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.”
If you are going to lie, there's not point talking to you.

My position has always been that the government spending that could be cut is garbage like providing foreigners free sex changes arming neo-Nazis to fight Russia.

If you want more for (only certain?) people, then stop pissing away money of garbage and invest it in society. The answer isn’t to kill the rich, it’s to kill the garbage spending.

No, I had RELATIVES who were Nazis (technically), not ancestors. Namely my grandfather's brother…..
Well, either way it runs in the family.
Race is a social construct.
I have already explained how Charles Murray disproved that cliché in his essay "The Inequality Taboo," but I shall do it again, using my own words to indicate that I understand his reasoning.

3,636 subjects were asked to identify their race and to donate a tissue sample for DNA testing. Those doing the testing had no idea what race the subjects donating the tissue samples clamed for themselves. Nevertheless, they agreed 99.9% of the time.

This was an excellent scientific experiment because it was double blind, and repeatable. Indeed it has been repeated with the same results.

Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification of humans it becomes legitimate to study how the races differ in average intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior.
You are resorting to the Guilt by Association Fallacy.

And you aren't? YOu made a comment that Blacks are more dangerous than whites and Asians. But then when you look at most of the truly awful things done in history, most of them were done by white folks or Asian folks.

I agree with Charles Murray that political policies based on assumptions about human beings that are not true fail, and often have harmful mistakes.

I agree... EUgenics, Manifest Destiny, Zionism, and a whole bunch of other noxious philosophies have led to horrible results.
My position has always been that the government spending that could be cut is garbage like providing foreigners free sex changes arming neo-Nazis to fight Russia.

Arming Ukraine helps our arms industry... most of that money is being used to pay Americans.

Same thing with Gender Affirmation Surgery- it goes to pay Americans... so it helps the economy.

If you want more for (only certain?) people, then stop pissing away money of garbage and invest it in society. The answer isn’t to kill the rich, it’s to kill the garbage spending.

No, the answer is to make the rich pay their fair share.

But I will ask again, give me a total number on the "Garbage Spending". Here's the Pie Chart. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Seucrity make up 60% of the budget.

Very little of that is going to "Sex changes for illegals". Another 21% is going to Interest on the Debt. Of the remaining 19%, a huge chunk of that is defense and veteran's spending.


Now, there ARE ways to make all of those more efficient, of course. But at the end of the day, most of this is baked into the pie. If you want to bring down the deficit and start paying down the debt, you need to generate more revnues, and that means taking it from the top 20% who have 83% of the wealth.

Well, either way it runs in the family.
You realize attacking family is against the rules, right?
And you aren't? YOu made a comment that Blacks are more dangerous than whites and Asians. But then when you look at most of the truly awful things done in history, most of them were done by white folks or Asian folks.
I am writing about crime, not military actions. Oriental city streets are safe after dark. European and American city streets were safe until Negroes moved to them.
I agree... EUgenics, Manifest Destiny, Zionism, and a whole bunch of other noxious philosophies have led to horrible results.
Negroes have always had high crime rates everywhere in the world they have lived.

manifest Destiny and Zionism are examples of the forward movement of civilization and human evolution.
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This was an excellent scientific experiment because it was double blind, and repeatable. Indeed it has been repeated with the same results.

Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification of humans it becomes legitimate to study how the races differ in average intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior.

Repeated by who?

Murray's methodology was found to be flawed in many ways, not the least of which is he didn't tell participants what he was looking for.
Are you arguing the Holocaust was a "military action"?
The Holocaust was a collective action. When I consider the high Negro crime rate everywhee Negroes live I wince to think about what Negroes could do if they had the intelligence to orchestrate something like the Holocaust.
The Holocaust was a collective action. When I consider the high Negro crime rate everywhee Negroes live I wince to think about what Negroes could do if they had the intelligence to orchestrate something like the Holocaust.

Why does something become less bad when it's a "Collective Action"?

IF anything, that makes it worse.

A single black person committing a crime, that's just on him, not all black people.

Hitler doing the Holocaust meant that he had thousands of people willing to carry it out, and millions who were happy to look the other way.

Repeated by who?

Murray's methodology was found to be flawed in many ways, not the least of which is he didn't tell participants what he was looking for.
How was the methodology of the DNA experiment flawed? How has any of Murray's methodology been flawed? It would be flawed if evidence could be found of intrinsic racial intellectual equality, and if a way of significantly increasing the intelligence of someone who got a low score on an IQ test at the age of seven was discovered. It can't be.

Charles Murray provides scientific verification of what has always been known to be true: intelligence is of primary importance in academic and economic success; it is largely determined by genes; members of some races tend to have more intelligence than members of other races.
Why does something become less bad when it's a "Collective Action"?

IF anything, that makes it worse.

A single black person committing a crime, that's just on him, not all black people.

Hitler doing the Holocaust meant that he had thousands of people willing to carry it out, and millions who were happy to look the other way.

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The Nazi movement was temporary. The high black crime rate is a permanent feature of Negroes.
Okay. No university has a department of race realism and Murray is chased off any campus he tries to speak at.
Force is the only thing anti racists have. In the past those who who were candid about expressing their hatred for all Negroes had violence on their side.

This is why controversial issues should be discussed wtihout force and the threat of force. The only thing that should matter is those discussions are facts and conclusions that come from the facts.

If Charles Murray is mistaken that would be easy to be prove. Invent a way of significantgly and permanently increasing the intelligence of people who test poorly on IQ tests at the age of seven. Prove that Negroes, on the average, have the same native intelligence as whites.

Because those on the left fear the political implications of what Charles Murray is saying, and because they are privately aware of the truth of what he says, they try to silence him.

Fortunately, they have failed. When The Bell Curve was published in 1994 it was on the New York Times Best Seller List for months. Charles Murray has become rich from book royalties.

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