Have FBI/CIA Creds Been Permanently Damaged?

JFK wanted to dismantle the CIA way back when.
Since then it has only gotten worse Now you have not only the CIA but the FBI and the NSA involved in the corruption non too.
These agencies need to be taken down and rebuilt

I understand the sentiment, but IMHO it's the wrong approach because these agencies cannot be taken off-line. They have to continue to do the jobs they were supposed to do, but in an honest and impartial way. The answer is to start at the top; IMHO they need a Marine Corps 4-star general type person at the very apex that comes in with a commitment to change attitudes and approaches. Do it right, do it without personal or political bias, and do it with the utmost sense of honor and duty or get fired. And prosecuted to boot if illegal wrong-doings can be proved. The respective IGs have to be cleaned up, with new rules and standards as needed and adherence is mandatory. To everybody. The President has to be 100% behind this effort in every federal agency, not just the investigative/intelligence services, and so does Congress.

It can be done, but the will to do it is lacking, especially if I may say so about the Dems cuz the current deep state apparatchik is primarily left-leaning and that's putting it mildly. You gotta weed out the bad apples, with serious consequences - no pensions, no bennies if you fucked up or otherwise failed to meet ethical standards. Every position above a certain level needs to be non-union, you serve at the pleasure of the President and can be fired if he/she deems it necessary. And even the union positions have to meet the standards too, and if they don't like it then maybe it's time to disband gov't public unions, at least at the national level. States and below can run their own gov't as they choose.
JFK wanted to dismantle the CIA way back when.
Since then it has only gotten worse Now you have not only the CIA but the FBI and the NSA involved in the corruption non too.
These agencies need to be taken down and rebuilt

I understand the sentiment, but IMHO it's the wrong approach because these agencies cannot be taken off-line. They have to continue to do the jobs they were supposed to do, but in an honest and impartial way. The answer is to start at the top; IMHO they need a Marine Corps 4-star general type person at the very apex that comes in with a commitment to change attitudes and approaches. Do it right, do it without personal or political bias, and do it with the utmost sense of honor and duty or get fired. And prosecuted to boot if illegal wrong-doings can be proved. The respective IGs have to be cleaned up, with new rules and standards as needed and adherence is mandatory. To everybody. The President has to be 100% behind this effort in every federal agency, not just the investigative/intelligence services, and so does Congress.

It can be done, but the will to do it is lacking, especially if I may say so about the Dems cuz the current deep state apparatchik is primarily left-leaning and that's putting it mildly. You gotta weed out the bad apples, with serious consequences - no pensions, no bennies if you fucked up or otherwise failed to meet ethical standards. Every position above a certain level needs to be non-union, you serve at the pleasure of the President and can be fired if he/she deems it necessary. And even the union positions have to meet the standards too, and if they don't like it then maybe it's time to disband gov't public unions, at least at the national level. States and below can run their own gov't as they choose.

. . . and what about the private sector?

Most of this is outsourced, and no one is talking about that.

5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry
This unaccountable oligarchy of spies controls the information that guides our military and civilian leaders.
5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in Washington in February 2016. Previously, Clapper held a position in the private sector with SRA International. (AP Photo / Alex Brandon)

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