Hatter's Totes: Insurance/Capitalism (Dutch INS)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Do you know much about the INS or the Dutch INS (IND)?

How we coordinate contract-customs as they apply to civics (e.g., immigration) should at least be as important as how we coordinate capitalism folklore, no?

Americans do appreciate how modern networks (e.g., European Union) represent new age traffic-terror concerns about 'lifestyle ethics' (e.g., Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992).

This DC Comics adapted modern crime yarn was inspired by The Craigslist Killer.


A demonic American serial-killer modelling himself after the fictional logic-gamester 'Mad Hatter' from Lewis Carroll's iconic logic-fantasy story Alice in Wonderland decided to travel to the Netherlands to continue his crime-spree. No one knew Mad Hatter's real name, only that he was 'probably' some menial labourer or civil servant working somewhere in America before he donned the mantle of the bizarre Carroll literary character and logic-adversary. Mad Hatter went to the Netherlands with a special Totes umbrella (red in color) fitted with a deadly springing blade at the tip, which he used to poke men in the neck to kill them.


HATTER: You're curious about my motivations, officer...
COP: I've been a Dutch policemen for 10 years; I've never anticipated a criminal like you!
HATTER: Yes, I'm very 'unique.'
COP: Why the Netherlands, Hatter?
HATTER: As you know, I'm a big fan of Totes umbrellas...
COP: So you fancy yourself as 'shrewd' about insurance and/or brand-marketing?
HATTER: Yes, we carry umbrellas in the rain as a form of 'metaphysical insurance.'
COP: And Totes is a popular brand of umbrella.
HATTER: You're cleverer than I imagined, officer.
COP: So why the Netherlands?
HATTER: Dutch policemen have a keen eye for tradition and modernism.
COP: Yes, Amsterdam is a nice 'blend' of old and new customs/worlds.
HATTER: Precisely; my Totes umbrella 'weapon' is my 'staff of prophecy.'
COP: Bizarre; are you some 'antagonist' of insurance or something?
HATTER: Insurance salesmen are diplomats of capitalist systems.
COP: So you're a basic 'critic' of capitalism...
HATTER: A critic, to be sure; but also a Devil's Advocate.
COP: I doubt your victims would argue that!
HATTER: Don't make light of this matter; my Totes weapon was a 'flaming sword.'
COP: I think you're paranoid about being 'alienated' by capitalism, Hatter.
HATTER: Everyone fears that; that's precisely my point.
COP: So, what then is your elusive 'dream'?
HATTER: Mail-order-brides, of course...


After Hatter was sentenced to life-in-prison after being excused from the death-penalty because of his apparent mental condition, many scholars and criminal psychologists decided to write books and profiles of the eccentric criminal who was about to be labelled as the new age Jack the Ripper. Hatter carried his Totes umbrella, because he hated capitalism and everything it stood for, and he weaponized his Totes umbrella to create a 'sword' of rebelliousness. Hatter was fascinated by the 'concept' of capitalism-friendly mail-order-brides who served as diplomats of immigration, socialization/naturalization, and general traffic (and social contracts). In fact, two of the men Hatter killed were employees of the Dutch INS (the IND); as Hatter killed them, he whispered ominously in their ear, "Even the AntiChrist deserves a passport."



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