Has the “war on drugs” been a Republican thing? How were minorities targeted in this ‘war’?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We often hear about this “war on drugs”...Leftists talk about it as if America never should have impeded the distribution and use of drugs.
Your thoughts?
It was Democrats who first pandered to black complaints about rampant crime in the Hoods; then a few years later they sniveled about how effective it was, cuz, like, it turns out the vast majority of violent crime is committed by black criminals. Now they made up some fake 'war on black yoofs' or something to cover up black peoples' miserable failures at running their own schools and city governments, and their own middle class has fled out to the white Burbs to get away from their own 'cultural' creations.
The Augustine_ ‘s among us often speak as if this “war on drugs” FORCED minorities to use drugs.
How exactly did that work and was/is this “war” run by Republicans only?
I believe the war on drugs is big government. Legalizing drugs would reduce government and save hundreds of billions of dollars.
The Augustine_ ‘s among us often speak as if this “war on drugs” FORCED minorities to use drugs.
How exactly did that work and was/is this “war” run by Republicans only?

They get more ridiculous the more drugs they use. Nobody forces these cretins to pour money into drug cartels' pockets, the worst murdering sociopath scum on Earth, yet the dopers do it every day knowing what scum they're dealing with.
We often hear about this “war on drugs”...Leftists talk about it as if America never should have impeded the distribution and use of drugs.
Your thoughts?

The spirit of America is that you have freedom to do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. I personally think all recreational drugs should be legal. That doesn’t mean I think they are all beneficial for society.

Legal - Selling drugs causes no harm
Legal - Buying drugs causes no harm
Questionable - Using drugs
Illegal - The crimes committed while intoxicated
Illegal - Stealing property with the objective to buy drugs

Laws that target drug dealers make sense for the benefit of politicians or ambition career motivated cops but do nothing to serve the public. A drug dealer is only a threat because he will kill you to avoid going to jail. If it was legal for him to sell then he is no threat to the public at all. The focus should be on the end user. The drug users are the ones who make neighborhoods unsafe. They often get a misdemeanor charge or get off for ratting out one of the many dealers they have. Putting a drug dealer in jail accomplishes nothing but making newspaper headlines.
The Augustine_ ‘s among us often speak as if this “war on drugs” FORCED minorities to use drugs.
How exactly did that work and was/is this “war” run by Republicans only?

Cuz ebul guvmint holds guns to their heads and forces them to get high. They have no choice but to do deals with total scum.

As for the 'War On Drugs', it was black politicians and activists who demanded it, to stop the scourge of heroin and rampant drug use in black neighborhoods. Now they're all 'shocked n stuff' that it turns out that it was mostly black criminals slinging and doing drugs in black neighborhoods and they were getting arrested. Go figure ....
The spirit of America is that you have freedom to do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. I personally think all recreational drugs should be legal. That doesn’t mean I think they are all beneficial for society.

Legal - Selling drugs causes no harm
Legal - Buying drugs causes no harm
Questionable - Using drugs
Illegal - The crimes committed while intoxicated
Illegal - Stealing property with the objective to buy drugs

Laws that target drug dealers make sense for the benefit of politicians or ambition career motivated cops but do nothing to serve the public. A drug dealer is only a threat because he will kill you to avoid going to jail. If it was legal for him to sell then he is no threat to the public at all. The focus should be on the end user. The drug users are the ones who make neighborhoods unsafe. They often get a misdemeanor charge or get off for ratting out one of the many dealers they have. Putting a drug dealer in jail accomplishes nothing but making newspaper headlines.

Fuck dopers, they're garbage. Deport them and let them go live with their cartel heroes.
Anytime our government really really wanted to end the war on drugs they can.

But they don't want to.

We know by satellite imagery where all the drugs come from. From the poppy field to the cocoa fields to the factories pumping out fentanyl. Piece of cake...they can be targeted and destroyed very very easily.

Can't import those drugs if you can't make them...

Methamphetamine also can be stopped. The precursor chemicals can be tagged before every border and tracked.

But they really don't want to...they would rather conduct raids for the cash and seize the money.
The spirit of America is that you have freedom to do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. I personally think all recreational drugs should be legal. That doesn’t mean I think they are all beneficial for society.

Legal - Selling drugs causes no harm
Legal - Buying drugs causes no harm
Questionable - Using drugs
Illegal - The crimes committed while intoxicated
Illegal - Stealing property with the objective to buy drugs

Laws that target drug dealers make sense for the benefit of politicians or ambition career motivated cops but do nothing to serve the public. A drug dealer is only a threat because he will kill you to avoid going to jail. If it was legal for him to sell then he is no threat to the public at all. The focus should be on the end user. The drug users are the ones who make neighborhoods unsafe. They often get a misdemeanor charge or get off for ratting out one of the many dealers they have. Putting a drug dealer in jail accomplishes nothing but making newspaper headlines.
As the quality of ‘American’ rapidly declines liberties / freedom will be lost to protect the decent, good, law abiding, productive faction. That’s simply the unfortunate reality.
FDR fucked us big time by FORCING good people to have an equity share in the behavior of bad people….that feel good live and let live bullshit ended on FDR’s watch.

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