Have bad people always hated good Presidents?

It’s kind of a no-brainer...right?
Just as criminals don’t support law enforcement and strict sentencing...bad people can’t support anyone pushing an agenda that may lead to good things for good people.

So you’re confirming Trump is a criminal. He doesn’t support law enforcement. He doesn’t support a free press. He doesn’t respect the Constitution.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?

Trump HATES Obama.
You buffoon, lol, adolescent comment.
Try to refute all that was posted, or once again all you can do is troll.
Speaking of foolish and stupid.You re the epitome of stupidity

Trolling does not mean a thing. Try this on for size but then you can troll some more. Loser boy.

The lies modern-day Republicans tell about Ronald Reagan are legion. To today’s GOP, Reagan was beloved and his presidency resided over a “shining city on a hill," as his campaign commercials portrayed America. The truth was more shaded, to say the least. Welfare cuts pushed half a million people, mostly children, into poverty; tax cuts helped the rich but not the rest of us; and unemployment during his first term hit a post-war high. Terrorists killed 220 marines in Beirut on Reagan’s watch, which Reagan responded to, not with resolve, but by cutting and running. Despite claims to the contrary, JFK, Eisenhower and even LBJ were more popular overall than Reagan (although his ratings at the very end of his second term were higher).

Reagan’s administration was filled with little lies, claims about trees being major air polluters and apartheid-era South Africa eliminating segregation. Never mind the larger distractions, like the eight senior members of his administration who were indicted. But his biggest lie came to be known as the Iran-Contra affair. Reagan came to office in 1980 in large part due to the failure of the Carter administration to successfully free hostages in Iran who had been held for over a year. The hostages were finally released the day of Reagan’s inauguration—thanks to Carter’s persistent diplomacy.

In 1985, during Reagan’s second term, Iran, which had taken additional hostages in the intervening years, offered to free the hostages in exchange for missiles. A plan was hatched in which Israel would ship missiles to Iran, the U.S. would resupply Israel with the missiles, and the U.S. would receive the cash that had been paid for the missiles. That cash would then go to Nicaragua, to fund the contras, the rebels Reagan portrayed as, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers," who were fighting to take down the elected Sandinista government.

When details of the exchange leaked in 1986, Reagan was forced to explain why America was selling missiles to a sworn enemy, while intervening in Nicaragua, which Congress had forbade. Reagan’s response was to deny that arms had been traded for hostages. "We did not, I repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else [to Iran] for hostages, nor will we." A few months later he admitted, "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not." A disingenuous way of saying, “I lied.”

A bit of real history instead of the blown up version.
First to go is the myth that Reagan was the most popular president since FDR. Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting reminds us, "During the first two years of Reagan's presidency, the public was giving President Reagan the lowest level of approval of all modern elected presidents. Reagan's average first-year approval rating was 58 percent-lower than Dwight Eisenhower's 69 percent, Jack Kennedy's 75 percent, Richard Nixon's 61 percent and Jimmy Carter's 62 percent." At the end of his second year, (remember the Reagan recession?) Reagan's approval rating was 41 percent; after the Iran-Contra scandal was revealed, Reagan's approval rating stood at 46 percent. His approval rating for his entire presidency was lower than Kennedy's, Eisenhower's and even Johnson's, and at times he was one of the most unpopular presidents in recent history.
Also forgotten is Reagan's own embarrassing propensity to just make things up. Reagan was a dunce and a fabricator. One of his most famous assertions was, "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do," and he maintained, wrongly, that sulfur dioxide emitted from Mount St. Helens was greater than that emitted by cars over a 10-year period. (In one day, cars emit 40 times what Mount St. Helens released in a day even at its peak activity.) In 1985, Reagan praised the P.W. Botha's apartheid regime of South Africa for eliminating segregation, a blunder then-Press Secretary Larry Speakes had to correct a few days later.
Other examples abound: During a 1983 Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony Reagan told a story about military heroism that New York Daily News columnist Lars-Erik Nelson wrote never happened. Nelson had checked the citations on all 434 Congressional Medals of Honor awarded during WWII. The scene Reagan described did appear, however, in the 1944 film A Wing and a Prayer. Larry Speakes' response? "If you tell the same story five times, it's true."

Sounds even like someone today!!! "the peemeister"

And let's not forget the wages of "trickle down" economics and "Reaganomics," from which we have still not recovered. In 1982, the Congressional Budget Office found that taxpayers earning under $10,000 lost an average of $240 from Reagan's 1981 tax cuts, while those earning more than $80,000 gained an average of $15,130. By that fall, the jobless rate hit 10.1 percent-the worst in 42 years, and a year later 11.9 million were out of work. In 1983, the country's poverty rate rose to 15 percent, the highest level since the mid-'60s. In 1984, a congressional study reported that cuts in welfare had pushed more than 500,000 people-the majority of them children-into poverty. Then-Attorney General Ed Meese's response? "I don't know of any authoritative figures that there are hungry children people go to soup kitchens because the food is free and that's easier than paying for it."

And Yes it is long. Liars usually have a long history of lying.

20,000,000 jobs created.
Brought down the Soviet Empire.
Restored our military after Carter neglected it to a point of ineffectiveness.
His only mistake was trusting Democrats.
You lost any credibility you might have had when you used F.A.I.R. as your source, loser.
You either weren't alive during Reagan's presidency or you're incredibly dishonest (which is more likely the case). And your adolescent comments don't help your credibility much. Just sayin'.
You copy and paste from leftist hacks. When you can post an original thought, I'll respond accordingly. Until then, fuck off.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
Trump is not a good president

He lacks the personal integrity to hold the office

Like when he cheated on his wife with an intern in the Oval Office and then perjured himself over it? Oh wait, that was Clinton. Odd though, ya'll excused Clinton's behavior.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?

Trump is not a good president
Who would be your idea of a good one?
You buffoon, lol, adolescent comment.
Try to refute all that was posted, or once again all you can do is troll.
Speaking of foolish and stupid.You re the epitome of stupidity

Trolling does not mean a thing. Try this on for size but then you can troll some more. Loser boy.

The lies modern-day Republicans tell about Ronald Reagan are legion. To today’s GOP, Reagan was beloved and his presidency resided over a “shining city on a hill," as his campaign commercials portrayed America. The truth was more shaded, to say the least. Welfare cuts pushed half a million people, mostly children, into poverty; tax cuts helped the rich but not the rest of us; and unemployment during his first term hit a post-war high. Terrorists killed 220 marines in Beirut on Reagan’s watch, which Reagan responded to, not with resolve, but by cutting and running. Despite claims to the contrary, JFK, Eisenhower and even LBJ were more popular overall than Reagan (although his ratings at the very end of his second term were higher).

Reagan’s administration was filled with little lies, claims about trees being major air polluters and apartheid-era South Africa eliminating segregation. Never mind the larger distractions, like the eight senior members of his administration who were indicted. But his biggest lie came to be known as the Iran-Contra affair. Reagan came to office in 1980 in large part due to the failure of the Carter administration to successfully free hostages in Iran who had been held for over a year. The hostages were finally released the day of Reagan’s inauguration—thanks to Carter’s persistent diplomacy.

In 1985, during Reagan’s second term, Iran, which had taken additional hostages in the intervening years, offered to free the hostages in exchange for missiles. A plan was hatched in which Israel would ship missiles to Iran, the U.S. would resupply Israel with the missiles, and the U.S. would receive the cash that had been paid for the missiles. That cash would then go to Nicaragua, to fund the contras, the rebels Reagan portrayed as, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers," who were fighting to take down the elected Sandinista government.

When details of the exchange leaked in 1986, Reagan was forced to explain why America was selling missiles to a sworn enemy, while intervening in Nicaragua, which Congress had forbade. Reagan’s response was to deny that arms had been traded for hostages. "We did not, I repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else [to Iran] for hostages, nor will we." A few months later he admitted, "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not." A disingenuous way of saying, “I lied.”

A bit of real history instead of the blown up version.
First to go is the myth that Reagan was the most popular president since FDR. Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting reminds us, "During the first two years of Reagan's presidency, the public was giving President Reagan the lowest level of approval of all modern elected presidents. Reagan's average first-year approval rating was 58 percent-lower than Dwight Eisenhower's 69 percent, Jack Kennedy's 75 percent, Richard Nixon's 61 percent and Jimmy Carter's 62 percent." At the end of his second year, (remember the Reagan recession?) Reagan's approval rating was 41 percent; after the Iran-Contra scandal was revealed, Reagan's approval rating stood at 46 percent. His approval rating for his entire presidency was lower than Kennedy's, Eisenhower's and even Johnson's, and at times he was one of the most unpopular presidents in recent history.
Also forgotten is Reagan's own embarrassing propensity to just make things up. Reagan was a dunce and a fabricator. One of his most famous assertions was, "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do," and he maintained, wrongly, that sulfur dioxide emitted from Mount St. Helens was greater than that emitted by cars over a 10-year period. (In one day, cars emit 40 times what Mount St. Helens released in a day even at its peak activity.) In 1985, Reagan praised the P.W. Botha's apartheid regime of South Africa for eliminating segregation, a blunder then-Press Secretary Larry Speakes had to correct a few days later.
Other examples abound: During a 1983 Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony Reagan told a story about military heroism that New York Daily News columnist Lars-Erik Nelson wrote never happened. Nelson had checked the citations on all 434 Congressional Medals of Honor awarded during WWII. The scene Reagan described did appear, however, in the 1944 film A Wing and a Prayer. Larry Speakes' response? "If you tell the same story five times, it's true."

Sounds even like someone today!!! "the peemeister"

And let's not forget the wages of "trickle down" economics and "Reaganomics," from which we have still not recovered. In 1982, the Congressional Budget Office found that taxpayers earning under $10,000 lost an average of $240 from Reagan's 1981 tax cuts, while those earning more than $80,000 gained an average of $15,130. By that fall, the jobless rate hit 10.1 percent-the worst in 42 years, and a year later 11.9 million were out of work. In 1983, the country's poverty rate rose to 15 percent, the highest level since the mid-'60s. In 1984, a congressional study reported that cuts in welfare had pushed more than 500,000 people-the majority of them children-into poverty. Then-Attorney General Ed Meese's response? "I don't know of any authoritative figures that there are hungry children people go to soup kitchens because the food is free and that's easier than paying for it."

And Yes it is long. Liars usually have a long history of lying.
You lost any credibility you might have had when you used F.A.I.R. as your source, loser.
You either weren't alive during Reagan's presidency or you're incredibly dishonest (which is more likely the case). And your adolescent comments don't help your credibility much. Just sayin'.
You copy and paste from leftist hacks. When you can post an original thought, I'll respond accordingly. Until then, fuck off.

In other words, you can’t refute what he said so you launch a personal attack.

I’ll add a few items his list.

In the first two years of Reagan’s Administration, food stamp usage doubled, even though Reagan tightened the eligibility requirements.

Reagan also tried to have ketchup declared a vegetable to reduce costs for the school lunch program. Chinzing poor kids on the lunch program Evan as studies have shown that poor nuitrition adversely affects a child’s intellectual development.

And Reagan’s much vaunted “restoration of the military” had little to do with Reagan and more to do with Jimmy Carter. Carter who was a nuclear engineer, green lit the development of the “smart bombs” and missiles that restored American military might.

Reagan pissed away millions on his failed “Star Wars” missive defence shield until a Democratic Congress said “Enough” and cut off the funding.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
Trump = Good ??? !!! ???

Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?

Yep- look at all the bad people who hated President Obama.
Good Presidents will support and adhere to constitutional authority, they support strict law and order; they put Americans first, they’ll work diligently for and unify America’s best, they’ll support and fund the U.S. military...etc etc

Bad people hate the U.S. Constitution, they hate law and order, they hate wealthy positive contributors, they hate money being spent on the military as they prefer all taxpayer funds be spent on entitlements for our lowest grade citizens...etc etc

Are we really seeing anything new here with the Trump administration?
Bad always hates good...right?
Basically, in the age of MONEY=SPEECH, if a person becomes president, you can be pretty sure they are a bad person.
In other words, you can’t refute what he said so you launch a personal attack.

I’ll add a few items his list.

In the first two years of Reagan’s Administration, food stamp usage doubled, even though Reagan tightened the eligibility requirements.
Yeah, after Carter left him a 12.4% inflation rate, 17+% interest rates on home mortgages, double digit unemployment, resulting in a recession far worse than Obama inherited and whined about for 8 f-ing years. And let's not forget Carter's 70% income tax rates on businesses (the people who create jobs).
Reagan also tried to have ketchup declared a vegetable to reduce costs for the school lunch program. Chinzing poor kids on the lunch program Evan as studies have shown that poor nuitrition adversely affects a child’s intellectual development.

Compare for yourself:
Catsup, low sodium [Ketchup, low sodium] Nutrition Facts & Calories
Tomatoes, red, ripe, cooked Nutrition Facts & Calories
And Reagan’s much vaunted “restoration of the military” had little to do with Reagan and more to do with Jimmy Carter. Carter who was a nuclear engineer, green lit the development of the “smart bombs” and missiles that restored American military might.

This is funny. Military might??? Remember the Iranian Hostage Crisis? Yeah, we all do. Remember Carter's "rescue attempt"? Yeah, you'd like to forget that, huh? His advisors told him to do it soon because sand storms were coming soon but Carter couldn't make up his mind to take action. Finally, when he did, he used transport helicopters instead of combat helicopters (which were faster and far better equipped for a military operation). So he told them to remove the sand screens so they would be faster (idiot). Then when the helicopters landed in the desert, there was a sand storm and the engines got jammed up with sand (duh!). 8 servicemen were killed and left in the desert for the Iranians to drag through the streets to taunt our moronic president. Our nuclear arsenal was not maintained well because the funds weren't there, thanks to Carter. To give him credit for ANYTHING related to the military is laughable.
Reagan pissed away millions on his failed “Star Wars” missive defence shield until a Democratic Congress said “Enough” and cut off the funding.

Really? FAILED? WTF do you think we use to intercept missiles today? Democrats tried their best to stop the program but failed. It was a series of successful missile defense tests that finally broke the back of the Soviet Empire and brought them to the table to sign the first "verifiable" arms REDUCTION treaty (unlike Carter's Salt II joke). A treaty so effective, after Carter signed it, the Soviets turned around and invaded Afghanistan! Carter tried to call Breshnev on the red phone and Breshnev wouldn't talk to him. Just told him he'd get back to him after their work was done. So much for Carter's military leadership. Here, educate yourself.
Carter and Brezhnev sign the SALT-II treaty - Jun 18, 1979 - HISTORY.com

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