The Florida Insurance Crisis

Hurricane seasons were not stopping them, until the last year, but with recent losses, some companies are actually leaving the market, preferring to stay in business, profitably, instead of as a public service kind of thing, as no arguing with the change in data and losses.
Are hurricanes causing more damage because there are more of greater intensity or because we are ever building more, bigger, more expensive structures in their path.

50-74. 85 storms
75-99. 83 storms
00-present. 79 storms.

There doesn’t seem to be much of an increase in the number or the number of bad storms in the record.
Why not just jack up the insurance rates on Floridians and stay there? Want to live near the ocean then pay a lot more. Makes sense. Florida, like California, is a state I simply avoid. Ugly.
Are hurricanes causing more damage because there are more of greater intensity or because we are ever building more, bigger, more expensive structures in their path.

50-74. 85 storms
75-99. 83 storms
00-present. 79 storms.

There doesn’t seem to be much of an increase in the number or the number of bad storms in the record.
A question for climate scientist, not somebody that took 1 semester of Weather in a 101 level course over 20 years ago. State of Florida has said some roads, increasingly under water more often and more frequently damaged due to high water is because changes in sea levels may be a fractor and some roads that presently serve small islands may not be raised and maintained in the future. More temporary flooding is seen in parts of Miami Dade, in the last 3 years than were seen in the last 20. All just possible indicators. I don't live in Florida, just visiting to vacation about yearly, but even I have been stranded on a peninsula that briefly became an island, until emergency crews could make arrangements for temporary repairs to allow tourists and residents alike to get back to mainland.
A question for climate scientist, not somebody that took 1 semester of Weather in a 101 level course over 20 years ago. State of Florida has said some roads, increasingly under water more often and more frequently damaged due to high water is because changes in sea levels may be a fractor and some roads that presently serve small islands may not be raised and maintained in the future. More temporary flooding is seen in parts of Miami Dade, in the last 3 years than were seen in the last 20. All just possible indicators. I don't live in Florida, just visiting to vacation about yearly, but even I have been stranded on a peninsula that briefly became an island, until emergency crews could make arrangements for temporary repairs to allow tourists and residents alike to get back to mainland.

But the mantra has been more hurricanes with increased intensity. You dont need to take any classes to see that 85 is close to 83 which is also close to 79 (with a couple years to go) with an average of 3 storms a year which would be right in line with how things have gone for the last 100 years. Where is the increase in the number of storms? Where is the increase in intensity? People point to the increase in damage but that's because there is more to damage to begin with.
But the mantra has been more hurricanes with increased intensity. You dont need to take any classes to see that 85 is close to 83 which is also close to 79 (with a couple years to go) with an average of 3 storms a year which would be right in line with how things have gone for the last 100 years. Where is the increase in the number of storms? Where is the increase in intensity? People point to the increase in damage but that's because there is more to damage to begin with.
I guess you will just have to take it up with the insurance companies leaving Florida for what their actuary tables show in a red state, billed as a vacation and retirement mecca in the south, surrounded by ocean on three sides.

Farmers Insurance has become the latest insurance company to pull out of Florida, despite repeated efforts by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state legislature to shore up the volatile market.

On Tuesday Farmers informed the state that it is discontinuing new coverage of auto, home and umbrella policies, a move that will reportedly affect 100,000 policies.

"This business decision was necessary to effectively manage risk exposure," Farmers spokesman Trevor Chapman said in a statement to CBS Miami

When there is less choice for customers the price will inevitably go up. As climate change makes the area more volatile then more insurers will likely leave.

It sounds like a time when the state needs a strong leader to get a grip on things and come up with solutions. The government dont even seem to be engaging with the industry.

Insurance is a basic need for any business. Especially a business that is in hospitality. Its a worrying time for Florida.


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Since Hurricanes are not increasing in number or severity, they are simply leaving because they do have hurricanes in Florida, and more people are building homes there......and the costs of repairing those homes, cars, and other property have gone way up since the democrats and biden took power....
Leaving Florida has always been a good idea. I'm surprised it's taken this long for the insurance companies to figure it out.
I guess you will just have to take it up with the insurance companies leaving Florida for what their actuary tables show in a red state, billed as a vacation and retirement mecca in the south, surrounded by ocean on three sides.
This happens every time there is a big hurricane that hits and they all take a bath. Happened after Andrew in 95 as well. Everyone will huff and puff and in the end people will still want to live there at least part of the year (winter up north) and will pay a premium to do so.
This happens every time there is a big hurricane that hits and they all take a bath. Happened after Andrew in 95 as well. Everyone will huff and puff and in the end people will still want to live there at least part of the year (winter up north) and will pay a premium to do so.
The older I have gotten the easier winter has become. People don't know how to embrace it.
This happens every time there is a big hurricane that hits and they all take a bath. Happened after Andrew in 95 as well. Everyone will huff and puff and in the end people will still want to live there at least part of the year (winter up north) and will pay a premium to do so.
State government from the gulf coast to Minnesota have tried to get people to move away from the Mississippi River and insurance companies denied coverage, only to find there were still people that always would not list and indeed some insurance companies would insure at some price. And, indeed the federal government often does billions repeatedly in disaster relief. If insurance really becomes a problem in that state, the question is not really the cause of the losses, but what the legislature there thinks and is willing to do about it, if necessary. The rest of the country does not have to worry about it. Have you heard people in Florida screaming about losses due to floods on the Mississippi?
State government from the gulf coast to Minnesota have tried to get people to move away from the Mississippi River and insurance companies denied coverage, only to find there were still people that always would not list and indeed some insurance companies would insure at some price. And, indeed the federal government often does billions repeatedly in disaster relief. If insurance really becomes a problem in that state, the question is not really the cause of the losses, but what the legislature there thinks and is willing to do about it, if necessary. The rest of the country does not have to worry about it. Have you heard people in Florida screaming about losses due to floods on the Mississippi?
Irrelevant. Everyone north of the FL peninsula is a fucking yankee !
State government from the gulf coast to Minnesota have tried to get people to move away from the Mississippi River and insurance companies denied coverage, only to find there were still people that always would not list and indeed some insurance companies would insure at some price. And, indeed the federal government often does billions repeatedly in disaster relief. If insurance really becomes a problem in that state, the question is not really the cause of the losses, but what the legislature there thinks and is willing to do about it, if necessary. The rest of the country does not have to worry about it. Have you heard people in Florida screaming about losses due to floods on the Mississippi?
That's kind of my point. We can all gasp and get the vapors over this issue or realize it happens every time there is a large natural disaster. It has nothing to do with global warming, or who's governor or anything other than we just took it in the shorts last year so we are going to pull away. Other companies will step into the gap, and when there isnt a huge storm for a few years (which is almost always the case) those companies that pulled out will be back at the feed trough before you know it. How much do you want to bet there isnt a news story about it though....
Cool story. Would you rather be in Minnesota in February or the Keys?
Without a doubt MInnesota. The keys may be nice if that's what one wants. I enjoy the snow and colder temps. I could not live in an area without those two things. It comes down to personal preference. For me taxation, etc is a total non factor for where I reside.
That's kind of my point. We can all gasp and get the vapors over this issue or realize it happens every time there is a large natural disaster. It has nothing to do with global warming, or who's governor or anything other than we just took it in the shorts last year so we are going to pull away. Other companies will step into the gap, and when there isnt a huge storm for a few years (which is almost always the case) those companies that pulled out will be back at the feed trough before you know it. How much do you want to bet there isnt a news story about it though....
Whether it does or does not have anything to do with global warming is not establish, only observed indicators possibly related.
I think you are correct, that if the huge losses are abaited for a few years other companies or maybe even some of these companies will market protection of liability, if they think they can do it at a profit,
Whether it does or does not have anything to do with global warming is not establish, only observed indicators possibly related.
I think you are correct, that if the huge losses are abaited for a few years other companies or maybe even some of these companies will market protection of liability, if they think they can do it at a profit,
Im saying the insurance companies leaving has nothing to do with global warming. They just took a bath last year with Ian and are gun shy. Happens every time something like that happens. The fact that there are no more hurricanes now than 75 years ago is evidence that GW man made or otherwise has as of yet effected that part of our weather pattern.
Im saying the insurance companies leaving has nothing to do with global warming. They just took a bath last year with Ian and are gun shy. Happens every time something like that happens. The fact that there are no more hurricanes now than 75 years ago is evidence that GW man made or otherwise has as of yet effected that part of our weather pattern.
Well, I hope you are right. I don't take a heavy position on global warming, glaciers receding, sea level rise, etc. Better statisticians on both sides than me are free to rave. I'll tell you this though. Right or wrong we both love our SUVs, keep our thermostat on 74 or 73 year round, will until we die and only lease (week or two at a time) in Florida, not planning to move, so like concerning the people along the Mississippi River flood plane, we don't really care if somebody sells them insurance or not, how many insurers are in the pool, or how high the rates are. Florida will work it out, or they won't.

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