Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

You almost gotta laugh. The radical anti-Christian bigots worry about the hurt feelings of a rich guy who draws cartoons but they don't seem fazed about American Soldiers murdered by the jihad because a couple of copies of the koran were burned.

hey doosh, some of us stuck up for the Danish cartoon showing Allah...

Some soldier was fuckin' stupid enough to burn Korans? Court Martial? It's fuckin' Afghanistan. Jesus Christ some of you faux warrior types just don't get it.

People care about US Soldiers, just we all don't hide behind them while scoring cheap political points

Can't put more than two words together without using the "F" word. I rest my case about the radical left.
Trudeau said in an email that the "party of limited government," a reference to Republicans, has legislated "onerous preconditions for a perfectly legal procedure" and withdrawn funds for reproductive health services that prevent unwanted pregnancies.

"This is happening in statehouses across the country," Trudeau said in the statement. "It's lunacy, and lunacy, of course, is in my wheelhouse."

It is lunacy, and hypocrisy – the insane authoritarianism of the right placing government between a woman and her doctor, interfering with the making of sound medical decisions, and violating her fundamental right to privacy.
Yep, this is what cons call small government.
You almost gotta laugh. The radical anti-Christian bigots worry about the hurt feelings of a rich guy who draws cartoons but they don't seem fazed about American Soldiers murdered by the jihad because a couple of copies of the koran were burned.

hey doosh, some of us stuck up for the Danish cartoon showing Allah...

Some soldier was fuckin' stupid enough to burn Korans? Court Martial? It's fuckin' Afghanistan. Jesus Christ some of you faux warrior types just don't get it.

People care about US Soldiers, just we all don't hide behind them while scoring cheap political points

Can't put more than two words together without using the "F" word. I rest my case about the radical left.

the use of the "F" word (FUCK) bothers you?

go fuck yourself and grow some balls,
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

How long before they decide to go after Jon Stewart?
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

Well I guess it's a good thing they're not rioting in the streets, burning effigies, shouting death to the great Satan and demanding Trudeau be killed, then going off and randomly killing other cartoonists and threatening terrorist attacks....... :eusa_whistle:
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."
The cartoonist put his opinion in the cartoon. The paper chose not to run it. Hey, dip%$T, he made a statement and has to pay the price. It is not just a comic strip, it is a opinion put in the form of a comic strip.
Do you really think everyone who opposes abortion is a religious bigot? Doesn't that make you a bigot?



still slow on the uptake?

they are bigots NOT because they oppose abortion. they are religious bigots because they want to censor those whom they feel disagree with their religious views

Hey, genius, Portland Oregon is hardly the Bible Belt, and the LA Times is hardly a right wing paper.

'Doonesbury': Editors decide not to run next week's strip | OregonLive.com

Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't a bigot you would have actually read the story you posted instead of jumping to conclusions.

Then again, if you weren't a bigot it wouldn't be half as much fun making you look like a complete idiot.

SE Portland is kinda like the bible belt. If you replace bible with meth.
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

How long before they decide to go after Jon Stewart?

Why do they hate comedians?
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

Well I guess it's a good thing they're not rioting in the streets, burning effigies, shouting death to the great Satan and demanding Trudeau be killed, then going off and randomly killing other cartoonists and threatening terrorist attacks....... :eusa_whistle:

In America the populace has other peaceful and civil outlets, outlets that are increasingly being used to intimidate and threaten people.

and then there are the conservative Christians who shoot doctors, bomb legal abortion clinics, shoot up clinics, bomb gay bars, bomb public parks (Atlanta?), blow up federal buildings, assassinate minorities in the streets...

all within the last few decades
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

Well I guess it's a good thing they're not rioting in the streets, burning effigies, shouting death to the great Satan and demanding Trudeau be killed, then going off and randomly killing other cartoonists and threatening terrorist attacks....... :eusa_whistle:

In America the populace has other peaceful and civil outlets, outlets that are increasingly being used to intimidate and threaten people.

and then there are the conservative Christians who shoot doctors, bomb legal abortion clinics, shoot up clinics, bomb gay bars, bomb public parks (Atlanta?), blow up federal buildings, assassinate minorities in the streets...

all within the last few decades

Yup, and it's soooooo rampant that we've had to deploy the military into the affected states to squash it. Come on, I gave you more credit then this, the comparisons based on quantity and quality are so far fetched as to land that outlook in the realm of the ludicrous. This is not a denial that those happen, but to compare radical Christian fundamentalist actions in this country with the actions of a vastly larger and more violent group of Islamic radicals who can and do incite huge numbers of believers to violence is beyond pale on many different levels.
That's what I hear from them and obviously it's a lie.

That you hear that from liberals is the obvious lie. The only people who say it is conservatives, saying that liberals say it.

Have you not read the asinine threads that are placed here consistently calling republicans racists bigots and claiming the high road for liberals. How about RDean? Read any of his posts. If you honestly believe the tripe that you typed here, you are wearing blinders.
Well I guess it's a good thing they're not rioting in the streets, burning effigies, shouting death to the great Satan and demanding Trudeau be killed, then going off and randomly killing other cartoonists and threatening terrorist attacks....... :eusa_whistle:

In America the populace has other peaceful and civil outlets, outlets that are increasingly being used to intimidate and threaten people.

and then there are the conservative Christians who shoot doctors, bomb legal abortion clinics, shoot up clinics, bomb gay bars, bomb public parks (Atlanta?), blow up federal buildings, assassinate minorities in the streets...

all within the last few decades

Yup, and it's soooooo rampant that we've had to deploy the military into the affected states to squash it.

All things have a beginning. The current Tea Party Lunacy started with one guy holding up a niggar sign


Come on, I gave you more credit then[sic] this, the comparisons based on quantity and quality are so far fetched as to land that outlook in the realm of the ludicrous. This is not a denial that those happen, but to compare radical Christian fundamentalist actions in this country with the actions of a vastly larger and more violent group of Islamic radicals who can and do incite huge numbers of believers to violence is beyond pale on many different levels.

you are saying one cannot compare things because of teh scale?
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In America the populace has other peaceful and civil outlets, outlets that are increasingly being used to intimidate and threaten people.

and then there are the conservative Christians who shoot doctors, bomb legal abortion clinics, shoot up clinics, bomb gay bars, bomb public parks (Atlanta?), blow up federal buildings, assassinate minorities in the streets...

all within the last few decades

Yup, and it's soooooo rampant that we've had to deploy the military into the affected states to squash it.

All things have a beginning. The current Tea Party Lunacy started with one guy holding up a niggar sign


Come on, I gave you more credit then[sic] this, the comparisons based on quantity and quality are so far fetched as to land that outlook in the realm of the ludicrous. This is not a denial that those happen, but to compare radical Christian fundamentalist actions in this country with the actions of a vastly larger and more violent group of Islamic radicals who can and do incite huge numbers of believers to violence is beyond pale on many different levels.

you are saying one cannot compare things because of teh scale?

Scale is only a part but I figured you'd know that as there are many other cultural, economic and individual factors involved. As for everything has a beginning, sure it does but not everything grows exponentially out of that beginning, some don't find fertile ground and others start to grow but eventually wither on the vine. If it starts getting to the point where the radical fundamentalists incite Americans to start rioting in the streets and the majority start advocating violent overthrow and eradication of all non-believers then I'll agree with your assessment. Until then......... :duuno:
Yup, and it's soooooo rampant that we've had to deploy the military into the affected states to squash it.

All things have a beginning. The current Tea Party Lunacy started with one guy holding up a niggar sign


[quote="Ringel05, post: 4948201"]Come on, I gave you more credit then[[I][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="1"]sic[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]] this, the comparisons based on quantity and quality are so far fetched as to land that outlook in the realm of the ludicrous. This is not a denial that those happen, but to compare radical Christian fundamentalist actions in this country with the actions of a[I] vastly larger and more violent[/I] group of Islamic radicals who can and do incite huge numbers of believers to violence is beyond pale on many different levels.[/quote]

you are saying one cannot compare things because of[I] teh [/I]scale?[/QUOTE]

Scale is only a part but I figured you'd know that as there are many other cultural, economic and individual factors involved. As for everything has a beginning, sure it does but not everything grows exponentially out of that beginning, some don't find fertile ground and others start to grow but eventually wither on the vine. If it starts getting to the point where the radical fundamentalists incite Americans to start rioting in the streets and the majority start advocating violent overthrow and eradication of all non-believers then I'll agree with your assessment. Until then......... :duuno:[/QUOTE]

It doesn't necessarily follow that radical fundamentalism in America would contain a purely religious overtone. Within our system people do advocate violently without the extreme physicality we see in other nations, but I am sure we are no different in our emotions and nature than are others. We have a system that allows a venting of public frustration...a system some are advocating dismantling, without thinking through the inevitable repercussions that would surely follow.

Newt Gingrich is a case in point who used to brag that 'we are the radicals' and would do most anything to win including tearing apart the fabric of institutions that though flawed, kept the US from imitating the disfunction(s) other nations.

I could go on in detail, but few here care for serious in depth discussion on that level.
I think Trudeau's Doonesbury is more of a satirist than a comedian.

His strips are more for promoting political discourse than to be humorous.

Even so, one has to wonder why one wish to censor him. I need to see this comic strip before I can make a complete verdict on whether it is one centered on promoting political dialogu, or is it a tastless and cynical representation of the pro-life position. Even so, considering how American politics is turning to the vulgar, I wonder if it is tasteless enough to warrant censorship.

Where is this comic strip, Dante?
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